It Must Be Our Lucky Day

May 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump is ushering in death panels today but there’s an added bonus – the religious right can hate us with official US Government approval before we die.

He’s signing a “religious freedom” executive order today that will allow the church lady to holler and discriminate against people in the name of Jesus.  He threw out that separation of church and state thing. My heart breaks over this.

In honor of this executive order, I would like to share my favorite hymn with you. It has gotten me through some rough times, and I wish every day that my Grandma Rose was was singing it to me just one more time.


You may not use Sweet Jesus as your own personal weapon.


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0 Comments to “It Must Be Our Lucky Day”

  1. treehugger says:

    I want freedom FROM religion.

  2. So an intellectual giant like TJefferson can be trumped (so to speak) by a follow-on president with the intellectual capacity of an amoeba? Yes, I guess so.

    The Establishment Clause just took in-coming.

  3. WA Skeptic says:

    DJT: Oath-breaker.

    He must have taken the Oath of Office with his fingers crossed.


  4. Jane & PKM says:

    When will the ignorant goat herds ever learn that they are free to practice whatever religion they choose, while what they are NOT “free” to do is impose their wishes upon others?

    Pray to Mammon. Pray to Jupiter. Pray to Ivanka Trump’s flammable pumps, if the heel is at least 4″. It’s all good, until there is either a command or a demand that all must join mind & body to the same worship.

  5. Does this mean our long, national nightmare is over?
    Has The War on Christmas finally ended?

  6. Laurel Beckett says:

    Oh goody. We each get to impose personal religious beliefs on everyone else. What could possibly go wrong?

    I’m a Quaker. Our religion calls for unprogrammed worship, in which we remain silent unless we have something that really needs to be said. Do I get to “elder” the Mango Mussolini now, and insert a tiny little cork whenever he opens his tiny little mouth to spout incoherent hate-filled gibberish?

    If all public spaces are now subject to religious oversight, I want to enforce public silence not just on the Orange one but on every last corrupt and bigoted sidekick of his, including Pence, the granny-starving pre-existing-con-job in the House, the Turtle, and the entire cabinet, not to mention Uday, Qusay, and the whole clan, with the possible exception of Barron, who hasn’t said anything yet. He seems really good at silence.

  7. Iseult The Idle says:

    As they filed into the chamber to vote to remove access to health care from millions of Americans, they played the theme from “Rocky”.

    Because they’re the underdogs, with their majority in both houses and such as that.

    Heroic, y’all. Damned heroic.

  8. Judith Holiday says:

    It DJT were in a Quaker meeting he’d be tweeting the whole time. Of course he’d be saying we’re cowards because we don’t fight.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    Wingnuts celebrate the repeal of ACA at the WH.

    Only hope is for the senate to stop the madness.

  10. Quaker Granny says:

    Another Quaker here… Gee, does this executive order mean the government can no longer violate MY religious freedom by forcing me to finance Trump’s oh-so-photogenic bombing adventures with my tax money? No? Didn’t think so.

  11. Iseult The Idle says:

    @EPO, the Senate can’t stop it, it’s done.

    Twenty-some million Americans are losing access to health care, and they’re celebrating. Because stickin’ it to Obama is what counts.

  12. Of course, he would make it legal for “preachers” to be as verbally abusive as he is. A bass awkward collar wearer with a catastrophic brain/mouth would simply legitimate his behavior. I’ve lived through times when there wasn’t a Johnson Amendment and those haters who claimed to be speaking from a religious basis still make me nauseous when they pop upon my memory. Even with the Johnson Amendment there were still problems. Now its Katy bar the door.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    e platypus onion, wait for it. Smack downs are coming soon. Unlike House varmints who are in gerrymandered safe districts, Senators face state wide elections. Although I don’t underestimate their st00pid, it’s unlikely the Senate will commit political suicide for Donnie over repeal/replace. Dolt45 has already been blistered in the courts twice for his EOs on immigration. Expect that even a conservative court would take a ban hammer to his religious ‘liberty’ EO. Can’t wait until the Establishment Clause slaps Donnie in the face.

  14. Tilphousia says:

    A curse upon them all! And when the bodies of the murdered people stack up I wonder who his anti Christian Satan loving preachers will blame, and who the GOP ghouls will blame. And hopefully the sad relatives of the murdered will sue every rethug who voted to take away healthcare from 24 million people.

  15. Iseult The Idle says:

    Well, I stand corrected. The Senate killed it after all.

  16. JAKvirginia says:

    Boy… this is sweet. What’s the old adage about letting someone have enough rope? They hang themselves, right? I will ‘splain:

    – House cobbles together AHCA.
    – House does not wait for CBO analysis.
    – House passes AHCA by 2 votes.
    – Now the press can evaluate bill.
    – Mitch says no rush for Senate to vote.
    – Waiting for CBO analysis.
    – Press and CBO will not have good news.
    – Senate kills AHCA (MAYBE), or…
    – Senate passes AHCA (MAYBE)
    – Donnie signs bill into law (IF HE GETS IT).

    Then the sh*t hits the proverbial fan.

    The AHCA is a huge grift to the rich and a screw you to everyone else. This will NOT sit well with the R base. Backlash will be huge and on R’s butts. And 2018 is coming! Thanks for this health care MOAB boys!

    New Dem slogan: We didn’t drop that bomb!

  17. How every congressvarmint voted on health care bill

  18. 1. I realize it does no good.
    2. I sent an email to my Congressvarmint expressing my disappointment with his vote.
    3. I realize it does no good.

  19. Jane & PKM says:

    Micr, our NV varmint Amodei voted with the st00pid. No surprise that. But he now will be back to NV to face voters. So we hope he is ripped into enough shreds that our Senator, Heller, grabs a clue that maybe he might not want to rally with Dolt45’s ‘victory.’

    “3. I realize it does no good.” Yes, and no. It is a tougher battle to talk sense to st00pid in the heavily gerrymandered districts, but it doesn’t hurt to make ourselves heard with those government sponsored benefit loving weasels. Battle cry 2018 and send them a message that they’re not as secure in their seats as they’d like to think they are. Let them be worried about a primary from the further wrong and let it come as a major surprise to them when they are defeated by a Democrat. 2018, the year of rodent reduction!

    Almost wish I lived in Wisconsin. Kicking Lyin’ Ryan to the curb would be a special pleasure. Dear Wisconsin please run a credible Democrat. We’ll send money.

  20. AlanInAustin ... says:

    I’d like to know exactly what my religion can claim under this act. For example, if my religion is against greed can I then get away with not paying sales tax, a repressive form of taxation which hurts the poor the most? Can I not pay income tax if my religion is against supporting men who brag about assaulting women and discriminating against minorities?

  21. @Jane & PKM

    I hope an overwhelming number of voters pay attention to this and vote in November, 2018.

    I am cross with just about every incumbent from the top of the ticket to the bottom. If I can help one or two rue their decisions I’m in.

  22. Bud Malonee says:

    Religion is a personal affront to my intelligence. To my friends that are true believers – “what does God do?” It’s obvious what God doesn’t do.

  23. Jodi deVries says:

    If churches are going to be political rallies. Ok. I get it. But no more “religious” exemptions.
    If practiced by our churches, they will lose credibility, camaraderie, safe place, what churches are supposed to be and do.
    Lose, lose for churches, temples, mosques …

  24. There’s a new religion called Trumptianity. Much like the religion it morphed from, it has a triad at the top: Donald the Father, Jared the Son (in law), and Steve Bannon the Wholly Evil Spirit. Of course there is the Holy Intercessor Ivanka that mere mortals can use to appeal to the Holy One.

  25. @Sam in St Paul

    You describe a grotesquely evil triune. Yeeech!

  26. @Sam in StP, I bet your representative voted against this cruelty. Do you have Betty McCollum? You lucky dog. She is among the best.

    Mine is that slimy excuse for humanity, Jason Loser. (I’m in Northfield.) I’d like to rip his tiny, pea-sized ‘nads off him, stuff them in his mouth and send him home with his teeny weenie between his legs, never to be seen again. Failing in that, I will ramp up my efforts to make sure he never Ever represents me again.

    Emmer and Paulsen voted for it too. Neither are the moderates they claim to be.

  27. BTW, female is now a pre-existing condition relegating women to the back of the health care bus again. Maybe fraidy cat Mike Dense can feel safer around us scary women now that we’ve been put in our place – in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.

    I really, really hate those guys.

  28. I’ve just written my congressperson, Chris Collins (NY), congratulating him on being 1/3 of the way to the GOP goal of trampling on the poor, the elderly, the sick, the handicapped, and anyone unfortunate enough to be born with a uterus. Collins is in the majority of those who didn’t bother reading the bill, because it didn’t really matter what the exact words were, anyway.

  29. Tilphousia says:

    Counting down to lawsuit time. That drooling moron in the White House isn’t happy with bills to murder people he also messes with Mr Jefferson. Those smiling nuns make me vomit. The little sisters of the poor are notorious for firing employees six months before retirement so as not to pat their retirement.
    They get another person to lie so it’s bye bye and we keep the money. Yeah. Real Christian. But then all too often those who scream ‘Christian values’ the loudest aren’t Christian at all. Christ didn’t discriminate. EVER! And he never once mentioned gay people. Never. But y’all wait and see. Gay bashing has just been ‘legitimized by traitor trump to satisfy loudmouth unChristians. Trump is doing EXACTLY what Hitler did only using immigrants and the gay community. He must be removed along with evil pence and the rest. Democracy is at stake here.

  30. Old Fart says:

    To all you wonderful people that can do something about the Republican control of Congress: take heart! And take aim at their seats, because all of their conceit and meanness is documented…

  31. Irish in S.C. says:

    It took 2016 years and 4+ months but Jesus finally died.

  32. Tilphousia makes a damn good point about how Hitler used “other” groups of people to stir the wrath of the bigger mass. Now Trump is doing it, too. Way too telling! Where are the impeachment papers? What is taking so long?

  33. Old Quaker (Colorado) says:

    Wingnut so-called christians can discriminate with gov’t approval because of their consciences. Quakers have to pay taxes because
    our consciences don’t count. Please explain.

  34. I read that the ACLU is not even bothering to start defending against the religious freedumb EO as they have determined it doesn’t do anything. Hope they are right.

    Health care celebrators are being identified for ads already. “Get your participation trophies and get on the bus” is going to be a bad look come 2018, let’s sincerely hope.

  35. Old Quaker (Colorado) says:

    Now that it’s legal for churches and other tax-exempt religious groups to be politically active instead of donating to political campaigns, donate to your church (or whatever) and it’s deductable. Once the church up the street from us had a large literature rack with no Jesus stuff, only GOP campaign fliers etc. IRS said take it down or pay taxes. Might have to check them out and see if they have switched back to politics.

  36. Lunargent says:

    The ACLU says that this EO, or whatever the hell it is, has little or no effect on the law.

    I sure hope they’re right.
