Marsha Blackburn
My Grandpa grew up in the northeastern part of Arkansas and went to a one room schoolhouse. He was a self educated man and knew more about ancient history than anyone I know. He once told me that a sure sign of an educated man was someone who knew the difference between a quote from the Bible and one from Shakespeare. I found that amusing at the time, as did he, and I still do.
Because Senator Marsha Blackburn, Republican from Tennessee.
No, Marsha. I wasn’t Jesus. Jesus warned us about hypocrites, stingy people, and false prophets. You know, people like you.
“Kill all the lawyers” came from Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part 2. It came from a player named Dick the Butcher, recognizing that lawyers are what keeps tyrants from becoming all powerful kings. Context, Marsha, context.
Thanks to Bubba the Lawyer for the heads up.