Market Forces

July 24, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For Republicans who believe in market forces, this has got to be very disappointing. It appears that their heroes are not so much in demand.

Matt Gaetz and Majorie Taylor Greene joined up with perpetual Washington insider, Load O. Crap, to complete their three ring circus road fundraising tour.  They made big stops around the country and set out to raise money for Gaetz’s creepy state of affairs and Greene’s peroxide.

Not so successful.

But new campaign filings show that not only did the gamble not pay off, but that the much-maligned Republicans actually spent four times as much as they raised.

The actual numbers break down to $59,345.54 raised up against $287,036.19 spent. That’s a $227,691. loss. It appears that their skank quotient didn’t cover their basic necessities.

Their trip included several stops in California.  During the first stop, Greene screamed on about the vaccine and then they told supporters to “fight in the streets.”  Three successive venues in California canceled after that.

The tour started in Florida. It should have stayed there. Any news story that starts with “Florida man …” is going to involve an alligator, and large caliber gun, the drinking kind of alcohol, a woman over the age of 60, a juke box, missing body parts, and a carton of American Spirit cigarettes, not necessarily in that order.


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