It’s Time to Start Shaming Anti-Vaxxers

July 24, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus

Note:  COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to be safe and effective and protect recipients from contracting the virus or greatly reducing symptoms if they did.  Serious reactions to the vaccines are very low.  The risk of serious illness or death from the virus far outweighs the risk of serious negative reactions to the vaccine.  The vaccine is our only hope for coming out of the endless waves of infection as the virus mutates.

Yesterday, Kay Ivey, conservative Republican governor of Alabama, finally said it:

There’s not much that Ivey says that I agree with, but I do agree 100% with this.  She along with many other governors, public health officials and the millions of responsible vaccinated people are fed up with the idiocy and irresponsibility of other millions of Americans’ not doing their part to stop the pandemic that has killed 600,000 Americans and infected millions.

I’m certainly fed up and believe it’s long past time to start shaming people who cling to bullshit conspiracy theories, religious dogma, and just plain old garden variety stupidity in resisting receiving the vaccine which is safe, effective, easily obtainable and FREE.  For fuck’s sake, folks, we’re now well into the fourth wave of infection and death and almost ALL of those falling ill and dying are unvaccinated.  What else do you need to convince you to get the vaccine?

We all know who to blame for politicizing science, vilifying scientists, and fomenting all of the divisiveness and fear.  It ranges from right wing talking heads, governors, local and state representatives, national representatives, and religious nuts, ending up at the feet of Trump.  The anti-vaccine hysteria will always be with us, especially with liars like Joseph Mercola, an Osteopath and the largest individual purveyor of vaccine lies to sell his “natural” cures.  He is number one in the “Disinformation Dozen”, the 12 most prolific spreaders of lies about COVID-19 and the vaccines.  Their misinformation is cynical, immoral, and is getting people killed.  The fact that they are profiting from it is inexcusable.

It’s time for normal, responsible Americans to start calling out and shaming those who peddle or support the spread of bullshit and who refuse to be vaccinated.  We need to stop the soft-peddling of “vaccine hesitancy” because that hesitancy is based on lies, distortions, and outright falsehood and it’s simply got to stop.  If you know someone you do business with is anti-vax, stop doing business with them and tell them why.  I recently did that with my dentist when I discovered he’s anti-vax.  If you have a family member who refuses, tell them you won’t see them until they get vaccinated.  If nothing else has worked, maybe this will.  If not, you don’t need to be exposed to that kind of stupidity.   I know it’s hard, but it’s time.  We’re not coming out of this until we get to herd immunity, and worse, the virus will continue to mutate into more contagious and possible deadly strains as it propagates.

Societies who don’t look after one another die.  Our society is in danger of suffering years of infection, economic strife and death driven by anti-vaxxers who callously inflict their stupidity on everyone else.

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0 Comments to “It’s Time to Start Shaming Anti-Vaxxers”

  1. John Thorne says:

    The rethugs haven’t suddenly grown a conscience. Somebody clever told them that their nonsense had cause their true believers had become the main target of the pandemic they denied.

  2. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I had already decided this….I have clients I dearly love, but I will not see them in person if they are not vaccinated. I am officially tired of people who are willfully forcing the rest of us to live with Covid19 forever. I have a smallpox vaccine scar (more than one, actually). I had the polio vaccine. I’ve had measles, mumps, chicken pox, and rubella because there were no vaccines for them when I was a child.

    These folks need to stop being stupid and selfish and get this pandemic OVER with.

  3. Ormond Otvos says:

    We may be living with Covid forever, but the happy side of the coin is that the dumbest righties will be the most likely to die off.

    Sort of natural gerrymandering, eh?

  4. Sorta OT, but I’ve got what’ll probably be a stupid question.
    Are the first and second shots of vaccine the exact same meds and dosage? Is the second somehow different from the first to compliment it? There’s been talk of uncertainty about whether a 3rd shot as a booster would be beneficial.
    I got the impression that IT would somehow be different, but if the first two are doses of the same thing, wouldn’t a third just be better?
    Are the answers to that one question (see what I did there?) different when asked about Pfizer vs. Moderna?
    I only ask because apparently there’s some vaccine doses that are having to be destroyed because they’re expiring, due to idiots not wanting them.
    So IF getting a third shot hasn’t been shown to be detrimental, whether or not it’d actually be beneficial, WHERE THE HELL DO I HAVE TO DRIVE TO TO GET STUCK AGAIN?
    I mean seriously, I still have to reach just as far for my fork and compasses still point north when I hold em.
    And if Bill Gates wants to know where I’m at, I’m cool with that. I don’t get around as good as I used to, but I’ve seen pictures of the guy and he looks purty scrawny to me.

    I can take him.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Surprised ftucker carlson isn’t in the dirty dozen of covid vaccine misinformation. As far as I’m concerned, he’s been like the Jim Jones of covid vaccine misinformation on teevee.
    I also read that after Hannity went on teevee telling his audience to take covid serious, he backtracked to make sure people didn’t think he was recommending they get vaccinated.
    I agree with Ormond Otvos that these right wingnuts that aren’t vaccinated and go maskless, like their too tough to catch it, will be the ones that die from it. Problem is, there are many vaccinated people with compromised immune system issues that could end up dying with them.

  6. anti-vaxxers are ALL stoopider than a box of rocks!! I hope ALL of them get the CV19, suffer long with many complications that they must live with for a long time, so that they may serve as a good examples of stoopid for others in the future!!!
    ANy anti-vaxxer that claims the shot is phony and a gov’mint tracking chip is TOO STOOPID to talk to. Have you seen the size of those tiny needles and they are suppose to give you a chip, with antenna and battery so the gov’mint can track you…you are showing your basic stOOpid. Besides you ignorant maroon…the gov’mint can track you anytime it wishes … you have a iphone!!!!

  7. I love your passionate arguments, El Jefe. Too many are being stupid and selfish. They say ‘Their body, their choice’, my ass. Hell no, not when we’re dealing with a highly infectious, deadly disease. We have immuno-compromised family I worry about. And then there’s the under 12s, for now.

    I’ve heard some clever vaccine advocates argue that people who say they don’t want unwanted & unknown* vaccine ingredients in their bodies, yet eat processed & junk food, should be ridiculed.

    *While waiting for my first Moderna shot, I was given a list of the ingredients to check & see if I knew if I was allergic to anything. The preservative seems to be the main problem for some, clinic staff told me.

  8. The sudden Republican volte-face is welcome but disgusting in its shamelessness. And the trogs don’t like it so it will probably end up as a political whitewash

  9. So Kay Ivey had to wait until 600,000+ deaths to gain a conscience and speak up about this? If so, she’s as much to blame as anyone. I do agree about staying away from people and businesses where there aren’t vaccinations. I went to an eye doctor who bragged that he wasn’t going to be vaccinated, like it was something to be proud of. I was well into the appointment before he said that. Fortunately, I am completely vaccinated, but you can be sure I will never go there again and will put the word out as much as I can to stay away from the guy. He’s in Silverdale, Washington if anyone wants more info.

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Actual experts say that the more a covid variant spreads, the likelihood that another more deadly variant will emerge. Suggest after the delta variant, they name the next one the repugnantican variant. It’s coming fast. I’m wearing a mask indoors despite being fully vaccinated.

  11. Katherine says:

    I have an 8 month old grandbaby that depends on the adults in his life to keep him safe. We’re going back to masking up in addition to be fully vaccinated.

  12. Let me see if I got this right. “My body, my life” only applies to the vaccine and not to abortions? Hypocrites.

  13. john in denver says:

    PP @4 ….
    Are the first and second shots of vaccine the exact same meds and dosage?
    yes, Moderna and Pfizer 2 dose approach has the same stuff in each, which is why people could be getting 1 or 2 out of the same batch at the same sites.

    There’s been talk of uncertainty about whether a 3rd shot as a booster would be beneficial. I got the impression that IT would somehow be different, but if the first two are doses of the same thing, wouldn’t a third just be better?
    A booster would allow the “same” development technology to adapt to the new elements of the varients. Delta variant doesn’t seem to outwit P or M … but is able to skate around some of the blocking techniques of other vaccines.

    Are the answers to that one question (see what I did there?) different when asked about Pfizer vs. Moderna?
    P & M used a similar development approach — Messenger RNA (mRNA). As such, they seem about as effective on (present day) variants of concern.

    I only ask because apparently there’s some vaccine doses that are having to be destroyed because they’re expiring, due to idiots not wanting them.
    So IF getting a third shot hasn’t been shown to be detrimental, whether or not it’d actually be beneficial, WHERE THE HELL DO I HAVE TO DRIVE TO TO GET STUCK AGAIN?
    Check with your medical provider or your local public health outlet — but as far as I’ve read, there is no standard approach advising “go get a third shot.” If a booster does become advisable, I’m pretty certain it will be all over the media.

  14. Trump anti-vaccine followers sacrificing their lives to their avenging, almighty leader to prove their loyalty. Who knew it could get this nonsensical & perverse.

    While the CPAC cult supports Donald Trump and cheers anti-vaccination speakers they seem to forget their leader was at the head of the line for his vaccination & encouraged his supporters to get vaccinated. SICK!

    Wake up idiots! Your leader is playing you for the fools you are. I’m sure he didn’t think it would be this easy.

  15. G Foresight says:

    RE: 9 “I went to an eye doctor who bragged that he wasn’t going to be vaccinated….”

    Similar story from a person I know. They (fully vaccinated) went to a dentist and during the cleaning the dentist mentioned she was not vaccinated. A dentist! The dentist did have on Personal protective equipment (PPE) but still, an air-transmitted virus when your job is to work on teeth of obviously unmasked patients? That dentist lost the person I know as a customer as well as any referrals.

    Shame won’t work on the shameless but maybe economics will?

  16. publius bolonius says:

    If cultists continuously demonstrate they are too stupid to live, who am I to interfere?

  17. I am not sure shaming makes anybody change their behaviour.

    But those that are not vaxxed should be the ones that have the restrictions, not the people who are vaxxed.
    They should not be allowed on cruises or anywhere people in large groups congregate.

    I have no problem with restrictions for them.
    They don’t mind us taking the ‘risks’ of the vaccine to build up herd immunity which in turn will protect them !

  18. The Surly Professor says:

    Steve from Beaverton: the “next” variant is already out and named the lambda variant. But no reason we can’t associate names with the Greek letters! How about “lambda for lunatic”, or “gamma for Gaetz”, etc.? We all know who the tau variant should be named for.

    Also, P.P.: “I still have to reach just as far for my fork and compasses still point north when I hold em.” 1. that made my day, and 2. I’m gonna steal that, it’s too good to pass up. Of course, the Qultists will tell you it’s because the Jewish space lasers have not yet activated your chips.

    I’ve been ridiculing some of the “vaccine hesitant”, cajoling some others, and doing friendly conversation with the rest. Whatever works best.

  19. boscobrownstone says:

    Seriously, what type of person gets their medical advice from a politician or a talk show host?

  20. Diane, I doubt shaming people will very often change that person’s in regards to getting a vaccine. What it can do, with that person sometimes and others often, is encourage them to shut the fuck up. That does work. Not all the time, but often enough. People, most people, don’t like being mocked and shamed, esp. when they’re being mocked and shamed for something they not only cannot deny, but that they’ve been bragging about.

  21. When I was a dental hygienist in my former life, I had many patients who declined much needed x-rays because they thought they were dangerous. And the majority of them did this with a packet of cigarettes sitting prominently in their shirt pocket, or with a container of “chaw” in the back pocket of their jeans.

    I have no hope for changing the minds of people who refuse to be vaccinated.

    This is from Politico: Almost every public health official, local vaccine volunteer and physician in Alabama and Louisiana who spoke to POLITICO pointed to social media and the media as the main reason people in their neighborhoods are still holding out on the vaccine. It’s caused one nurse in rural Louisiana responsible for administering the shot to think that the federal government concocted the vaccine so they could “flip a switch and turn everyone into zombies,” she said, asking to remain anonymous because her comments could get her in trouble at work. “I eventually got the shot because of my work. But people and power can do anything to us. You never know.”
