Making Me Crazy

June 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so you know how the rightwing hates, hates, hates taxes or any federal spending whatsoever?

Well, that’s only if their own hineys aren’t in a sling.

It seems that Michelle Malkin, a woman lacking in whatever thing most women have that makes them reasonable but has doubled-up whatever makes some women shrill, is now whining that President Barack Obama is not spending enough money on something SHE wants.

First off, allow me to speculate that if whining were an Olympic sport, Michelle Malkin could finally bring some pride to her country.

The smell of singed air here is inescapable. Less than 50 miles west of my neighborhood, the latest wildfire has spread across 1,100 acres.

The Obama administration’s neglect of the federal government’s aerial tanker fleet raises acrid questions about its core public safety priorities.

Ten years ago, the feds had a fleet of 44 firefighting planes. Today, the number is down to nine for the entire country.

Okay, so firefighting is not the State of Colorado’s job?  But only when Michelle Malkin is living in Colorado?

And let’s bring in Mr. Mathematics.  Ten years ago, the fleet was 44 and now it’s down to nine?  Obama has been President only 3 of those years. And the President who started with 44 and ended with 10 would be ….. ?  But the President who takes Malkin’s blame is ….?

And there one other tidbit she’s attempting to sparkle over.  If Republicans were willing to pay their damn taxes, our country could have a lot of damn things we need, fer gosh sake.  But Mitt Romney took a tax break for his stinkin’ horse big enough to keep some of that fleet in the air.

They want our cake and they want to eat it, too.

Michelle Malkin might as well get used to the heat of the fires ‘cuz the devil just loves hypocrites.

Thanks to Robert for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Making Me Crazy”

  1. I dubbed her “Malicious Malkin” years ago and she has done nothing to change my opinion of her since then.

    The hypocrisy of her rantings know no bounds.

    No cake for republicans
    And double my portion especially if it is chocolate cake with chocolate frosting!

  2. “Malicious Malkin” makes a nice second bookend for “Mama Grisly.” I’m not sure where that leaves Bachmann.

  3. Suzy Allison says:

    Bachmann lends a whole new dimension of meaning to the term “lunatic fringe.”

  4. m in El Paso says:

    Thanks for taking on “MM” today. It was the addition of her column years ago (to replace one of two each week by Molly Ivins) in our local paper (to reflect the #@!? views of some of our citizens) that caused me to lose all respect for the progressively more conservative EPTimes. Thanks for reminding me why I don’t read our editorial pages anymore.

    Belated happy birthday. Hope it was a sparkly one!

  5. I’m going to go with “Ballistic Bachmann”. Seems the least little thing sets her off. Poor thing.

  6. Ah yes, the anchor baby. Parents came on a work visa and stayed.

  7. Susan the Neon Nurse says:

    I was Not At All happy when she moved here, but whaddya gonna do? Tourists come and stay, that’s Colorado’s glory and burden.

    The wildfires are actually pretty bad, though. As of last night there were nine. We’ve been in a drought pattern for several years now, there are a lot of dead trees in the mountain forests because of a pine beetle infestation that flared up (also a few years ago) and it’s been super hot and windy all week. (It was 109 here on the High Plains yesterday, and today is forecast to be the same.) They’ve evactuated Manitou Springs and a couple other towns. Manitou is over 100 years old and has a lot of old wood homes and buildings. If the fire gets in there, it’s gone.

    Of the many things MM should be ashamed of but isn’t, using a genuine tragic emergency situation to pump up her lame rhetoric ought to be up near the top of the list.

  8. I try not to listen to or read anything said or written by this poor excuse for a woman, Malicious Malkin. Just seeing her picture makes me break out in hives.

  9. Yup, never have liked MM. BTW, I had a birthday shot of tequila (just one!) in your honor last nite…Aye caramba! As a Texican (Latino), I’m ashamed to admit that tequila kicks my butt…Maybe I’ll have a margarita later1 😉

  10. Reminds me that Red states take more federal money than they pay in taxes, and Blue states pay more than they get back….

    Most of the fires in Utah (at least) were started by people shooting guns in tinder-dry brush, but it’s illegal to ask them to knock off the play-shooting because you can’t restrict gun use during an emergency… even if the gun use caused the emergency. To the NRA this makes sense, if not to anyone with a brain larger than a bullet.

  11. Seems we had raging wildfires in Texas about this time a year ago, and I don’t recall (although I could be wrong) Federal assistance here, either.

    But I don’t remember Malkin hollerin’ for the Feds to come to our rescue. Or to any of the annual (?) fires in California my daughter has to keep an eye on.

    Yup, pretty much a case of the Fed is just there for her own personal benefit, the rest of us be damned….

  12. Bonzo Bachmann?

  13. @ Lindy–that’s Noted Anchor Baby ™ Michelle Malkin


    @ Diane– the other Michelle earned hers a long time ago. “Bat$%#t Bachman” Remember when she ambushed Dubya after the State of the Union.

    Another good alternative is “beard.”

  14. So Michelle Malkin has jumped on the “Make A Small Fortune Writing The Same Book Trashing Liberals Every Two Years” circuit, too? Like the song says, nice work if you can get it.

  15. I agree with June. Just seeing Malicous Malkin gives me heartburn. Ann Coulter, Bachman, Palin, all the blond bimbos on FOX – shudder. Where are the Tums?

  16. You just contributed to the perpetuation of a net “fact”. A decline of forty four tankers to nine over the last decade’s fire profile. Doubt it, doubt it, doubt it…

  17. Does the article have a nice “keep your government hands off my Medicare” soundbyte?

  18. Going Galt isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

  19. daChipster says:

    Perhaps MM would also like to see the government do something about the climatic conditions that have turned the American West into a tinderbox in the first place. Maybe she’ll come to what few senses she has if that free market fire does a leveraged takeover of her house.

  20. She’ll probably blame Obama for all those streetlights being out in Colorado Springs, CO too …

  21. Peggy Mitchell says:

    I have a question of MM…She was born in Philadephia to Philippine citizens while they were here on an “extended vacation”. They used her birth to make it easier for her parents to become residents. This is the same bitch that loves to throw around the term “ANCHOR BABIES” as a derogatory term. What in the hell is wrong with this woman?

  22. Also, New York Times did a piece on the decline in the fleet’s numbers. The reasons the fleet has decreased is for free-market reasons: the planes are old bombers which have broken down and worn out over the years. Newer planes could be repurposed for firefighting but because firefighting is done by PRIVATE CONTRACTORS whom the Forest Service contracts — ahem, a cherished Libertarian wet dream — they Times says they cannot afford these newer planes.

    So. Libertarian FAIL.


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