Lucky Us! Lucky Us!
Newt Gingrich is back! Oh damn, I’ve missed him.
He has decided that he will not accept Joe Biden as president because the election was neither “legitimate or honorable.” Seriously, that whore used the word honorable. And I think he expected that people would not snort laughing.
Gingrich wrote in an op-ed published Monday in The Washington Times. “My unwillingness to relax and accept that the election was over grew out of a level of outrage and alienation unlike anything I had experienced in more than 60 years involvement in public affairs.”
See, here’s the problem, I don’t think he believes that public affairs is the same thing you do. And ya got that whole 60 year dilemma. He was elected to congress in 1978 and he left congress in 1998. By even fancy math, that’s just 20 years. He’s now being supported by his wife, the ambassador to the Vatican. I guess she’s busy packing while he auditions for a job at OAN.
It’ll be like it used to be – Newt is the fountain of where all cheap jokes flow.