Lucky Iowa

October 15, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lookie here.


Can Texas get in on this deal?   Can we get it in writing? Thelma says she’d be happy to notarize it – for free.



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0 Comments to “Lucky Iowa”

  1. Can that apply to the whole country? Let’s ship him off to his buddy Putin and let him figure out where to put him.

  2. thatotherjean says:

    He’s not going to win DC or MD or VA, either. Can we make the same deal?

  3. Karen in New Mexico says:

    Well boo hoo. Does he think that anyone is going to miss him a year from now? Although I will confess that I was looking forward to seeing video of him eating corny dogs, kissin’ babies and judging the tractor pull at the state fair.

  4. This may be a promise he actually keeps. He’ll never want to build a hotel or golf course here, and more importantly, we do not have a Federal Penitentiary in Iowa. I’m hoping he goes to San Quentin.
    Side note- The Orange P.O.S & Mrs War on Christmas have not requested mail in ballots yet. You can look it up on the Palm Beach County website.. Last day to request is the 24th…

  5. Even more to the point, because he’s got a house here, can we in Florida get the same deal?

    Sure, Florida went with him last time, but old white people are deserting him in droves so we’ve got a chance, here, to get in on it. Right?

    Actually, Rhea’s idea is the best option we’ve got.

  6. Promises, promises.

    This is like those libertarians claiming they have to win some concession or they will “Go Galt”. Harshly stiffed or rudely ignored, they never do pack up and leave. I point out that they haven’t followed through on their threat and they just shrug.

    It’s almost as if they really don’t believe their own rhetoric.

  7. Brad in Dallas says:

    I still think he’s working on fleeing to the UAE or Turkey or the Philppines. Someplace without extradition. Ain’t no way the NY AG is gonna get his butt in a courtroom, he’ll fort up in Trump Tower and declare secession if nothing else.

  8. Buttermilk Sky says:

    To be fair, it’s not much of a sacrifice. Iowa only gets attention once every four years because of those dumb caucuses. Has anyone ever proposed a vacation trip to Davenport to see the Bix Biederbecke birthplace? I love jazz and I wouldn’t go.

    Nebraska is where it’s at.

  9. It is my hope that he proceeds directly from the White House to his extradition hearing to send him to NY.

    While I would love to send him to the NY Dannemora facility, because of the places name, “Clinton Correctional Facility”, he would wind up at Sing Sing, as that is the only geriatric unit in the state system. There is always hope for Jr, the dumber one, and the SIL will get there.

    When the most favored daughter dropped off the radar for a week, what came to mind was this TV promo.

    Voiceover, as video shows penthouse views…

    “Tune in Nov 4th for our after election mini-series. HGTV’s Celebrity House Hunters International: No Extradition Treaty Special”

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Wherever Trumpf flees to after (maybe before) being indicted, please take Giuliani. I don’t think even Putin will want him after he’s out of office because he’ll be more trouble than he’s worth to Russia. Actually I don’t know who would take him. He’s basically damaged goods and his brand will be as worthless as rotten eggs. But he will need an “attorney”.

  11. He’s right, there are no federal prisons in Iowa.

  12. Grandma Ada says:

    Please God that the new TX GOP doesn’t invite him to Texas!

  13. What??? There aren’t ANY federal prisons in Iowa where he can live out the rest of his life?

  14. All kinds of insurance premiums suddenly got smaller in Iowa!
