Here Ya Go

January 02, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump’s New Year tweet, and wouldn’t you know? He SCREAMS it.


Remember that phrase …

When Democrats take control of the House tomorrow.

When Don, Jr. is the next person indicted.

When the Mueller report comes out.

When Ivanka and Jared do the perp walk.

When his ample butt is hauled out of the White House.

Calm down and enjoy the ride.

Thanks to Don A. for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Here Ya Go”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Appears dear Doatrd45 has lapsed into a self flattering phase. “Trump Derangement Syndrome”? Or, maybe finally a glimmer of self awareness that he is deranged. Whichever it is maybe a well placed pump from Speaker Pelosi will cure what ails him today.

  2. I fully intend to enjoy the ride when Mueller and Pelosi tackle this criminal nutcase and his family.

  3. … and Howard Beale in Network replies:

    We know things are bad – worse than bad. They’re crazy. It’s like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don’t go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is: ‘Just leave us alone.’

  4. Sounds a lot like Clayton Williams when running for Governor in 1990 – “If rape is inevitable, just relax and enjoy it”.

  5. Looking forward to this year’s movie mashup of Air Force One and ConAir.

  6. No, Con Man Don, Trump derangement syndrome refers to the idiots who insist that you’ve done nothing wrong, especially in the face of the mounting tons of evidence against you, your crime family, your clown car administration, and your treasonous campaign. There is no more deranged individual in public life than you, and that’s saying a lot.

  7. Yeah, when there’s a disease named after you?

    It’s usually because you’ve suffered from it and died with it.

  8. Mark @4,
    Exactly my first thoughts on reading this:
    RAT45 is paraphrasing-echoing good ol’ boy Claytie Williams, TX Rethug gubernatorial candidate against Ann Richards in ’90- ‘just lie back and take it (bitch)’.
    Except RAT45 is screwing the whole effen country (and world).
    These vermin, AKA “R’s”, are beyond vile and twisted.
    The DC cesspool cleanout begins tomorrow, let’s finish it in 2020.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Paul ADK, diarrhea of the twitter feed isn’t on the list of known fatal diseases, but we can hope.

    Sandrige, not sure “screwing” is the correct word. According to Rat45’s first lady in disgrace, Ivana. She retracted her rape allegations because she had to admit that Donnie’s little bits might not qualify under the law. Don the Con is like that annoying neutered chihuahua humping a leg. He’d be harmless without his marching orders from Putin.

  10. I think he is sad if he doesn’t hear the word “TRUMP” uttered every other minute of the day. No one I know EVER utters it, preferring The Circus Peanut, Marmalade Face (I know, I know, marmalade is delicious, and I am defaming it–)Dolt 45, Presidunce, and any number of other names too delicate to mention– None of us can bear to put “President” in front of anything resembling the grotesque in the oval, and to hear the press mention it respectfully is simply torture. I doubt if I will EVER EVER mention the name of the unnameable monster in residence at our White House, save the first sentence I wrote–

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    pResident RAT45 is in a derangement spiral today. He’s hit +11 on the Bugf*ck scale talking about what a great general he would be (if not for his imaginary bone spurs and all):

    We were hoping for a good start tomorrow, January 3rd. It could happen today. 25 the 45 could be the headline news tonight. He did meet with leaders of the House and Senate today, so maybe, just maybe Donnie will have his final Nixon moment. Stay tuned …

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    Dotard45’s WH meet & cheat with House and Senate leaders is done. Donnie says: “come back Friday.” Chuck ain’t talking and I’m guessing Nancy will let her boots “walk all over …” Donnie tomorrow. Unless Mikey Dense and Dotard45’s maladministration choose to pull little Donnie’s chestnuts out of the fire tonight with a 25 the 45, they’re rolling on the river with no pairs and a singular 6 unsuited top card. In craps parlance, they’re rolling snake eyes bye-bye.

  13. Jane & PKM,
    Right, Donnei Pindick the Bugfocker is a bit short in the ‘nad dept, but the yammering half-rabid fatass chihuahua does have his teensy paws near that ol’ nukcleer football; and he’s certainly f’ed up the US gubmint the last few weeks all by his widdle incompetent self.

    Vlad Putin walks around chortling to himself that he can’t hardly believe that he pulled that 2015-16 election super-scam off (with the blind help of many millions of self-ignorant, fearful ‘Murikkan MAGAots).
    Who knew that we have so many total dumbfocks willing to follow their preachers and Rethug masters right over the cliff? (well, some of us did, Electoral College or not…)

  14. In addition to Trump Derangement Syndrome, he is also afflicted with ODD, oppositional defiance disorder, among other
    psychiatric problems. Solution: a straight jacket and a rubber room.

  15. Makes me think of Claytie Williams. I don’t want to think of Claytie Williams.

  16. @Jane & PKM

    RE: “She retracted her rape allegations because she had to admit that Donnie’s little bits might not qualify under the law.”

    Lesser included offense, Assault with a Dead Weapon?

  17. Yep, when all those things finally occur, when the perp-walks and the indictments and the convictions happen,
    just calm down and enjoy the ride because Trump will, at last, be right:
    Great Things Are Happening For Our Country!
