Love Seeing Republicans Burn Money

August 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen knows how I love to see Republicans waste their own money so he sent me a Monday morning delight.

Ole Rick Perry.

His Super PAC raised some money.  However, only 4 donations came from outside of Texas and one of those doesn’t even count.  Here’s why.

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Marlene Ricketts sent him $10,000.  Whoop-te-doo.

She gave $4,900,000 to Scott Walker’s Super PAC, so basically she gave Perry the change in her couch just to be polite.

Last week, President Jimmy Carter called the current United States political system an “oligarchy” because of Citizens United and he’s right as rain about that.  However, if they keep pouring money into presidential candidates who don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning, this might be a self-correcting problem.


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0 Comments to “Love Seeing Republicans Burn Money”

  1. I am struck again by a thought that I had during the last Presidential election. While the money in politics is outrageous and corrupt, I suspect it was a large enough amount to stimulate the economy a bit–making Obama’s administration look good.

  2. coprolite says:

    If the conservatives had any notion that their political donations would stimulate the economy, under the leadership of the President Obama, they would have immediately quit making donations.
    The Conservative’s ability for any forethought is nonexistent, which is probably the reason that they have been technically “knocked out” each time they have gone against Obama’s ideas and proposals.

  3. These super-PACs are sort of a mess. I see that 95% of Cruz’s money came from 4 people, and one of his PACs ended up giving more money to Fiorina than Cruz.

  4. lunargent says:

    Well, the media sure as hell don’t want the spigot turned off. Which makes any objective reporting problematic.

  5. Adam Eran says:

    Juanita Jean,

    First of all, kudos for the first rate website and writing.

    Second: I wouldn’t be so sanguine about how R’s are wasting money on fringe candidates. The object here is to move the “Overton Window” (what’s considered serious public policy alternatives) rightward. It may be crazy to call a president whose health care policy came originally from Richard Nixon, and was implemented first by Mitt Romney, a “Kenyan Socialist”…but it moves that Overton Window rightward. Now Obama has made respectiable right-wing policies that would never have been permitted any Republican in office. No prosecutions or big banks broken up despite their business model–fraud–for one example.

    They know what they’re doing. Celebrating their ignorance is premature.

  6. two crows says:

    So, lessee here.
    This gentle lady gave, altogether [so far as Her Awesomeness Juanita was able to track down] $4,910,000 to two Republican guys.

    What is the modus operandi of Republicans? Why, that would be cutting taxes for the filthy rich.

    How much money does this retired lady have to have on hand in order to glean more in lowered taxes than, $4,910,000? Let’s just say, one whale of a lot [with a bow in Juanita Jean’s mama’s direction. I don’t much like the taste of soap.]

    So either she is filthy, filthy, filthy rich or she just spent more money than either of these “candidates” [because, let’s face it, the only way either will get inside the White House is on a guided tour] would ever be able to give her back.

    Yep. Gotta love seeing rich Republicans squander what they’ve got. If she had any idea how many of the little people’s [coffee vendors, pizza delivery folks, chicken fryers and burger flippers] wages she just paid, she would just flip completely out, now wouldn’t she?

  7. Here’s a link to a New York Times story in 2012 about Joe Ricketts plan to take down President Obama. He is (or was) involved with TD Ameritrade, Chicago Cubs, etc.

  8. Wa Skeptic says:

    Usually the Big Money in elections comes from people who are affiliated with mega-corporations that wind up getting enormous amounts of money from taxpayers. So, a $4.9 million investment in a candidate usually winds up benefiting the corporation in hundreds of millions in benefits, if not more.

    Not a bad ROI.
