You Go, Louie!

August 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In this afternoon’s scam Super PAC edition, we have the charming boys and girls over at Freedom’s Defense Fund.

Not surprisingly, very little of the money they raise goes to defending freedom.  Unless by freedom, they mean their right to live in royal grandeur by ripping off people.

They brought in about $880,000.   They spend almost all of said monies on PAC vendors – who, I’m sure quite by accident – are the PACs creators.

There was only one beneficiary.


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I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Freedom’s Defense Fund on using all the money they raise for whiskey, fast cars, and women instead of giving it to Louie, which would be far more dangerous.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for finding this stuff.

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0 Comments to “You Go, Louie!”

  1. All conservative politics is a grift. It’s all about selling e-mail lists, selling ad space to “buy gold” scammers, and just skimming donation money.

  2. lunargent says:

    Wow. I’ve gotta admit, I am impressed. Even the most crooked, grifty, out-and-out larcenous criminal “fundraising” groups usually spend at least 1 or 2% on actual donations. For a bunch of good ole boy fundamentalists, these guys sure have chutzpah.

  3. As long as they’re not using it on electing Republicans. Unfortunately we have the Kochs vowing to spend $889 million on that, and proclaiming themselves akin to civil rights marchers…. I just about tossed my corn flakes this morning.

  4. Now JJ, there was more than one benefactor. Dr. Corsi seemed to be cleaning up to with over $3,000 in direct “consultant” payment and $7,600 in paid memberships and registration fees for him.

  5. Now doesn’t this just fit right in with the car purchased with campaign funds that he uses for hisownself?

  6. Seems to me that an organization called “Freedom’s Defense Fund” should be doing everything it can to make sure no Republican is elected.

    Sounds like this PAC is fulfilling its duty.
