Louie! No More Miss Nice Juanita. Don’t Make Me Call the Flying Monkeys. Seriously.

July 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Congressvarmint Louie Gohmert just called Senator John McCain a “numb nuts.”

On the radio.

Wait, I mean Louie said it on the radio.  Not that John McCain’s numb  nuts were on the radio.  I do not have much information about John McCain’s numb nuts, but apparently Louie Gohmert does.

Louie was peeved and outrage, just outraged, I tell you, that John McCain was not enamored with Michele Bachmann’s call for investigating everybody for their ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.  So, Louie Gohmert did what Big Hairless Super DeLux Brand Christian Louie Gohmert always does – he starts name calling.

GOHMERT: Well, it’s obvious that John McCain didn’t even read the letter because of what he said in accusing Michele and us of making these horrible accusations. There were five letters and there were many things that are stated that are facts in each letter. And I wish some of these numb nuts would go out and read the letter before they make these horrible allegations about the horrible accusations we’re making. But we also know that John McCain himself had said back in the early stages of stuff going on in Egypt that he was, in his words, “unalterably opposed to helping the Muslim Brotherhood.” Well, obviously the unalterable person has been altered, so he is okay with it now.

So not only is John McCain a numb nut, he’s also in cahoots with the Muslim Brotherhood.

So, Louie is not saying that anybody is in any way cahooting with the Muslim Brotherhood and he proudly admits that he has zero evidence that they are, but he wants them all investigated.

I can do better than that.

Louie Gohmert: Probably not a witch

Louie Gohmert attends Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas.  On August 3rd, Green Acres Baptist Church is having a magician perform.  Magic is a tool of the devil.  Magic is associated with witches and voodoo.  Louie Gohmert goes to a church where they have magic closely associated with voodoo and witches.

I am not saying that United States Congressman Louie Gohmert is a voodoo practitioner and belongs to a witches’ coven, but I sure think it needs investigating because all the evidence is there.

I also think he should be IQ tested, even though there is no evidence that he has one.

Thanks to Stephen for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Louie! No More Miss Nice Juanita. Don’t Make Me Call the Flying Monkeys. Seriously.”

  1. TexasEllen says:

    Louie Gohmert: too dumb to be a witch.
    He is, however, a self-made numb nut.

  2. Juanita,

    Sorry, but I am DONE with Gohmer – I’ve been on my rooftop and the Flying Monkeys are headed straight to Louie~

  3. SomedayGirl says:

    Holy crap on a cracker…or Louie Gohmert, as the case may be. He thinks his party’s last presidential nominee is lovin’ him some Muslim Brotherhood? I just don’t know what to say except that Screwy Louie needs his meds adjusted.

  4. Eykis: Just direct the Flying Monkeys to de-straw him, there’s no point in a braining.

  5. This is so McCarthy I cannot believe it.
    Anyone can look up the evidence, you don’t give the right answer and you are then the mother-loving-commie/muslim brotherhood/al queda(sp?) enemy. This is not funny at all.

  6. Corinne Sabo says:

    I associate Green Acres with Arnold the pig, a smarter being than loony louie.

  7. Larry McLaughlin says:

    I wonder what you’d say about someone you REALLY didn’t like?

  8. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    I snipped this earlier in the season when Michele Bachmann first campaigned for President. Sorry, but I failed to snip also the name of the author. Since Michele and Louie are cut from the same piece of taffeta here goes,

    “My grandmother was illiterate. She was cossetted in an impregnable ignorance that made her confident in her judgment and unassailable in her opinions. She died many years ago, but I fear she has returned . . . as Michele Bachmann.”

    See I tole you it would fit Louie Lou-eye too. Same size of bsc.

  9. 1toughlady says:

    Holy crap, is this guy for real? Stupidity this severe really ought to hurt…

  10. Did he really say this?

    “And I wish some of these numb nuts would go out and read the letter before they make these horrible allegations about the horrible accusations we’re making. ”

    Were those really his words? So he admits they are making horrible accusations??

  11. Every time Louie loses a hair, another of his brain cells burns out.

  12. Gohmert has an interesting definition of facts. Just because Frank Gaffney (a real nutcase) or Pam Geller (another nutcase who the Sugarland Democrats prpotestes when she came to tell her lies) put something in his or her blog something does not make that statement a fact. Bachmann’s and Gohmert’s attacks are based on crap from Frank Gaffney who is so nutty that he thinks that Grover Norquist is under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood simply because Grover’s wife is not a Christian. Idiots like Geller and Gaffney scare me and the fact that Bachmann and Gohmert are willing to quote these idiots really scares me.

  13. When the Kingsmen sang “Louie, Louie” nobody could understand any other words in the song. Oh we tried to make sense of it, we debated what they might be singing about, but really, none of us had a clue. I feel the same way when I hear Louie Gohmert talk.

  14. Evidently, Frank Gaffney was banned from CPAC (the holy grail of conservative nutcase conventions) because he accused CPAC of being controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/07/michele_bachmanns_frank_gaffney.php?ref=fpb

    Gaffney, who advised Bachmann’s presidential campaign on foreign policy, is a former Reagan administration official who started the Center for Security Policy the late 1980s. He’s questioned whether President Barack Obama is a natural born citizen and was was banned from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) for alleging it too had been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood. Opponents of a mosque in Tennessee called upon him as an expert on Sharia in their quest to block the facility from being built. Last year he squared off with a Florida pastor who became famous for threatening to burn a Koran, who was holding a competing anti-Sharia rally outside the White House.

  15. Newt was just shown on Chris Matthews’s show saying that the inquiry is justified because all they’re doing is asking questions. All we can figure is that at the end of his political road, Newt know there’s no speaker-fee big bucks for being reasonable and amiable. No, fear and hate sell and sell big. He is jockeying for a hate-lectern on the Geller circuit.

  16. Louie’s IQ test came back, and it’s negative.

  17. Actually, I believe Louie Gohmert IS a flying monkey.

  18. gidget commando says:

    Miss Juanita, darlin’, I’ve never met a voudon or a coven member who would be masochistic enough to suffer that fool’s company. Poor Louie ain’t got enough neurons to make a whole synapse.

  19. No brain=no IQ. Unless they are testing the wrong end. They may just need to do a colonoscopy.

  20. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    It seems like for the last several days Louie Lou-eye has taken a front and center role in ever other or every third discussion. Doesn’t he ever take a day off? To me he has become the poster boy for this oddball movie quote I half-remember, “ignorance can be educated but stupid lasts forever”. Or maybe I misjudge. Maybe he’s just having a bad day or month.

  21. Marge Wood says:


  22. okie-dokie says:

    Please don’t associate Gomert with witches. The ones I know despise conservatives and know that Republicans are evil scum.

  23. Wow, horrible accusations about horrible accusations. He bad cuz he say bad ’bout what she say bad.

    But calling John McCain “numb nuts”? Well, I guess if anyone would know about nuts it’d be a teabagger. Louie could have just asked John not to use use so much Vick’s.

  24. Well, I for one do believe that Louie practices voodoo. That’s the only explanation. Wait a minute, I live in New Orleans. This would be an insult to actual practitioners of voodoo.

  25. Even the Muslim Brotherhood is laughing at Bachman and Gohmert.


  26. “Anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist helped the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrate the U.S. government, according to the report that Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) cited in an attack on top State Department aide Huma Abedin.

    “Nearly every Republican in Congress has signed Norquist’s Taxpayer Protection Pledge, vowing to oppose any and all tax increases. Only 14 Republican members of 112th Congress have refused to sign the pledge.”

    Louie was one of those who signed the pledge.

    It makes him anti American and unfit for office.

  27. gabberflasted says:

    glf, I think you are correct. It is likely that brain cells are connected to hair follicles, just as each kernel of corn is connected to a ‘silk.’
    Lookin’ at Srewy Louie, I am reminded of ears.


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