Louie! It’s Money! It’ll Spend.
This summer the Tea Party Leadership Fund PAC sent a very sweet and generous check to Louie Gohmert. Five grand ain’t nothing to sniff at.
Nice, right?
Louie didn’t think so.
He didn’t ever cash the check.
It ain’t like he doesn’t need it. In 2010, of the 435 members of the house, Louie ranks 435th in terms of wealth. That year he showed that he had debt of between $100,000 and $200,000. It has not improved since then.
Maybe he lost the check or something. Let’s be honest, he doesn’t appear to be very good wth money.
So the Tea Party Leadership PAC gave Louie’s money to a non-profit.
Wave bye-bye to your money once again, Louie.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.