Louie and The Housewife Trick UPDATED

March 02, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you’re Louie Gohmert and you have a serious opponent this year, you need some deep-pocketed donors. Seriously, if it ain’t five numbers, you can forget approaching his throne to kiss his Jesus ring.

So, it was nice to discover that male housewives were helping Louie.



Just kidding!  John Soules is actually CEO of John Soules Foods – a major supplier of food service to public schools throughout Texas.

But, I’m sure John helps his wife with the housework while fooling people who are looking up Louie’s contributions.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

And Alfredo found another one!



Come to find out he’s the owner and president of Texas Timberjack.  And then come to find out, Texas Timberjack has gone into partnership with Liugong Dressta, which is a Chinese company.  I wonder if them folks out there in East Texas know that their congressdope is taking money that probably started off in China.


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0 Comments to “Louie and The Housewife Trick UPDATED”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself, there’s no doubt that you and Mr. Maxey can turn that around to bite Louie in the many places he deserves to be bitten. A food ‘service’? Ask anyone of school age – the food is beyond atrocious. While the students cannot vote, their parents can. Enjoy lunch on Louie! Thanks Alfredo, you truly are the best.

  2. Republican “housewives,” be sure to ask your “husbands” for $1500 dollars when he gets home from the, oh, I don’t know, “office.” Explain to him it’s like a Tupperware Party, only a little more expensive. This is the 21st century after all.

  3. the FEC should be interested in this.

  4. Are these things reportable?

  5. Brad in Dallas says:

    Since it became clear that Putin got away with trying to sway the 2016 election, every nation on earth is now obliged to spend tens of millions of their taxpayers’ money in an attempt to grab the American Steering Wheel and pull it their direction. And very soon no reasonable candidate of either party will be able to refuse, lest they get outspent. Thanks Donnie, can’t wait till they build you a statue so i can expectorate on it.
