Klobuchar Bows Out, Endorsing Joe Biden

March 02, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election

Amy Klobuchar is ending her bid for the presidency and will endorse Joe Biden.  She is joining other mainstream Democrats in coalescing around Biden to head off the potential for Sanders to lead the ticket which could be disastrous not only at the presidential level, but also in many down ballot races.

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0 Comments to “Klobuchar Bows Out, Endorsing Joe Biden”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    While neither a major surprise nor untimely, it sure does make a person wonder about early voting. Lots of delegates, especially in CA and TX swaying in the breeze with the timing of the most recent exits of Buttigieg, Klobuchar and Steyer.

    Anyone heard anything from the cable pundits? They love a horse race. So have they declared Congresswoman Gabbard to have a broken leg at the starting line or given her the blanket moniker of Tulsi Why Are You Still Here?

  2. Thuglicans will come to their senses as soon as demented donnie leaves. Ignore the Clinton and Obama administrations, before doddering don, who refused to appoint judges and investigated anything.
    Oh a man who can’t tell the difference between Chuck and Chris.
    And lets not forget his recent babbleing imitation of addled donnie when he spent 16 minutes not answering a question and ended up with a critique of womens fashion.
    Oh yeah thats the formula for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
    A politician who lives in a mythical past when tip and addled ronnie could solve the countries issues by having 2 old white guys having a drink while figuring out how to screw the american public.
    Yeah he will inspire the base and get those voters out.
    Just ignore the most accurate Pol. scientist, Rachel Bitecofer, of the 2018 cycle and revert to the politics of d surrender monkeys infatuated with war neo liberal failures.
    Oh well as far as the d’s are concerned better 4 more years of demented donnie or pol past his “use by date” who prefers mcconnell to Warren, graham to Sanders and heaven forbid if any progressives get any power that would upset his fiscal owners.
    Only saving grace is that biden isn’t bloomberg, just his puppet.

  3. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    CNN just announced that Mayor Pete is endorsing Biden.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Good on Pete! We had some concerns he might weight with Magic Mike.

    Also major points to Tom Steyer staying in SC to lend his money and support to Jaime Harrison. Hope all the candidates, especially the Senators do their best to support the down ballot races for House and Senate.

  5. What Jane & PKM said.
    Pete, Steyer and now Klobuchar have put their egos second to a greater cause. Good on them.
    It seems weird to reflect on, but Biden is now the youngest male D candidate in the race.
    As to coattails, opinions differ about who’s likely to have ‘em and how long they may be. If everybody works as hard as they can, from the local level to the national, they may be very long indeed. I hope turnout is as high as in SC in all remaining primaries and in the general. It seems to be the only solution to the ratf*cking that we know is under way.

  6. Opinioanted Hussy says:

    Yep, Steyer dropped out after my Spousal Unit early-voted for him…he’s sad today. And Primary Day isn’t until tomorrow!

  7. Cheryl Wolfe says:

    Wrong about Biden’s age. He is not the youngest. Elizabeth Warren is 70!!!!

  8. Comments on this discussion are an indicator of how the timeing of campaigns and endorsements are inconsistent with voting.
    Several people have mentioned how either they, or loved ones, had already cast a ballot for someone who has recently dropped out.
    These are zombie votes. They count even though candidate has dropped out. We saw this first when Wellstone died and Mondale stepped in in Minn. Senate race.
    This is an arguement for some form of ranked preference voting.
    Statistics I have read have shown upwards to 60% of voters will mark and return absentee/vote by mail in the first weekend after receiving ballot.
    If one lives in a state such as Washington, where it is all vote by mail, that means most results are “baked” in at least 10 days before election day.
    Debates and endorsements coming in the several days just before election day become nigh on excercises in futility.

  9. Ormond Otvos says:

    Senator Professor Elizabeth Warren is still the best candidate, by far.

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    It really bothers me that Pete and Amy have dropped out before the BIG day rather than after. They could have pledged their delegates to him afterwards. Bernie complained that the DNC put the fix in for Hillary and it does seem that it’s happened again. And I had hoped that this would be the year for a woman.

  11. It is 2016 again.
    The corporate d’s would rather lose to a carnival barker by supporting a delusional candidate who thinks everything will be fine as long as they get that 1 bad man out.
    After all better another 4 years of demented donnie then allowing progressives to win.
    So if in the unlikely event that joe wins is the first thing that joe gonna do is state how past crimes can NOT be investigated so he can move forward just as he supported doing in 2008?
    Oh and reach out to mcconnel and mccarthy so they can work together to deride and legislatively nueter those progressives already in office?
