
August 12, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, the Federal Elections Commission is picking on Louie Gohmert.

In their latest letter to him about his campaign finance report, they say …

Your report discloses the use of the Post-Election Detailed Summary Page. The Post-Election Detailed Summary Page must only be used for the first report filed after completion of an election cycle. Please amend your report to omit the use of the Post-Election Detailed Summary Page.

Yeah, if they wanted you to use the Post-Election Detailed Summary Page for Post Elections Detailed Summaries, they should have said so.  But, no, they name it the Post-Election Detailed Summary Page just to confuse Louie.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Louie!”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    And this man is in Congress. Texas? What the hell is wrong with you?

  2. Somebody as brain-dead as Louie ought to have a secretary who knows what the blue is going on and can manage things and tell him when to change his Depends, but apparently he doesn’t have one of those people.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    ***If only*** the scourges of the House were limited to Texas and the snacilbupeR, we could watch C-SPAN without cringing in abject embarrassment. Best solution would be to reduce the size of the House with the most populous states having a maximum of ten representatives, while the sparsely populated states receive 1-9 according to population. Hold a one time state wide run-off election in all 50 states among the current office holders. Screw the gerrymandered districts; one person one vote for this one time special election. That would make computer redistricting for those states with 1 representative so simple even a snacilbupeR could handle the math, maybe.

    Nevada would probably be ‘reduced’ to one representative. We can spare the expense. 😀

    Texas, you currently have 36 representatives. Do you have 10 worth keeping? If not, maybe appeal to the courts to begin “fresh” and forget the 36 member scrum in favor of an open election to select 10 new members.

    Wisconsin, do yourselves and the world a favor. Seize this opportunity to dump Lyin’ Ryan.

  4. Louie Gohmert is the best argument in favor of Post Natal Abortion I have ever heard. Not the only just the BEST.

  5. two crows says:

    Well, in fairness to the man, how was he supposed to cope with that? After all, there were THREE WHOLE WORDS in the title of the form that included more than one syllable.

    Oh, and Louie, just so you know:
    Definition – Syllable – noun

    1. a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word; e.g., there are two syllables in water and three in inferno.

    Okay. I cheated. The definition included words of more than one syllable. As does the word, “syllable.” And “definition.”

    Sorry, Louie.
    Definition – Sorry –

    Never mind. I give up.

  6. He’s probably still using the old TPS report cover sheet.

  7. @Ray in Jerrytown

    Yes sir I can hear the exchange now in my head…

    Louie says he understands the policy. The problem is he just forgot that one time. He’s already taken care of it so it’s not even really a problem anymore. An of course the FEC says so if you could go ahead and try to remember to do that from now on, that’d be great. All right!

  8. All such forms are rarely if ever done by The Honorable. They have people who do that. Just like they have people to manage their laundry, their wardrobe, their schedules, etc. etc. Damn! They are worse than royalty! Sometimes though an extra page sneaks through when doing paperwork. And then The Honorable actually has to earn his pay by interacting with the FEC on the subject. Thats when they either beg for pity or blame someone else. They never heard of Harry Truman and the Buck Stops Here! If I try to be tactful, I would have to say they are a waste of DNA.

  9. Maybe it was the only form big enough to write on with a crayon.

  10. Gohmert’s aides must be as stoopid as he is.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    My guess is wingnuts set a minimum IQ at 15 and go down from there for their members.

  12. PKM, I think Lyin’ Ryan is doing okay, unfortunately. But Russ Feingold is even with the snacilbupeR sleeze ball Johnson. Chances are we’ll flip that seat blue. Yeah!

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Hey, everyone KNOWS that secretaries are for thinking and deciding who’s gonna talk to the boss. It’s just too much to ask for a legislator to make pronouncements AND think.

  14. Did he use the wrong color crayons?

  15. Sorry Lynn. I posted before I saw yours.

  16. Linda Lester says:

    I live in Texas but am not a Texan. What never ceases to amaze me is the gullibility of the people here who vote for the likes of Dumbert, Cruz, Abbott, Dan Patrick, John Cornyn, the list goes on and on to represent them. They all have their own agendas and are in it for themselves. I reflect on the history of Texas who had some people truly representing the people like Barbara Jordan, Molly Ivens and LBJ to name a few (there are probably others) and can only hope the pendulum will start swinging back to the time when people would actually know what their chosen ones actually stand for. I must be optimistic and believe people will start voting responsibly, instead of voting against their own best interests!!

    Texas, I know you can do it–please pay attention!!

  17. Linda Lester says:

    Whoops, I forgot Ann Richards as one of the great ones–

  18. Aggieland Liz says:

    @JAK Va: it’s Tyler, man. EAST Texas. Deep old East Texas. What used to be oil money and cotton and railroads and got rudely shoved aside and left to decay by the rise of Dallas and Fort Worth. See also, Confederate States of America, Old South, John Tyler. Ol’ Loudmouthed Louie is a favorite son of this inbred crowd!

  19. publius balonius says:

    Many relatives on his staff, I’m guessing.

  20. Not many relatives in his family tree, I’m guessing.

  21. JAKvirginia says:

    Aggieland Liz: Now see, this is where I get confused. “East” Texas to me is that part along the Gulf, like say, Galveston. I forget you have that part that snuggles up against LA and its swamps. Now I understand. Thanks.
