Hook, Line, Sinker

August 12, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In the midst of all the hoopla over Hillary Clinton’s new poll numbers, there is a small hidden gem.

Ted Cruz is sinking, fast.

As of today, 61.4% of Texans view Ted Cruz either somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable.

Screen Shot 2016-08-12 at 12.33.56 PM

NOTE:  “The results include 448 Republicans, 305 Democrats and 265 others. It has a 3.1 percent margin of error and a 95 percent confidence level.”

The poll showed Joaquin Castro as running neck and neck with him, even though there’s 150 more Republicans than Democrats being polled.  .

Thanks, Trump.


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0 Comments to “Hook, Line, Sinker”

  1. My favorite comment on Cruz remains this response: when asked why so many people take an instant dislike to Cruz, someone who worked with him on the Bush 2000 campaign said, “It just saves time.”

    I guess a fair chunk of Texans were a little slow on the uptake. But maybe there is hope.

  2. charles r. phillips says:

    If DTrumpf were a dog, he’d be an ill-mannered Standard Airdale. Lot of bark, and probably given to humping the throw pillows.

    If Cruz were a dog, he’d be an ankle-biting Pekinese. Same profile, and less likable.

  3. Hey J. J. Bet you never thought you’d say those last two words.

  4. bud maone says:

    Laurel – well said. I would shed a tear for Ted, if I could stop laughing.

  5. So maybe Trump WILL make American great again.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    charles r. phillips, you are seriously too nice, sir!

    Airedales are great dogs. Donnie doesn’t rise to the level of a weasel or pond scum. Albeit, it’s quite possible that Donnie will hump pillows, when his trust fund babies decide it’s time for dear old Pops to have around the clock care which could happen tomorrow.

    Loathsome Crooze is more like a disease ridden rodent than a dog. No offense to the rats who clean city streets and perform lab tasks heroically.

    Please, please, please Miss JJ, tell us that Joaquin Castro will be making a Senate bid.

  7. Sandridge says:

    charles r. phillips says:
    “…If Cruz were a dog, he’d be an ankle-biting Pekinese.”

    I always think of Ted Cruz as a “Chupacabra”.
    A hideous goatsucking sorry ass lurker (and most of the purported sightings from the Wiki link below are from around here).
    I’ve seen odd-acting, and looking, coyotes, in the daytime- not a good sign; but not strange-looking enough to consider as a chupacabras (I was ready to shoot them if they got too close, might have been rabid or whatever).


    Either one of them, or an ankle-biting Chihuahua, DetesTed…

  8. Pancho Sanza says:

    73% negative from hispanics, so much for the GOP idea that they just need to find a couple of white cubans with an Hispanic names to forstall the inevitable destruction of their racist party.

  9. Drumpf is a rattle snake in Repuglican clothing, or do I repeat myself? And Cruz is a black rat snake. They both slither so low, it’s hard to see them until they strike. Glad to see Drumpf’s unpopularity hasn’t made Cruz look good, as impossible as that may seem. My apologies to snakes, but they are not on my list of favorite animals.

  10. If we’re comparing Trump to dogs, he reminds me of the Jack Russell that used to live in the adjacent townhouse. I can understand a dog barking when the mail comes through the door slot, but this damn dog would still be barking without letup an hour later. The people said she got so mad one time that she chewed into a pile of newspapers and nearly choked. So near and yet so far, I thought. I hated that dog. And I hate Trump. They both make an obscene amount of meaningless and offensive noise.

  11. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    Not many see him as “somewhat unfavorable”. 52.26% say “very unfavorable”. When you’re getting more than 50% at very unfavorable, you’re in serious trouble.

  12. two crows says:

    Huh. I followed the first link. Utah is still shown as being pretty red though both Clinton and Trump are seeing it as blue. What’s happening there?

    Of course, there’s the new guy – Evan McMullen – who decided to jump in at the last second. He says he’ll be on all 50 ballots – even though several states’ ballots are already closed. He already seems to be taking a page from Trump’s book – he’s hinting that he’ll sue. Hello? He knew the rules. He knew those states were closed when he decided to declare. And now he says he’ll SUE?

    What’s hey is happening here?

    P.S. I love love LOVE the news about Cruz! Thanks, JJ. You just made my day – and I don’t even live in Texas.

  13. Rhea, I’m on my third and fourth Jack Russells so I must defend them. They were bred to run after foxes over fields in packs. Ergo, they need room and canine companionship. This poor dog was living in a phone booth under solitary confinement. No wonder he lost his mind, but Jack Russells can be wonderful dogs. Shame about this guy and you at the time.

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    Rhea: I know, I know… but we have to catch ourselves when we “hate that dog”. It’s not the dog but the owner. I have a friend in the neighborhood who has to Rottweilers — Hupp and Cooper. Sweetest pups in the world. Yet, I wouldn’t want to piss them off. One women (a bitch who shall remain nameless) actually tried to circulate a petition to have them banned. No one would sign.

    Another neighbor has two “wolf” dogs. Breed? Dunno but they look exactly like wolves. They’d roam the hood at night. There were complaints. Dogs possibly killed another. Owner was not spending time with them or socializing them.

    Babysat the Rotties one week. We and the Wolves crossed paths twice during the walk. Both times I got “the boys” to sit and wait while they passed. (His dogs were going crazy.) Made me smile. “The boys” were really good that day.

    The Jack is just REALLY bored. This past winter DC got a blizzardy snowstorm. About 2+ feet came down. Just before it started took the boys on a long walk through the woods — off leash. They were perfect. And beautiful. Their dark black bodies against the falling snow… like some art film. I will treasure the memory.

    Oh, listen to me go on! Where was I? Oh yes… Ted Cruz sucks, has sucked, and will always suck. I refuse to insult dogs with any comparison.

  15. SallyinMI says:

    Aww gee. Maybe Heidi can get back on TV and tell us how wonderful Teddy is in real life. Don’t let him try to kiss anyone though…he seems to repel his family when he gets too close.

  16. JJ, How do you get on a mail list that gives you such insight into their dealings with election officials. I would love to see what my congresscritter has to say to anyone who tries to officiate his egotistical @$$.

    And to Henry…I had a neighbor for several years who owned a Jack Russell. I tried for hours to get him to accept me as part of the neighborhood where I could go into my back yard and not listen to his constant yapping. Never happened. My three Jack Russel/Rat Terrier mongrel rescues [Jackrats we call ’em] are a sight more lovable than that dog ever will be.

  17. Craig Waters says:

    As long as you’re comparing Republicans with dogs, I must point out that they all better behaved after they are neutered.

  18. That’s great news about Oozy Croozy. I noticed every demographic hates him. Bwahahaha! That’s what he gets for being a repulsive semi-human being.

  19. Would love to see Joaquin in the Senate and if he is so inclined in the future even in the White House! Keep America inclusive!

  20. wallyinfl says:

    I have one sane Senator, Bill Nelson and one moron Senator, Little Marco Religious hypocrite Rubio. little marco is not just lazy about his job he is intellectually lazy or maybe just stupid and clueless but what do I really know, right….

    Anyway maybe the crazy cruz, Raphael not Teddy crud will lose his seat just like his best rear-end buddy little marco moron Rube!

  21. wallyinfl says:

    I meant to ype Rudeio! Anyway……

  22. @PKM

    As the joke goes, rats can’t be used in all lab experiments. for some experiments, big pharma and universities must recruit attorneys as lab subjects. Why?
    1. The lab assistants became very attached to their little rats. This emotional involvement interferes with the research being conducted. No such emotional attachment forms with an attorney.

    2. Attorneys breed faster and are in much greater supply.

    3. Attorneys are much cheaper to care for and the PETA won’t eat you alive no matter what you’re studying.

    4. There are some things a rat won’t do.

  23. slipstream says:

    I dunno about Jack Russell terriers, but I once had a Jack Daniels terrier. Really good dog. Except for that one time — but I have forgotten all about that.

  24. To the voters of Texas:

    The world will truly thank you as soon as you send Ted Cruz swirling down the toilet flush of failed history…

  25. Lunargent says:

    Old Fart –
    Amen to that!

  26. Gene Altshuler says:

    I would have changed the headline to: Hook, Line and Stinker

  27. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Wasn’t there an old song, ” To know, know, know him is to loathe, loathe, loathe him”?

  28. JAKvirginia, I once took care of a Rottie for a few days. Very polite dog, though while walking beside him I couldn’t help but be aware that, if he wanted to, he could turn his head and take my leg off. Still much better than that blasted yapper.

  29. Craig: You Win!

  30. micr, the version of that joke I recall was from the height of the AIDS epidemic, and the punchline alluded to your no. 4 a tad more specifically, saying the rats couldn’t be taught to perform *stereotypical-homosexual-style-of-sexual-congress*.

    Congress being a fortuitous pun right there.

  31. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr and BillR, thank you. Lawyer jokes, dog stories, anything to relieve us of having the media bury us in the minutiae of Drumpf droppings.

    Everyone, dogs and kids represent all that is good in their parents and the failings of their parents.

    JAKvirginia, those wolf dogs are popular in NV. I’ve worked with a few of the hybrids from high content wolf ancestry to a gentler model mostly Husky dna. Not a breed I’d encourage for the “casual” dog owner, nor do I encourage dog breeding in general. Not when there are so many magnificent dogs in need of a home. Now morons are breeding cats with compatible wild species. Oy vey, when will the st00pid end?

    One of the organizations that Jane and I revere came under heavy criticism from friends, children and other relatives of the “lonely Aunt” or whatever phenomena because they would not adopt out animals to second parties. Breed and personality are so important to make an ideal match between pet and person, that each person should present themselves to the shelter after learning what animals best suit them, then wait for for that special pet to choose them at the shelter.
