Looking More Like the Fix was In

January 08, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Sedition, Trump

Republican Larry Hogan, governor or Maryland, announced today that the Pentagon refused repeated requests from him to mobilize the Maryland National Guard on Wednesday to give relief to Congress in the Capitol that was being inundated by insurrectionist Trumpists determined to kidnap/kill members of Congress and which sacked the Capitol in the process.  The Pentagon has been totally unresponsive to questions from Congress and the press since the incident.  Remember that after the election, Trump fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper right after the election, installing sycophant Chris Miller and other Trump loyalists.  There’s little doubt that criminal investigations will begin on January 21.

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0 Comments to “Looking More Like the Fix was In”

  1. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Yes, it’s quite clear Trump and some people with more smarts than he has planned this assault and intended those in the line of succession (Pence, Pelosi, at least) to end up hostages or dead. I’m sure in my own mind that some of Eric Prince’s Blackwater people were in the mix of ordinary yahoos…you don’t scale buildings like that and drop down from above without experience. They intended to shock and scare (and they did); the main mass were distractions, deflections, ditto the furry guy with the horns and the signs (disguising clubs and fighting sticks.

    The scatter of trained experienced troops in the mix, and someone capable of planning a mission (not just Eric Prince but probably at least three more…it has the flavor of a real solidly layered plan) make the coming assault more dangerous and definitely deadly.

    No one in the line of succession should be in range, or be able to be located by these scumbags. That includes not just Biden and Harris and Pelosi, but all the announced appointees. The swearing in must take place in a secured location away from the city, unannounced until the last minute. They aren’t there, and then they’re somewhere else, having the swearing in.

    As we saw today, a member of the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office was in that mob, plus some other Texans. The head of the Chicago PD’s union wasn’t there but was sympathetic ‘If all they did was trespass, what’s the big deal.” and of course that wasn’t ALL, and he damn well knew it. And Justice Thomas’s wife, of all people, paid for 70 buses to truck in a bunch of the baddies. I’m sure she wasn’t alone but that’s now known. So it’s a big fat conspiracy, well-rounded and ripe for the…well.

    There’s a video you really should see this weekend, to save your sanity and bring a laugh to you again. Look up Pachelbel’s Chicken on You Tube.

  2. Sandridge says:

    Elizabeth Moon @1, Everything that EM says.
    This was a meticulously planned coup d’état that began shortly after the election of November 3, 2020. The plan surely evolved and charged to meet the conditions.
    They had exhausted almost every other option of subverting the will of the people beforehand.The planners clearly realized that one of their last chances to pull it off was January 6 during the EC procedure, with all the principals present. It was meant to go far beyond just intimidation of Congress.

    The Inauguration on January 20th is another choice target.

    Hadn’t heard of Ms. Thomas’ involvement in this before, but have been reading of many others who are being implicated. There need to be some intensive investigations and prosecutorial follow-up.

    BTW, Herr Twitler has just opened a validated [RWNJ site] Parler account [if it hasn’t been closed yet].

    I was going to check [ thedonald.win ] to see if he was setting up shop there too, that website has a long RWNJ history, and is now nearly the top dog site. Beginning on reddit, but getting shut down in June 2020; by then they had established the .win site, which is anonymously hosted from Gibraltar.

    On ‘thedonald’ they’re going batshit crazy about recent events. From what I’ve been reading there for weeks [been asking y’all to check it out], a number of the “PEDES”* over there are very likely to get rousted by LEOs working the January 6 insurrection intel. A whole lot of them were bragging about going, and posting progress/on scene reports, pics, and videos. Many of them have been prominent in Trump affairs since his first campaign.
    IMO, and others, ‘thedonald’ is also pretty heavily infiltrated and influenced by the Russkis, for a long time.

    * PEDES is one of their group nics, stands for ‘centipedes’, and also archaically for footsoldiers or army grunts.

  3. van heldorf says:

    While trump gave the order to impede the results, where was steve miller since I don’t think trump is capable of this kind of planning and execution?

  4. Sees to me that knowing Ginni Thomas was one who was cheering on this mob, Clarence, her husband should resign from the Supreme Court.

  5. I’m no fan of Justice Thomas but I do feel somewhat badly for him on account of his wife. Her current behavior is not just a new thing but part of an old pattern.

    Agree with Elizabeth and Sandridge. As for Steve Miller, he was supposed to resign recently which may have made him more available to Vanilla Isis types like Proud Boys etc.

  6. Rich in Fla says:

    Marcy Wheeler at Emptywheel blog says that Tommy Tuberville was in touch with leaders of the mob up until the rally, when Trump took over.

    She says is was coordinated with Guliani simply to delay the proceedings (hence the Rudy misdialed message) for another day until they could invent a new issue. Just got out of hand after that.

    That does not detract from my enjoyment of seeing these morons arrested one by one around the country. Let’s see
    how that facial recognition technology can work for law enforcement in a real bonafide setting.

  7. Nick Carraway says:

    Quite frankly, there are so many crimes these people have committed that you could spend all four years investigating. I say impeach him, bar him from running for office ever again, and get him on sedition. That should be a long enough jail sentence for him and his cronies to kill them.

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    This may seem minor, but I’m much more concerned about the first major replacement Trump made after the election. He fired the head of the NNSA, the National Nuclear Security Administration. This is the organization responsible for safety of US nuclear weapons, and all related technology. If it seems like North Korea has decided to put a nuke on a freighter and send it to the US west coast, NNSA is in charge.

    More importantly they are responsible for the security of nuclear weapons technology. Early on in the mal-administration when Trump was demanding security clearances for his spawn and Jughead, it was a Q clearance that he was demanding. Meaning Jughead would have access to the technical working details of the manufacture and use of our nuke weapons, which of course he would never sell to the Saudis or other middle east countries. Plus, I’m sure Trump had never heard of the different security clearance levels before taking office.

    No US president has had that level of clearance, and it is not needed for diplomatic or political international relations. If it’s needed, the politicians set up secret meetings between weapons designers of the US and allied countries.

    So why did Trump immediately replace the head of that little-known agency? The previous head, Lisa Gordon-Hagerty, was confirmed by Senate in 2018 and had the all-important Trump qualification of being blonde and blue-eyed. The current one is William Bookless, acting as usual since Trump is too lazy to submit him for confirmation.

    I know, all of this sounds minor compared to the insurrection mounted in DC. But I have not heard anyone give a justification for firing one head immediately after the election. Technically, she “resigned” on November 6 – but it was a firing.

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    EM #1 – spot on. I want the new Justice Department to take this up, however right now, we Dems. need to be finding and funding viable candidates for state office in 2022. Stacey Abrams wrote a book on how she organized GA; this should be required reading. We need to investigate, but instead of hand wringing in the interim, we need to plan!

  10. Harry Eagar says:

    It doesn’t show much planning to me. About the same amount that is going into the vaccination drive.

    Where was Captain Swing?

    No one knew (although it would not have been difficult to have found out) where the relevant offices or rooms were. No one was leading a flying squad to pick of, say, Pence or Pelosi.

    It fell out exactly as you would expect if you started with a bunch of unorganized, silly, ne’er-do-well cosplayers and turned them loose.

    I’ll buy that there were some who had planned as far as bringing some materials (the Molotov cocktails) hoping that opportunities would turn up. And that’s exactly how Trump operates: shake everything up in order to profit by confusion.

    If I had planned an operation in the Capitol, the very first thing I’d have done is establish squads at the ground level entrances to keep police reinforcements out. And the second would have been a Captain Swing to direct and focus the movements of the mob.

    This has much more the flavor of Boulanger’s silly coup in France in 1889.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. Moon @1, thank you! You have highlighted one of the more pressing questions from where the money to sponsor these Y’all Qaeda bonsai bozos flow.

    And Justice Thomas’s wife, of all people, paid for 70 buses to truck in a bunch of the baddies. I’m sure she wasn’t alone but that’s now known.

    With their hotel reservations cancelled the crowd of armed pole dancing morons arrived on buses. Ginni sponsored 70. How many other buses were there, and at what point did local LE notice they were significantly outnumbered, etc, etc. Where was the FBI, DHS, Chad Wolf, Ken Cuccinelli, and of course Donnie’s ‘new’ additions to the military. (rhetorical) At least until House and Senate committees convene to ask those questions of a number of people under oath.

  12. Elizabeth Moon, you terrify me, but I appreciate your expertise here. Thank you.

    I’m thinking this was a blend of carefully orchestrated “opportunity” for a bunch of thugs–who happen to include a bunch of highly-trained professionals–to have their “bully” pulpit (meaning “bully” in the middle-school sense, not the Teddy Roosevelt sense).

    And yes, I think the Thomases both need to go.

    I’m still concerned about the possibility that the orange shitgibbon will start signing pardons as soon as he finds his Sharpie again. As long as he keeps his hands off the nukes and the pardons, I’m fine with leaving him in for the remaining 11 days. But those 2 things are over the line.

  13. Harry Eagar says:

    FWIW, a friend posted this on FB:

    “From Heather Cox Richardson:

    “Refusing to stop the attack on the Capitol might have been more nefarious, though.

    “A White House adviser told New York Magazine’s Washington correspondent Olivia Nuzzi that Trump was watching television coverage of the siege and was enthusiastic, although he didn’t like that the rioters looked ‘low class.’

    “While the insurrectionists were in the Capitol, he tweeted:
    ‘Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”’

    “Even as lawmakers were under siege, both Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani were making phone calls to brand-new Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) urging him to slow down the electoral count.”

    * * *

    That sounds about right for Trump. I thought they looked low-rent, too.
