Lookie What You Did

July 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When you guys agreed to help with the Matthew 25 project, you gave it the boost it needed to get bigger than all of us combined.

Lookie here.






Check out the teevee coverage that it got.

Ya did good, my friends, ya did good.

Be social and share!

0 Comments to “Lookie What You Did”

  1. JJ, I hear that just about all the children turning themselves in at the border have been re-united with family members. There’s a big story in the Washington Post this morning about all of this. Due to the shortage of temporary hostels they end up being flown all over carnation, but they are eventually back with family and getting unconfused as to where they were. I know this must stab at the very heart of pea tardiers and so on, but heck, this is all happening because the various executive departments with responsibility for all or some of this action are actually obeying the law Bush signed even though the White House did not get the extra bucks to work even faster and better. Now pRick can recall the TX guard and if he doesn’t, don’t be surprised if the guard isn’t scooped up into the real military. Do you suppose that pRick knows that can be done, whether he likes it or not?

  2. Lorraine in Spring says:

    My Favorite movie line belongs to Cindy today:

    “This is the story of an unprejudiced heart”.

    Sweet Baby Jesus is smiling.

    With any luck, maybe border security/NG will pick Old Rick up in all the confusion & deport him.

  3. Great to see positive press about Cindy and this cause.

  4. Lorraine, isn’t there just the teeniest chance that even he could be mobilized by the regular U.S. Army? If so, can’t wait to see his reaction! “No! Wait! This is some damn commie plot! You can’t do this to me! I’m the Governor!”


  5. Marge Wood says:

    Glory be. Thanks, Juanita Jean and Cindy Cole. It was fun, wasn’t it! And Maggie, that is absolutely the best news I’ve heard today. Bless those children’s hearts and their families for taking them in.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    p.s. Maybe we could add CALL PERRY’S OFFICE AND TELL HIM HE NEEDS TO CALL OFF THE NATIONAL GUARD to our “to-do” list for this week. Anyone have good contact information?

  7. Susie Stansel says:

    It was such a great thing Cindy Cole did. We were so enthusiastic yesterday putting everything in the boxes and backpacks. This was our way of putting our arms around these kids and giving them some good ole’ Texas Love.

  8. @Matthew 25 project: Good on ya. Thanks/

  9. I want to send a shout out to Juanita Jean’s fans. Thank you for everything you have done. You helped make this event HUGE!
    The DFW event was so energizing. We worked hard, really hard, and walked away with hugs and smiles. We are continuing efforts in San Antonio. Due to the interest Operation Matthew has expanded to a group page instead of a simple one time event. Feel free to continue to follow our adventures. https://www.facebook.com/groups/OperationMatthew25/1514234292139907/?notif_t=group_comment

  10. Vickie Parker says:

    Operation Matthew 25 is the right and moral thing to do. Makes county commissioners like MARK REID in Collin County look like a mean spirited, low life, ill informed, ‘christian in name only’….. ASK his own PASTOR at the United Methodist Church in Collin…. Don Underwood !
    Join us TODAY at 1:30 at the Collin County Courthouse….. you know that great big MANSION looking BUILDING right off 75…… but brown children shots? uh uh… can’t afford it.

  11. Emily Davlin says:

    I am soooo Proud of Cindy Cole for her quick thinking and organizing efforts to help the children! Also want to give a big shout-out to my forever friend Cookie Kinns…Anne-Marie, as some of us know her has a heart bigger than Houston…even if she lives near Dallas in a little town called Flower Dump..or something like that. Cookie has been my friend on a welsh corgi site for a number of years….and when My mom was buried in Fort Worth she showed up at the funeral home…First time we had ever met in person! i hope she reads this and understands just how much her good, sweet heart is appreciated!
