Look who’s actually NOT leaving…

October 05, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

By Primo Encarnación

“Look who’s leaving: all the BLACK people.” Remember Nancy Gordeuk?   As principal, founder, and owner of TNT Academy, she accidentally closed their “graduation” ceremonies last spring without giving the “valedictorian” a chance to give his speech.   Anyone who has been to a graduation ceremony of any sort will recognize the mad dash for the exits the instant it was over. Flustered, she called one black man a “goober,” threatened to have him arrested if he didn’t immediately respond to her commands, and then unleashed her inner Klansman.

Afterwards, she apologized, blaming the devil. Then her son – a rotten apple that didn’t fall far from this twisted tree – took to social media to lambaste all the n-words. Then she retracted her apology, scrubbed her son’s rant, and claimed nothing she said was racist, at all. So the devil was off the hook. Nevertheless, her board acted quickly, firing her. They even sent an e-mail to the NAACP saying they’d done so. The forces of truth and justice – i.e. the Left – celebrated a small, symbolic victory over the devil, however she manifested herself in this case.

Not so fast, there, Justice Leaguers : She Never Left!

It is unclear what the board actually did. Did they announce she was fired, then found out they couldn’t make her leave? Did they fire her, then let her back? Or did they knowingly lie to the world, all along?  Whatever it was, she’s still large and in charge.

Prior to (or shortly after – accounts vary) all this happening, their public school accreditation was either withdrawn from (or denied by) the Southern Association of Schools and Colleges, potentially over charges of grade changing by Gordeuk. The only accreditation they do have – as a non-traditional school – is with the private Georgia Accrediting Commission. GAC never received notification of a change in personnel at TNT. They are not scheduled to review TNT’s accreditation for a couple of years yet, and they are unable to initiate an investigation of a school unless there has been a complaint from a teacher, parent or student.

Why have there been no complaints? Perhaps because Gordeuk sent a note to all parents saying if TNT was unaccredited, none of their kids could get into college. In other words, she lied. Quelle surprise!

TNT in general, and Gordeuk in particular, have been avoiding requests for information, interviews, or simply an explanation, threatening the few reporters who are trying to get to the bottom of this with arrest (a common theme with her, apparently) and otherwise stonewalling behind publicists (and how does a tiny little private school afford publicists?)

The real losers in all this are the students, as they are all over America in the rapacious for-profit education industry. But, so far, the cynical calculation that she could lie her way out of this political firestorm has paid off for this Pinhead of the Pinewood.

What life lesson does that teach these students?

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