Look, Just Go On And Say The N-Word
You know, I think most Republicans would feel a whole lot better if they just went on and said the N-word.
Poor Antonin Scalia, he had to say that blacks are inferior people without using the N-word or the word inferior. It was tough but he did an admirable job.
In oral arguments over the case Fisher v. the University of Texas Wednesday, Scalia suggested African-American students would do better at “slower-track schools” than UT. He added that black students come from “lesser schools, where they do not feel that they’re being pushed ahead in classes that are too fast for them.”
But, damn him, I had to call the black UT grads I know and apologize for how much harder it was for them than it was for everybody else.
Lord knows I have given Harry Reid a lot of guff over the years, but he gets a pat on the back from me today. He said …
“The only difference between the ideas endorsed by Trump and Scalia is that Scalia has a robe and a lifetime appointment.”
Hell, think it troubles him that he has to wear a black robe.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.