Local Republicans
The last time I wrote about my “Local Republican Party” and their odd way of dealing with money, a Democrat informed me that I misspelled Loco in the headline.
I’m gonna be honest with you and tell you that my local Republicans have loco camped out in their eyeballs. And why voters trust them with our money when they can’t account for their own is a mystery.
On July 1, they filed with the FEC showing that they were $22,000 in debt. Click the little one to see the big one or click here to see the whole damn report.
At the time I wondered how the hell they could do that because it’s against the law.
Luckily, the Federal Elections Commission wondered the same thing. See their letter in pdf format.
Your report discloses a negative ending cash balance of $22,680.63. This suggests that you have overdrawn your account, made a mathematical error, or incurred a debt. If your committee has incurred a debt or obligation, please itemize this debt on Schedule D, show a zero balance on Line 8of the Summary Page and include the amount on Line 10. Please file an amendment to your report to accurately disclose your financial activities.
Now let me tell you how I am going to have a whole mess of fun with this.
For the past two presidential election cycles my local Republicans have filed complaints with the FEC swearing that local Democrats are violating the election code and should be punished like a red-headed stepchild. Both damn times the FEC ruled in the Democrats favor. But it cost us time, money, and a lot of grief.
So I’m sending the FEC some cookies.
And Alfredo. Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen gets some cookies, too.