Lo Siento, No Hablo Español

April 07, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz is campaigning in New York, trying like the dickens to relate to Hispanics.

“You’re here in Hispanic territory, talking with Latino pastors. What is your message for our people? A majority feel that you are against us,” the reporter asked in Spanish.

“Our community, the Hispanic community,” Cruz said before switching to Spanish.

“I understand almost everything in Spanish, but I can’t speak as well as I would like,” he added, before switching to English again. “I have the problem of the second-generation immigrant. I learned Spanish the same time I learned English.”

Yeah, but he speaks the hell out of Canadian.


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0 Comments to “Lo Siento, No Hablo Español”

  1. Sam in San Antonio says:

    But he’s highly fluent in Hate.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Tough times to be a nacilbupeR. Or, as Lindsey Graham said: “poison or shoot myself.” Their stop Drumpf at any price might give them Loathsome Ted as their candidate. Teddie has 2 Super PACs and anyone’s guess at how much money the Pervangelists are filtering to buy him delegates. Be suspicious, very suspicious, if Teddie shows up in Cleveland with 4500 delegates out a total of 3500 delegates.


  3. Jean Kuhn says:

    And he was disinvited to a Bronx High School at the request of the students.


    The kids are alright!

  4. “The Democrats are fighting over two amazingly qualified candidates. The Republicans are deciding which live bug they’d rather eat.”

    How does “I learned Spanish the same time I learned English” explain why he can’t speak it properly…? With a Bush it would suffice; they can’t speak anything properly.

  5. He’s having a real hard time in New York, in general. He’s also having to eat those “New York values” words.

  6. Rasty Bob says:

    He has West Texas values. As in the badlands of west Texas.

  7. Marcia in CO says:

    I like Sam’s comment in the #1 spot!! Seems all of the RWNJs speak very fluent Hate … It’s not just the candidates, but the Followers, as well!!

  8. Marcia in CO says:

    @Cheryl … do you suppose those New York words taste like pizza or, more likely, CROW!!! LOL

  9. To be fair to Cruz about the Spanish … In the 1990s, I worked with a woman from Russia. She and her husband naturally spoke Russian fluently and English fluently (albeit with an accent). Their son grew up in the U.S. and knew some Russian. She told me a story about her mother (who spoke only Russian) coming to visit them. The son tried to speak in Russian to his grandmother and she just nodded her head and smiled–she couldn’t understand a word he was saying!

    As someone who has no facility for learning other languages despite taking French for years in grade school, I can relate to Cruz on this one point. But certainly not on any other points!

  10. That Other Jean says:

    @Rhea: Deciding which bug to eat is an even tougher choice when you know both bugs are poisonous.

  11. The NY Daily News front page gave Ted a proper NY greeting, a Bronx cheer and direction on which subway train to take.

  12. So he left Canada at the age of 4. That means he was imbibing 3 languages in his earliest years: English, Spanish and French as Canada is officially a bi-lingual country. The younger the child the easier it is to pick languages. It also helps if you take a modern language in high school. For him, with the father he has, it would most likely be Spanish. I would bet my Social Security that there were Spanish language newspapers, magazines and books at home plus Spanish radio broadcasts. Would be interesting to know if he was required to take a language in undergrad school and exactly what that language was. I think he just did not want to speak any more Spanish with the kids than he had to. Remember that the requirements the GOP have for any Spanish speakers is to ditch the Spanish and stick to English only if they want to stay in this country, even when they are legal!

  13. So it turns out that Cuban Raphael is more likely Canadian Raphael ’cause he’s clearly more fluent in Canadian than Cuban. Got it. Whether he speaks and understands English or Spanish (or Canadian for that matter) is less important than his fluency with Crazy and Hate, which he IS.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    I think I’m in love with NY tabloids!


    Primo? Time to bring your graphic art talents to the fun. Something nice in a tidal chart with raft to Cuba, perhaps. Or, in keeping with his end time aspirations, a nice space shot to an unknown galaxy. “Je suis le monde. Adieu!”

  15. Cruz offered to debate Rubio in Spanish on Univision last February. I grew up on the south side of San Antonio, and I’ve lived here most of my life, but I never heard a Hispanic who spoke poor Spanish say it was because they learned it the same time they learned English. Most of the time, their poor Spanish is either because of the English-only policies of schools in the past, or that their parents wanted them to assimilate so badly that they abandoned Spanish at home, or they are SO assimilated that they’re puro pocho. There’s something that just ain’t right about this guy.

  16. I’m watching Rachel Maddow and it’s clear New Yorkers don’t like Oozy Croozy. A 300 seat venue is too big for the size of the “crowd” he draws. The latest poll has Oozy running at 17%. That’s behind K-Sick at 25% and Drumpf at 52%.

    BTW, Martin O’Malley is on Rachel now. He’s a smart guy – in contrast to the aforementioned snacilbupeR. Another contrast is that he is decent and kind.

  17. maryelle says:

    “El Odio”, Cruz’ new title: hate in Spanish.
    He really is odious, isn’t he?

  18. Perhaps Cruz should be referred to as “Doble Cruz.”

  19. Linda Lester says:

    Mr. Cruz is the modern version of the Flim Flam man, Snake Oil salesman etc.–he is delusional in that he thinks that those he believes in oppressing with his extremist ideology will eventually turn around and not take any of it personally–but yet, look how they took it in the Bronx–I was appalled to find out that he was also courting the vote of Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn while at the same time touting the endorsement of Mike Bickle known for his philosophy of hunting the Jews and eventually leading them to the Christian fold–He is a chameleon who banks on our short term memories–he claims to be Hispanic when it serves him, but really, he is just an arrogant fool who speaks little Spanish and who will leave his heritage behind as soon as he can–I wish people would remember his greatest abilities–to cite Green Eggs and Ham–not sure if he had the teleprompter going for that one and shutting down government. He is very creepy and do not know why the media is not talking about his sinister supporters and his Canadian citizenship or his statement that he is Christian first? Really??? People, beware–

  20. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Some of us just don’t have a bump of language-learning. My mother was bilingual; I grew up surrounded by both Spanish and English…could not learn Spanish and then got mad and refused to try anymore. (Stupid decisions are easily made by small children who feel bullied about their ineptitude. Wish I hadn’t done that, but I remember the exact moment when the decision was made, when someone I won’t name stood between me and water when I was thirsty and wouldn’t let me have it until I asked for it in Spanish. The experience gave me a ton of sympathy for native Spanish-speakers having trouble with English, and a dislike of the school rule that they could be punished for speaking Spanish on the school grounds.) Other kids were picking up Spanish (or English) easily from the ambient linguistic surroundings, but both languages had kids like me.

    At any rate, even a small amount of auditory processing difficulty can derail learning more than one language as a child, and enough scolding/bullying/over-correction of pronunciation can make child unwilling to try.

    That doesn’t mean I let Cruz off the hook; what he says in English wouldn’t sound better in Spanish.

  21. Zyxomma says:

    I thought Rafael only spoke dogwhistle.

  22. two crows says:

    Teddy Boy’s shortsightedness:
    Just gotta love how he played the “New York Values” card in Iowa. He figured the good folks of New York weren’t paying attention to what was happening in Iowa.

    It’s now coming back to bite him and that’s 95 delegates down the drain.

