
April 07, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, this is for women only.

Indiana women have set up a Facebook page to tell of their experiences in getting Governor Mike Pense to help them with their lady parts since he’s such an expert on them.

Here’s the bill that Pense signed:

It requires all miscarried or aborted fetal remains to be buried or cremated; and bans women from having an abortion during the legally-allowed timeframe if the reason is because the baby will be born with a serious disability such as Down Syndrome.

Fifty-five of the 60 final votes on the bill came from male legislators.

And the sponsor of the bill was Representative Casey Cox.  Yeah, really.


Thanks to Cheryl for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Giggle”

  1. AKLynne says:

    So five women actually signed that thing?

  2. two crows says:

    I’ve read somewhere [Daily Kos, iirc — sorry, I don’t have a link] about women who have been phoning Pense’ office to inform him of the situations in re their uteri: if they’re menstruating, the amount of flow and if cramps are present, guesstimates as to whether they are ovulating, etc. After all, they reason, if he’s so interested in their plumbing, it’s their job to keep him informed.

    I understand that the people who staff his switchboard are becoming irked. Unfortunately, it’s only the switchboard lackeys who are being affected — Pense, himself, isn’t getting the flak. Still, it’s a brilliant campaign that points up the absurdity of the latest legislation.

  3. Here’s a heartfelt piece on what this bill will do– including force a woman whose fetus cannot possibly survive to carry it full term and go through a full-size birth, knowing for the past three months that her child is going to die within hours or minutes of birth, or within months after useless, painful attempts to keep it alive. Enjoy!

  4. There aren’t men here are there?

  5. Yeah, and I’ve heard this argument before: “As long as I carry it, it will know life.” Wait a minute. So when it is delivered, it has been dead? And deteriorating and sending toxicity into the blood stream via the same conduit that gets rid of any waste from the fetus? Since when is a woman’s body a sarcophagus? Whoa! Now there’s a word and a concept that Pence et al. cannot grasp. Too many letters and more than one syllable. This is definitely headed to court.

  6. charles r. phillips says:

    Too many restrictions designed to make abortion far more costly in terms of trauma to the fetus and mother, as well as in terms of dollars spent. Why ANY woman would vote for these anti-woman snacilbupeR, or remain in Indiana is beyond imagining.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Hit him back, ladies. Hit him back hard. Please. Ask any of these allegedly ‘small’ government types which medical specialty they next intend to examine with the scrutiny they have given the ob/gyn field.

    How about heart specialists? Surely an argument can be made that they need serious supervision after giving a heart to Dick Cheney.

    But seriously. These blatant efforts to control woman through assaulting their 14th Amendment rights deserve to be blasted for the singular transparency and patriarchal insanity.

  8. AKLynne, the big surprise is that there are as many as five women legislators in Indiana.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    charles r. phillips, good luck with trying to make a fiscally conservative appeal to ‘conservatives.’ As much as the snacilbupeR pretend that they are fiscal conservatives, they are so far from it that mathematics lacks a descriptor to name the distance.

    Maybe we can shame them with their love of Sharia law? Their “barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen” is no different than those countries who do not allow women outside the home without a chaperone.

  10. charles r. phillips says:

    PKM, it really comes down to keeping people poor and defenseless so that they can be nothing more than chattel to be used up and thrown away.

    Whenever the lower 47% feel emboldened to stand up for themselves, the top .1% finds financial and legal means to hammer them back down.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    charles r. phillips, from their John Birch beginnings, the oligarchs have been too good at this divide and conquer scheme of theirs. Deny as they will their “War on Women” it’s the next step in their plan of subjugation. We males of the diminishing ‘white privilege’ need to stand solid with every minority group, targeted “other” group and women, or face it, we’re next in the Oligarch/Pervangelist round up. Fight for the 14th Amendment; vote!

  12. Lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood and ACLU here in the great state of IN

  13. ” Why ANY woman would vote for these anti-woman snacilbupeR, or remain in Indiana is beyond imagining.”

    Absolutely true. So is this:

    ” Why ANY man would vote for these anti-woman snacilbupeR, or remain in Indiana is beyond imagining.”

    The Stockholm Syndrome is a very powerful thing and the massive changes in one’s thinking, behavior, way of seeing the world and relationships can be very frightening.

  14. “It requires all miscarried or aborted fetal remains to be buried or cremated…”

    Most women don’t even know they’ve miscarried; just an extra heavy period. Somehow, I don’t think these knuckle-draggers mean “Burial at Sea,” like the goldfish I had when I was a kid.

  15. charles r. phillips says:

    Debbo, I am used to men voting against themselves; I am less used to women doing the same.

    Women are stronger and have better horsesh!t detectors. So say my four sisters, and I agree.

  16. coprolite says:

    If I was a woman, in a situation where I had to bury or cremate the remains. I would cremate the remains on a DIY burning pyre floating down the Wabash River, as my pagan ancestors might have done.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Take your stillborn and place it in a basket and drop it off at Pence’s house and he can adopt it. They want to get ugly about this,we should reciprocate. Make giant photos of such remains and parade around the lege and scream and shout at the legisliars to show them their handiwork up close and personal.

  18. Patticakes says:

    My husband’s Evangelical niece carried a fetus to term which died within an hour of birth, severely deformed, hole in the heart, needing a complete blood change, and no chance, whatsoever, of surviving either the transfusion or the surgery. They named the baby, made pics, did the footprint thing, then buried it in a newborn/miscarried fetus cemetery thing there at the Hershey Hospital, somewhere around Lancaster, PA…. It traumatized her older daughter terribly, but to this day, she considers it a blessing. Give me a break. It was torture.

  19. e platypus onion says:

    Debbo-that 4.5 barrel spill in SD is now at 400 barrels and counting. (over 16000 gals instead of 187) Nice.

  20. Does this disposal include the large percentage of fertilized eggs that are spontaneously aborted, often in the first weeks? If you believe in God, he’s the biggest abortionist there is.

  21. epo! The Keystone pipeline spill just made Rachel Maddow! She also pointed out that the Democratic administration had stopped a 2nd pipeline. Stupid, greedy, farking snacilbupeR pets.

  22. So if the state is going to force women to have children who will have intellectual or physical disabilities, will it pick up the tab for all of the additional medical and educational expenses? No, didn’t think so. Lawsuits to follow…

  23. maryelle says:

    Right on Rhea! The medical term for a miscarriage is spontaneous abortion which is a natural occurance, unfortunately, but the RKlan want to be have the power to vilify as many women as possible so even miscarriages are suspect.
    If only men could experience miscarriage or pregnancy and childbirth, this would not be an issue and the human race would be extinct.

  24. Elizabeth Moon says:

    My mother had five late miscarriages/stillbirths before I was delivered alive (C-section). Under today’s laws in some states I would not be born because she would have been incarcerated for “killing your babies”.

    These laws have nothing to do with real care for women’s welfare or the welfare of babies and children…it’s all about control. It would be great if all the doctors in these states refused to treat legislators and their families until medical care was once more removed from political control. Won’t happen, but I can dream. “No, you can’t have an appointment. No, I won’t renew your prescription for the little blue pill. Or your blood pressure medication. No, your wife/mother/sister/daughter can’t either. I’m exercising my right to refuse service to anyone.”

    It is beyond disgusting when women are told they must carry a nonviable fetus to term, even when it’s making them sick.

  25. Paper the Indiana legislature with info on Romania under Couceascou (spelling?). No family planning allowed. No abortions. Saw photos of hospital nursery cribs occupied by more than three infants at a time. Legally required vaginal inspections at regular intervals. As Romania went,so goes Indiana.

  26. Zyxomma says:

    If Mike Pence could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament. Thanks for the WaPo article, Rhea; I’ve shared it.

  27. two crows says:

    To Elizabeth Moon:
    Great suggestion! And I’ve got the perfect way to go about it:

    Isn’t Indiana one of the states that has passed those “religious freedom” laws? Well, the Docs can just cite “religious freedom” not to treat any legislator who claims scientific knowledge they don’t possess and passes legislation based on that “knowledge.”

    Let those legislators PROVE it’s not their religious belief. Let them try.

    After all, Pastafarians have been allowed to pose for DMV photos with colanders on their heads. So anyone can make up any religion and claim it covers anything.

    Problem solved.
    Now, any readers in Indiana [or any Snacilbuper-run states, ftm] — get on the horn to your doctors!

  28. two crows says:

    One very sad possible outcome of this law:

    Unlike a number of their patients, physicians are financially capable of moving out of a state that passes such draconian laws. I’m wondering how many WILL choose to move rather than stand by helplessly watching the suffering they cannot mitigate. Not all of them, I’m sure — but I’m betting a number of them are weighing the option. And certainly, there are many who are crossing Indiana and N. Dakota off any potential places to move to in the foreseeable future.

    A determined rearward march: the snacilbupeR way.

  29. Debbo, in recent years I had to do some research on pipelines as part of my job. I was gobsmacked to find out that there are over a dozen such things already in play and that the Keystone pipeline would actually be an adjunct to an existing out of Canada pipeline. Most people were really not aware of that. All the persiflage over “jobs” kind of buried that data. I am so glad that the Prez nixed the second Keystone. The jobs turned out to be only temporary and involved far fewer people than claimed. And dammit, pipes always leak! And to bring a pipeline down southward over the Ogalallah aquifer is nothing less than brutal. Yes, an aquifer is underground but it is sometimes very close to the surface. Replacing water in an aquifer is done by trickle down rain water through porous ground. And there is a lot of that over the Ogalallah from start in South Dakota to finish in Texas. A pipeline break of any size would contaminate the aquifer. And there a millions of people depending on that water.
