Live Free or Get a Damn Mirror

October 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

New Hampshire is having itself a congressional race between two women: the Democratic incumbent is Ann McLane Kuster and she is being challenged by Republican Marilinda Garcia.

New Hampshire Republican state Rep. Steve Vaillancourt decided that he needed to blog about the race.  And, bless his little ole Republican heart, he got right to the meat of the matter.


“Let’s be honest. Does anyone not believe that Congressman Annie Kuster is as ugly as sin? And I hope I haven’t offended sin …”

Vaillancourt stresses that the Republican woman in the race “is one of the most attractive women on the political scene anywhere” so that means she will win.

Vaillancourt said that he’s pretty much an expert on this stuff because he read a study somewhere sometime that says that better looking people win political races.  He does allow …

The two caveats…if I heard correctly…were 1) That the two candidates must be of the same sex for the race in question; and 2) That the attractive candidate not be so drop dead gorgeous as to intimidate those watching.

Which, of course, explains all the ugly men in congress.  Including Vaillancourt —


And in case you’re thinking that’s just a bad picture.  Nope.



Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Love!

Sweetie, I do not want to think about how your last opponent looked.

Thanks to Claudia and Stan for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Live Free or Get a Damn Mirror”

  1. The comments on the blog are hilarious. Is he secretly working for Kuster?

  2. Garcia ain’t ravishing. Kuster ain’t plain, so much as older. Now Vaillancourt? He’s an a$$hole. 24×7, 365.

  3. If his theory of who wins elections is correct, his opponent must have looked like the back end of a bulldog.

    Correction– the front end of a bulldog is uglier. Vaillancourt kinds looks like the back end.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    While there are already too many convoluted unenforceable laws on the books, there is room for one more – felony st00pid. Punishable by no fines, no prison time, but a lifelong ban from holding any public office.

    C’mon voters, we can do this and we don’t need the courts. Vote and vote against the st00pid.

  5. Rhea, his opponent in 2012 was Thomas Katsiantonis. Here’s a picture of him. Not a bad looking guy, as far as I can tell. Silly goatee, IMO.

  6. My first thought was a lot of Not Momma Approved(TM) words so I waited until the steam stopped coming out of my ears. Mr. Vaillancourt is an ugly person, and I’m not talking about the exterior packaging.

  7. Yet another example of republican derrangement disease.

  8. Jorge Peralta says:

    If I were Ann Custer’s husband, brother or father, I would find this guy and give him a well deserved punch in the nose. I am not normally one to advocate violence, but he deserves to be taught some manners and a talking to about how to be a respectable man. Them’s fightin’ words if I ever heard them.

  9. @Jorge Paralta, when a columnist said less than flattering things about the singing ability of Harry Truman’s daughter, Truman sent him a note saying if they met, the columnist would “need a new nose and perhaps a supporter below.” Sounds reasonable here to me.

    One of Arthur Conan Doyle’s sons remarked on an ugly woman on the train, and Doyle slapped him to the floor, saying, “NO woman is ugly.” There were gentlemen in those days, mighty men who were of renown….

  10. Steve Vaillancourt is a quadruple-threat Republican: stupid, crazy, evil and ugly.

  11. O Lord! Valliancourt must have had a father or an uncle who looked totally exactly like him cuz I remember that face on a guy in a bar in old Detroit (old as when I lived there) who could be counted on saying much the same thing. He was mostly always drunk and even when dry he was drunk. I bet Villaincourt has an elbow problem, and boy, is his mouth ever courting two fat lips!

  12. Marge Wood says:


  13. Just another instance of the Republican inability to accept reality. This guy should never, ever, criticize anyone else’s
    looks. He dares to call another human being, “ugly as sin” and still has no trouble looking in the mirror at that?
    Gawd A’mighty! Wish somebody could open his eyes for him.

  14. The results of the Steve Vaillancourt Poll for the New Hampshire congressional race are in. Based on a sampling of one foolish person asking himself one stupid question…

  15. …And her mother dresses her funny….

    I guess competence and caring are overshadowed by (something that rhymes with) wits to this person.

  16. @15 (Old Fart)
    When would competence and caring ever be anything but a liability for an (R)?

    What Monty says: there’re a lotta quadruple-threats in congress — too many in the senate and a majority in the house.

  17. When I first heard what he said I figured he much really have an up-close and personal relationship with sin.

    Then I got a look at him and I suspect that all the best sins have passed him by.

  18. he looks like Olaf the snowman, in the top shot~
    meh, so much for my Frozen buzz.

  19. Ugly is as ugly does…in this case ugly.

  20. Pity,

    I just drove through N.H. and the leaves are gorgeous.

    Pretty state..

    Petty minds
