Rick, Come On Down!

October 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last month I told you that Rick Perry wants to get out of some court dates because he’s busy – oh so busy – taking “economic development trips all through Europe.  This is actually the “How Much Taxpayer Money Can I Go Through Before I Leave Office” World Tour.  We pay for his security on these trips and his corporate bosses pay for his hotel, which we end up paying when they get tax breaks.

Perry-Sign-1With Ebola in Texas, Rick decided it was time to get the hell outta Dodge.  He’s prancing his silly butt all over England, Germany, Poland and Ukraine.

But, guess where he’ll be on Halloween?

Indicted Texas Gov. Rick Perry will make his first court appearance on Halloween as his defense team tries to quash the two felony counts of abuse of power against him on both constitutional and technical grounds.

Okay, so here’s what his super deluxe legal team has come up with.

The defense has since filed two motions, one arguing that the case is unconstitutional because Perry was within his rights to issue the veto, and the other seeking to throw it out on technicalities, including whether McCrum was properly sworn in and if Lehmberg filed appropriate paperwork to recuse herself from the case.

The first one is just silly.  He wasn’t indicted for issuing a veto.  He was indicted for abuse of power.  Perry has every right to veto something.  However, his Governor crown does not give him the right to extort or threaten a public official.

The second one is my personal favorite.  They are going to court saying that the trial judge who appointed the special prosecutor erred in the method he used for the appointment.  And they are going to argue this in front of …. the judge who appointed the special prosecutor.  It’s called the Your Honor, You Are An Idiot defense.  These writ twits are getting paid about the same as landing on Boardwalk with three hotels and this is the best they could do.

If this wasn’t right smack dab in the middle of an election season, I’d scamper over to Austin to see this silliness.  If somebody is going, please let me know.

Thanks to Alacritry and Chickenbonewill for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Rick, Come On Down!”

  1. That’s some high-dollar legal defense work right there. Hoo-boy. Ya gotta work with the client ya got, not the client ya want.

  2. Personally, I am glad his arrogance is in full throttle. He is too stupid to figure out that ticking off the judges isn’t a good thing.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rick is hoping for some of that special “equal justice under the law” that floated Tom’s way. If memory serves, there are politicians in prison for lesser and greater crimes, while Dinesh D’Souza is stalling entering his room at at halfway house and beginning his community service. With thanks to Loopy Louie part of his fine is already paid. Dinesh could have been stripped of his citizenship for un-American activities and deported.

    Justice for Rick? Not holding my breath that he’ll do any time for his crimes.

  4. I feel for Judges in Texas and elsewhere. They go through this legal rigmarole with criminal defendants, which ends with the question “Do you understand?”. Much of the time a child of 3 let alone a highly educated Judge could clearly see this defendant is too knot headed, immature or just plain stoopid to understand the Judge’s bug multiple syllable words. They must rely on defense counsel to splain the details.

  5. Trick or Treat…… pRick?

  6. Let’s hope the “Your Honor, you are an idiot” defense makes the judge see red and throw the book at this charlatan.

  7. this damn near makes me nostalgic for the old Watergate hearings as in When did you know and What did you know? where the bleep is Sam Erwin when you need him?

  8. The judge on this case is Bert Richardson. It is obvious from the way he’s subjecting Gov. Perry to this vicious, hyper-partisan unconstitutional harassment shows he is a left-wing, ultra liberal tool of the Democrat party. What’s that you say, he’s the GOP candidate for the Court of Criminal Appeals? Never mind.


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