Lindsey Graham and the Internet Machine

March 08, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lindsey Graham has started swooning over Hillary Clinton’s email account.  Bless his heart, he was just all a’quiver about Hillary’s audacious use of that devil’s spawn – email.

lindsey_graham_1Lindsey does not use the email.  Ever.  Never. Without end.  Amen.

He took himself to Meet the Press and announced —

“I don’t email,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.) said. “You can have every email I’ve ever sent. I’ve never sent one.”

Hell, even my 89 year old mother uses email.  She was reluctant to use the internet for a year or two because she had heard there was pornography on the internet.  We told her, “just don’t look at it.”  That seemed reasonable to her, so she got an email address.   So maybe that’s Lindsey’s problem – he just can’t bring himself to not look at it.

Here is man who wants to be President of the United States of America in 2016 and he can’t use email. Oh Republicans, y’all are so cute!

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