Labor Day
Here we go with some great news! Glen Maxey announced that we won the Grand Prize for the Race Across Texas! Thank you so much for helping. All the prizes will be auctioned-off and the money goes to the Texas Democratic Party’s Ballot By Mail Program.
I’m going to volunteer today and then do the first normal thing I’ve done in ten days – go to the ball game. The park is open and we’re playing the Mets. I do not feel the least bit guilty for going.
Nobody has seen Trump’s one million dollar donation to the recovery effort yet. Maybe Dr. Evil will deliver it for him. I hear they’re close. Y’all, Trump does not have one million dollars. That’s why he pimps those stoopid hats.
I am sincerely hoping that things will begin to get normal tomorrow. However, school is out for another week and it’s hotter than hell here.
Question to ponder. Will General Kelly make it another week?
See ya tomorrow.