Something is Seriously Wrong With This Guy

September 02, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, seriously?  He thinks it’s beautiful and good for the country.

I am exhausted tonight but I could not go to sleep without saying there is something wrong with this guy.

And it scares the poop outta me.


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0 Comments to “Something is Seriously Wrong With This Guy”

  1. So glad you & your family are okay.
    And, *sigh* I’m with you.
    What. Is. He. Thinking?
    Obviously, empathy and thinking before he speaks are (still. never?) a not a part of his ‘off the top of his head’ comments.

    I noticed the other day in WH that he was the only one reading comments. All around him (Red Cross, Flotis, VP…) spoke from ‘heart’.

    That’s it.
    No heart.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie is obviously in the final stages of something. But the question remains as to what ails those around him who fail to take action to keep pResident from harming the country and the universe.

    Looking at you Lyin’ Ryan and McTurdle, for starters.

  3. The precise medical terminology is “F*cked in the Head.”

  4. A search of the DSM is going to require the “u” Debbo.

  5. My dad has dementia. He often says things that make sense only to him. He has a good vocabulary but he strings those words together in inappropriate ways. Sometimes I hear him in Trump’s words.

    (Dad also has some stock phrases from way in the past that pop out randomly – like “Sieg Heil in case we lose”. Taking him out is always an adventure.)

  6. That Other Jean says:

    Someone on another blog that I read put it as “Trump does this whole “human” thing very badly.” I agree. He’s making what he thinks are sympathetic noises, but can’t understand that they’re coming out wrong. He seems to have no natural empathy, and he chooses the wrong words when he pretends to feel it.

    His father had Alzheimer’s Disease at Trump’s age, so that may be playing a part in his mental limitations.

  7. Lazrgrl, I’m so sorry this must be so heartbreaking for you. It’s hard to watch this happen to someone you love. FWIW, I’m sending you an air hug.

    Frankly, I find the entire dysfunctional Trump family utterly exhausting. Tone deaf doesn’t come close, the whole lot of them: from Ivanka’s pretend crusade to empower women, to Trump Jr.’s $100K speech in Texas, to Melania’s mind boggling wardrobe changes, and Daddy’s bizarre Tweets and statements. I’m sorry but if you need a script to express sorrow for people who have lost darn near everything, well there just isn’t much hope for you.

  8. Trump probably believes he understands what people in the shelters are going through, how they are making the best of a bad situation, just like he is, forced to live in that “dump,” the White House.

  9. And not to mention his hilarious responses, why was malaria wearing a Texas hat? To show solidarity? I think she’s as bad as he is.

  10. As a real estate tycoon (of sorts) no one particularly cared that he was an empty, vapid narcissistic son of a bitch. As a candidate and now president it is glaring. I think he thinks exclusively in terms of ratings. This is why he can’t stay on message or avoid embarrassing or horrifying situations like this. Who would pay attention to a president that simply meets with victims and helps for around an hour? Something inside him makes him do this. Who the heck knows what he really thinks about anything? If it doesn’t impact him directly I’m not certain he has any real thoughts about anything.

  11. As my southern grandmother would say, “That boy? He ain’t right”

  12. Flying Junior says:

    Not to over-simplify, but…

    DJT thinks that the entire world revolves around him. Particularly now that he is, (sadly,) president.

    Since he is always wonderful and great and beautiful, as long as he shows up or tweets something, everything is not only fine, but really great.

  13. Tilphousia says:

    Traitor trump is a glaring example of a psychopath. He has no human feelings, he just doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anime other than himself. He’s so mentally sick that he’d use nuclear weapons cause in his demented mind it’s just a video game played for ratings. Well, GOP, well mcturdle, well Ryan, YOU OWN THIS WALKING DISASTER. You own all responsibility for what he does. He showed what he is countless times and all you did was chuckle and think if political points and greed. Now once again his heartlessness is front and center. Too bad he wasn’t dropped into the middle of a flooded superfund site. Why then the morbidly obese mindless f**k could glow in the dark all by himself.

  14. Paul beat me to it. I was thinking the exact same thing.

    Does anybody know if the Brazos has finally crested and is JJ’s house still dry?

  15. A.A. Milne did it way better when he invented “the bear of little brain”. On a human, its a travesty.

  16. BarbinDC, I can’t speak for Juanita, but the Brazos mercifully crested slightly lower than expected on Friday morning. I’m pretty sure Juanita’s house is ok. I live nearby and am happy to report mine is too. Feeling very fortunate.

  17. Look no further than Dimwit Jr. and Err-Reich for a glimpse of what little Donnie might have been as a younger man.

    Donnie might have an adult onset mental disability complicating matters. But overall he was born & raised a jerk.

  18. JAKvirginia says:

    Thank you, Jane & PKM! Can we cut out the armchair psychology and diagnosis? The man’s a jerk. Thinks only of himself. Always has. And I don’t care how he got that way because it’s not my job to fix him. Or yours. The only thing I want him to be is Gone.

    Worst. President. Evah.

  19. Well, Barbara Bush, after visiting some Katrina evacuees who’d lost everything and were living in a Dallas stadium, said that “this is working out well for them.” Maybe it’s a GOP thing.

    That Other Jean reminded me of a Doctor Who episode when the Doctor was trying to pass as human and his companion finally blasted him with, “You’re RUBBISH as a human being, you know that?” Trump is much worse.

  20. You better enjoy Donald.

    He’s likely our last president.

  21. The “helping out for an hour” thing reminds me of the time when Paul Ryan, running for VP, showed up at a soup kitchen well after all the meals had been served and the boys scrubbed… so he scrubbed some clean pots for the cameras. What a little [excised by mama].

  22. Um.
    “Things are going great! Oh, the water? Yeah, there’s lots of water but it’s moving out so it’s all good.”
    “Oh, and I’ve got really big hands!”

    Honestly, that’s what he said in a nutshell.

    I try — I do — to feel compassion for a man who is obviously suffering from a severe personality disorder [narcissism] AND late stage dementia. But it would be so much easier to do if he wasn’t in a position to destroy the country.

    Oh, wait — make that the world.

  23. Yep, that’s our Donnie.

    Divorced from Ivana.

    Divorced from Marla.

    Divorced from Reality.
