Kicking Off Monday Morning

November 30, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know you’re still belching turkey so let us entertain you with some belly laughs.

The beginnings of the Trump Presidential Library has been rough out on something nicer than a cocktail napkin and you can see it right here.

And remember that it’s Christmas time and you’re gonna want to get me a present.  They have a shop.

You’re gonna love this place.  Pour a cup of coffee and find comfy chair.

Thanks to Dennis for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Kicking Off Monday Morning”

  1. I am still drinking from my “Fuck Trump” coffee mug that dear son in law got me 4 years ago. It’s from the Kathy Griffin collection. Great mug!
    I wonder what the SIL will get me this year? I got his Sierra Club Make America Green Again t-shirt last year, I think.
    I really don’t want any more political stuff for a loooong while. This year has been a bitch

  2. During GW’s reign someone came up with a photo of his library. It was a bookshelf made of books, boards and bricks. The books were stacked to hold the boards and the bricks sat on the boards.

  3. Somebody is going to rake in some major coin from that Grift shop. Maybe the Orange Moron should have Rudy sue ’em.

  4. Ahhh. I choose tea. Served ice cold…

  5. Do they have a Melania Barbie doll that when you pull the string, she whines:

    “Being First Lady is hard”.
    “Why do I have to do the f***ing Christmas decorating?”
    “I want to go back to New York City.”

  6. Why does the Grift Shoppe hate dogs? There cannot be anything so bad a dog can do that would warrant placing one in a Lindsey collar and subjecting an innocent animal to a Lindsey leash.

    The shot glasses have potential. Perfect to toast the exit of the fu king moron and his next cycle “Adventures with Leticia and Cyrus.”

  7. Old Fart @ 4,

    I hope it’s Putin’s best Russian tea served cold with a side of crow.

  8. Heads up folks.
    Try tap/clicking on the images. If a window pops up with a Read More tab, click on that too. It brings up descriptions/explanations that are worth the time. Sometimes it sends you to the top of the page so you have to scroll back down.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Papa at #5- I think the Melanoma doll should repeat her lovely “I really don’t care, du u” message. Maybe a version of her jacket in the grift as well. In fact, maybe a Trumpf version in orange fake news leather with something like “coronavirus, I really don’t care”.

  10. My browser says the site is not secure, so I’m “just looking.”

  11. Grandma Ada says:

    It might be worth getting a dog to have a Lindsey dog collar and leash set!

  12. Where you ask? Look no further than across the street from the White House. After he leaves his hotel will be hemorrhaging money. The final nail will be the largest Trump sign. visible from the WH bedroom. Or the FBI will expand to two DC offices and it will become the Trump Annex for Intelligence and Election Security.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Grandma Ada, you wouldn’t have a nice dog wear seconds from those people, would you? Anything worn by Leningrad Lindsey and the Vice Poodle should be donated to whichever prison rehomes the most criminals from this maladministration.
