Kevin McCarthy Needs To Go To His Safe Place and Not Be Offended

January 04, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Kevin McCarthy threw himself a walleyed snot nosed hissy damn fit today because a female Democratic Congresswoman used a foul word.

He was outraged, outraged I tell you, that a member of congress would cuss because Republicans would never do that because they are so much more polite and kind than Democrats.

So a member of the press asked:

“Leader McCarthy, with all due respect though, the president not too long ago referred to a woman as ‘horseface,’” Durkin said, referring to a tweet Trump posted in October slamming Stormy Daniels, a woman who claims she had an affair with him and was paid to remain silent about it. “Who within your caucus called out the president for that type of language?”

McCarthy, without citing any examples, responded by saying, “I think a lot of them did.” He then walked off before reporters could ask him any follow-ups.

Oh really, McCarthy?  Can you give us a copy of what you said?

I think he saw some people coming up with all the foul language Trump has used.

Republicans don’t use foul language.  They just starve children, take grandma off medical care, and call that God’s will.

Kevin McCarthy needs to find his safe place where little snowflakes can survive without being insulted.



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0 Comments to “Kevin McCarthy Needs To Go To His Safe Place and Not Be Offended”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Picture is worth a thousand words. Maybe Kevin needs a few of those t-shirts worn at Trump rallies with the arrows pointing and Trumpanzee women volunteering to be grabbed. Those and a few other selections from the Trumpanzee garb collection for the civil.

  2. RepubAnon says:

    Yes. I seem to recall a number of epithets applied to Hillary, including one’s starting with “b” and “c”. What I do not recall is any Republican condemning such language when applied TO a Democrat as opposed to such words being uttered by a Democrat.

  3. Don’t worry, Conservatives. “Impeach the MF” is just Lady Locker Room Talk…

  4. Linda Phipps says:

    Well then, McCarthy is a hypocritical Mother….er. It’s not language I use but I respect her right to use it.

  5. Beststash says:

    Stuff it, McCarthy.

  6. treehugger says:

    Yes, they rip kids from their parents, take away healthcare from their constituents, allow Trump to remove all protections against poisons in our water and air, allow Trump to continue the government shutdown (even into years, according to a report on today’s meeting), allow the destruction of our national parks and monuments by refusing to close them during the government shutdown. And on and on and on. Every day some new horror. This creature is a HYPOCRITE and his party of choice, the GOP is the party of HATE.

  7. I live in northern Virginia and commute 13 miles to work in the morning and then home again at night. I’ve been doing this since 1991. I use Mother F**ker at LEAST 10x each way and have raised it to an art form.

  8. We could bury Kevin McCarthy in the foul language Republicans and Deplorables (but I repeat myself) use about Democrats, minorities, women, etc., and that’s just burying him in rude words without using all CAPS.

  9. While I cannot condone such language, I can support the emotion behind it. If we use such language commonly, what will we say when we hit our thumb with a hammer?

    Upon reflection, the term Mother-Trumped comes to mind.

  10. Karen Byrd says:

    McCarthy apparently forgot when Dick Cheney threw an F-bomb on the Senate floor.

  11. someone tell kevin that women use locker rooms too

  12. Malarkey, I use MF whenever I cross the river into northern Virginia myself.

    I think Rep. Tlaib was well within reason to call Trump what she did. Though if she’d watched Samantha Bee’s famous clip of Scottish people’s insults of Trump, she could have called him a ludicrous tangerine ballbag, witless f***ing cocksplat, toupeed f***trumpet, polyester cockwomble, s***-speckled muppet fart, mangled apricot hellbeast, and tiny-fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret-wearing s*** gibbon.

  13. OK so they tolerate a pussy grabbing POTUS, who thinks other countries are “shitholes” and nominate Supreme Court justices that assault young woman as teenages????

  14. @Malarkey

    I feel your pain.

    I spent 36 years driving US75/IH45. Some mornings I wished I had a third or fourth hand with a middle finger because two simply wasn’t enough. Many of my Texas brothers and sisters simply haven’t the requisite skill to drive above safely on a multilane controlled access highway.

  15. WA Skeptic says:

    Twice I’ve spent two days traveling across Texas and finally chose to go to secondary roads simply because the drivers were insane. I couldn’t even take off on an offramp (which are poorly designed) because there was no warning, and the traffic behind me was riding my rear bumper at 70 mph.

    The good part about the secondary roads were the tiny towns I drove through which let me see how the real folks lived. Snapshots in my mind include the convertible filled with beautiful blonde girls laughing, the kids riding their horses, the feed stores with the benches out front filled with the old guys watching the world go by. Not a bad trade-off.

  16. I bet McCarthy just loves it when a woman talks dirty to him in private.

  17. I thought the trump supporters liked a politician who tells it like it is.

  18. Oh, dear me, if this is the worst McCarthy can find to swoon about, he’s in for a huge shock when Mueller drops his bombs.

  19. slipstream says:

    Golly, I hope President Pussygrabber von Shithole was not offended.

  20. And whatever you do, don’t call Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Minority Leader. He doesn’t like it.

  21. Bless His Heart.

  22. WA Skeptic says:

    Yeh drivin back roads of Texas is a huge adventure. Ive been here for 56 years and I have only seen maybe half, if I am lucky. It a great place.

  23. Jane & PKM says:

    #2, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15 #16, #17, #18, #19, and #20, photo finishes for winners.

    Ken@3 winner with: “Don’t worry, Conservatives. “Impeach the MF” is just Lady Locker Room Talk…” Schadenfreude with a cherry on top!

  24. @montag

    Butt-head: Beavis, I told you I wasn’t gonna let you touch the remote anymore. Now, give me that, minority leader.

    Beavis: No, way. And stop calling me minority leader!

    Butt-head: Give it here before I kick your minority leader a$$!

    Beavis: Stop calling me that, Butt-head! Stop it!

    Butt-head: Minority leader!

    Beavis: Shut up, Butt-head! Shut up! I’m gonna kill you, Butt-head! I swear to go doG, I’m gonna kill you!

    Butt-head: You and what other minority leader?

    Does the Minority Leader REALLY object to being called Minority Leader?? Does he prefer Fearless Minority Leader? Or Dear Minority Leader??

  25. Rick Stelter says:

    He’s clutching those pearls so hard, I’m afraid he may choke himself.

  26. When some dimwit tells me not to use certain words they don’t allow here, I always state…I will sop using those words when you can tell me why they are so terrible to be used..& your mommy don’t like them is not a good reason!!! I have yet to be given a answer. so don’t like hearing those ‘bad’ words? well do bad little snowflake.

  27. Susan Crites says:

    Saw a good one on Twitter today. Republicans are the REAL snowflakes. They’re white, they’re cold, and if enough of them get together, they’ll shut down your school system.

  28. “Kevin McCarthy needs to find his safe place where little snowflakes can survive without being insulted.”

    The Dry Tortugas are available. the “survive” part might be tough though.

  29. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Somewhere George Carlin is laughing his a** off.

  30. Vulgar language has its place, but I don’t want to hear it coming from elected Democrats. It distracts us from the serious issues we should be talking about.

  31. Post-post-Victorian here. My kudos for the woman who told it like it is. As for distractions, IMO it was the Repub who was shocked, shocked I tell you just like the police official in that famous scene from Casablanca concerning gambling only a par-sec before someone handed him his winnings at the gambling table.

  32. Bob Boland says:

    Can’t decide if I’m tickled to get to use my obscure knowledge or embarrassed that I’m being the language police. That said –

    Maggie, a parsec is a unit of astronomical distance measurement – a second of parallax

  33. There’s a better word she could have used. I don’t think Trump is a motherf***er. I think he’s just an a**hole.
