Ken Starr, I Hate That Guy

July 27, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

During the entire Bill Clinton investigation, I was totally sure that if Ken Starr walked by me, I would involuntarily stick out my foot and trip that sumbitch.  I had that involuntary accidental event planned down to the inch.

Next, he bounced up as Chancellor of Baylor University in Waco, home of the pious Baptist, where he did diddle squat when female students reported that they were being raped by members of Baylor’s first winning football team in decades. After all, they did just build a $266 million dollar stadium in 2014 and they needed to pay it off.  The Board of Regents asked him to leave when it began to look like they were going to get sued to hell and back.

Starr stood back from the limelight when he was very quietly one of the lawyers who cut the sweetheart deal for Jeffrey Epstein. Starr didn’t get a lot of public attention but I’m sure he got a boatload of money.

Epstein’s advocates included the famed Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz and former U.S. Solicitor General Ken Starr, best known for his role as the independent counsel in the Whitewater investigation, which eventually led to the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton.

And the last time we heard from him, he was on Donald Trump’s impeachment team.

Doesn’t it seem like hoochy-koochy just follows this guy around?

But it just got worse and you need to warm-up your trippin’ foot.  Judi Hershman just let the cat out of the bag.  Starr is going to hell. Not for screwing around, mind you, but for the greater sin of being a damn hypocrite. I’m sure she’s got a blue dress to prove it.

He’s a punk, y’all.


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0 Comments to “Ken Starr, I Hate That Guy”

  1. Cato the Censor says:

    Like I said elsewhere, Ken Starr should be stoned to death in front of the Supreme Court by women wearing burnooses and fake beards.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    JJ, you have certainly followed this despicable person more than me, but I’ve never liked his holier than thou persona (or person). Being attracted to pence seems like a fit. Another holier than thou person.
    After reading the article, I’m even more disgusted- in starr and certainly cry baby brett. And the FBI investigation into brett. Everything fits.
    Momma karen P better watch herself.
    Also, another good fit would be starr representing gaetz when he’s finally help accountable. Starr can also ask him to promise no more statutory rapes.

  3. BarbinDC says:

    Holy Cow! There’s indeed a special place in Hell for this hypocrite.

  4. thatotherjean says:

    Loathsome man, Ken Starr. I hope to livelong enough to see him get his comeuppance.

  5. Afternoon JJ. Just in case the thought you’ve put into the whole Starr trippin scenario stopped when he face planted concrete (for reasons of plausible deniability, or just that deeply satisfying result), allow me to suggest an explanation to have ready.
    No matter where it happens, claim to be a tourist. Everybody knows tourists aren’t responsible for their actions. Trippin lawyers, crapping on Congressional office floors, or throwin together a really cool lookin gallows from trash dug outta garbage cans.
    You’re in the clear.
    Cato, if I let my beard grow out, I could save money on a fake one, and talk in falsetto. Just as long as I get to help with the boulder at the end of that scene.
    And if somebody sees through my disguise, I know when and where to catch a getaway spaceship.

  6. For anybody unfamiliar with The Life of Brian
