Keep our eye on the ball

October 31, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

When we hear about Mike Johnson’s adopted son, we notice that Hhe doesn’t seem to be in any of the family pictures. He was adopted when he was fourteen. Maybe he is the one taking the picture. Maybe he doesn’t like being in pictures. Maybe we should respect his privacy as Johnson alluded to in the article linked above.

This is an uncomfortable talking point. Admonishing our own is never a joyous experience, but it is one that has to be done every once in awhile. There always seems to be a trail that follows those with prolific anti-gay rhetoric. I think that is when Shakespeare said, “doth protest too much.”

It is in this vain that progressives and gay rights activists seem to be going after Johnson. Perhaps it is just a group of people that watch a little too much Investigative Discovery in their spare time. Years ago there was a similar story involving Matt Gaetz. He apparently adopted a boy from Cuba. Considering how sleazy and sexualized Gaetz is, there was plenty of speculation about what was really going on there.

That same speculation is happening now. Johnson has made a career of ant-gay and anti-lesbian rhetoric and championed legislation that would promote those views. He has opposed legislation that would support those groups. His wife dangles in the gay conversion therapy that feels so repugnant. One thing leads to another and the amateur sleuths assume Johnson is gay and trying to repress it. They are assuming the boy was a furtherance to that end.

I’m really not sure which is worse. On the one hand, you have a young man that really doesn’t want to be in the limelight and you are openly attempting to out him against his wishes. The fact that none of it could be true cannot be understated. You also have a legislator that has said and done some pretty questionable things above board and you are spending your time trying to catch him in some sort of hypocrisy below board.

Is Mike Johnson secretly gay? I really don’t know and I really don’t care. What I do care about is what he will actually do as speaker of the house. I care that he attempted to push the big lie forward and actually did things behind the scenes to make it happen. I care that this fact didn’t seem to be a disqualifying point for his House colleagues. I care that he is already going back on his word to push through aid for Ukraine at the same time as they pass aid for Israel.

I care about a looming shutdown in November that no one has done anything about since they passed the last continuing resolution. I care that he is seen as an improvement over Jim Jordan just because he doesn’t yell as much and seems able to find his sport coat on a daily basis.

What I don’t care about is whether or not he is a closeted homosexual. Maybe that fuels his homophobia and far right views. Maybe it drives him to go whole hog on the evangelical thing. I care what you do. I care how your actions affect those around you, me, and everyone else. Whether there is a deep seeded reason for those actions matters not to the people suffering the consequences of those actions. I’ll let the psychologists and psychiatrists worry about repressed feelings, self-loathing, and all of the other buzzwords we like to throw around these days. Let’s focus on the real stuff and let others worry about the imaginary stuff.

0 Comments to “Keep our eye on the ball”

  1. What bothers me about him is his belief that the bible is the basis for our government.

  2. “Let’s focus on the real stuff …”

    The real stuff is awful. Those imaginary suggestions are the only thing Republicans might find disagreeable about the man.

  3. Just my own opinion, but I think the GOP is getting so much bad press with Mike, that the honeymoon will be over before the milk goes bad in the refrigerator.

  4. Texas Expat in VCA says:

    Nick, when you say “The fact that none of it could be true cannot be understated” you mean “cannot be overstated,” right?

  5. Johnson has stated that it is God that raises people up in high position. Question: does he think God raised up Hitler Mussolini, and all the other fascist ramrods? Inquiring minds want to know.

  6. As others have stated: “When someone tells you who they are, it’s a good idea to listen”. I’m not going to bother with useless verbiage: Johnson is an intelligent zealot that believes in a need for Armageddon. Right now he is probably hearing the trumpets blaring in the East, and that should scare the Hell out of everyone who doesn’t want the End of Days.

    Unfortunately he’s surrounded by a bunch of self righteous dunderheads, and they lack sufficient imagination to be scared of a world economic meltdown produced when the US & China come to blows over Taiwan. Aid for Ukraine is insurance, which is paying off so far. It should be remembered that all of the demonstration of US hardware is not going to be ignored.

  7. Sam in Mellen says:

    “You are in more dire need of a blowjob than any white man in history.” Good Morning Vietnam

  8. I think I feel outraged…He indeed protests so vehemently that I would assume he is afraid of his own homosexual urges.

    But I am outraged with the rumors because once again the rumor-mongers are equating homosexuality with pedophilia. That is a Republican talking point that is so false! And so wrong to keep peddling for scare tactics.

    Three weeks ago, I really didn’t know anything about this man…now I am so flipping tired and disgusted at mention of his name.

  9. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Star (#8) Thank you! I completely agree and have felt the same about The Loser Former President for years.

  10. “dangles in” should be “dabbles in.” Misnomer of a cliche.
