Just When You Thought That One of Them Was Kinda Not Scary …

February 20, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Kasich, the guy you thought wasn’t part of the Clownmobile, stands as living proof that whatever the Bozos have is contagious.

Katich is proposing a damn federal agency to “push Christianity” on the Middle East.

UnknownGovernor Kasich failed to give his federal government agency a theocratic name, but he does know that its only purpose and mission is to “promote the Jewish- and Christian-based belief system to four regions of the world: China, Iran, Russia and the Middle East.”

Holy war?  Holy crapamole.

Kasich thinks everyone in the Middle East will become Americanized if the government will just “beam messages around the world about the freedoms Americans enjoy! It means freedom, it means opportunity, it means respect for women, it means freedom to gather, it means so many things.”

Y’all, George W Bush has invaded Katich’s brain.  Hell, at least it’s the first invasion he’s ever won.

Thanks to Chloe Bear for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Just When You Thought That One of Them Was Kinda Not Scary …”

  1. Uh…isn’t that the same thing all those GOPers are complaining that ‘deh Muslums” are trying to do all over the world….and they MUST be pounded into sand for doing so???

    Oh never mind……

  2. Palm, meet Face.

    Has this fool never heard of The Crusades? That worked out well.

  3. First of all if he didn’t figure this out – don’t throw us Jews into this mix. We don’t promote our religion or actively ask people to convert. Now Bubalah, if you want to have some coffee and cake with your neighborhood rabbi and talk about Judiasm, please the door is always open.

  4. Oh, SNAP, Sharon!

  5. And here I thought the GOP disliked big, costly government agencies and big government interfering with people’s rights. I’m getting whiplash listening to them flip-flop.

  6. I propose a law requiring law-makers to start every session with a reading of the Constitution. They keep forgetting what it says.

  7. I suspect Kasich also wants to “push Christianity” (his version) on everyone in this country.

    I also thought Kasich was saner than the others, but I saw him with Colbert the other night and Kasich was disgusting. He proclaimed that we needed to get rid of divisiveness in this country and said the way to do this is for Obama to cave and not nominate anyone for the Supreme Court. In other words, the way to end divisiveness is for the right wingers to get their own way, all the time, 100%, with no compromise.

    And you should have seen Kasich weasel around. Colbert had asked a straightforward question about whether Kasich thought the President should propose a nominee, as stated in the Constitution. Kasich would not answer yes or no. He just kept repeating that Obama needed to refrain in order to avoid divisiveness.

    Kasich is just awful.

  8. @BarbinDC

    Thanks for gently (and I do mean ever so gently) reminding this snacilbupeR maroon why Uncle can’t actually do this.

    “”make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.” Thanks also T.Jefferson for clarifying that for the Danbury Baptists as well as this never-gonna-be running for president.

  9. I cannot scream it enough. Been screaming it since Kasich put his foot in. He is nuts.

    An Ohioan.

  10. Kasich is exactly the same as all the other right wing nuts, he’s just flown under the radar for a while. The more “popular” he gets, the more shit will come out about how truly vile and nasty he is.

  11. What these Christians propose actually has nothing to do with Christianity. When the hell are they ever going to wise up to that!

  12. Wow. If what the GOP Christians do to us women is ‘respect’ us, I think the Muslims might just laugh in his lying face. Governor closed PP all over the state for his ‘religious beliefs.’ And ‘beaming the message around the world’ sounds kind of Rod Serling-ish! Of course, their whole campaign is out of the “Twilight Zone.” Nice he’s being shown for the Koch scum he is, though.

  13. Excuse me but aren’t the Russians Orthodox Christians? So why would we need someone to proselytize them to become Christian? Oh, that’s right – they aren’t FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIANS – the only “real” Christians in the world.

  14. The question has been asked “Who are these people at these rallies that cheer until their lungs bleed whenever waterboarding, carpet bombing and other promised waves of death are voiced?” I’ve been around long enough to remember when the American Bund tried to get a real toe-hold in this country while Der Fuehrer maniacally ate Europe. Those cheering crowds are the spiritual spawn of that Bund that ran around trying to stiff-arm German-Americans into joining and beating up whoever got in their way. The spawn has been around under everyone’s noses, insisting that they are good righteous even religious Americans. But throw some of that magic dust on them from the Klown Kar and they rise like dandelions in the spring. Its about time somebody with sufficient rank and resources called them all out on this, preferably before the violence blows the needle off the meter.

  15. Ah,yet another wannabe crusader rabbit. Hey, fool, the crusaders lost. Mainly cause they wanted to carve out fiefdoms for themselves using the local population as serfs. And, oh yeah, we’ll christianize them while we’re working them to death so they can go to “heaven”. Same crap used by Columbus, Cortez et al. This has never and will never succeed. Legislating religion never works. Forcing people to your brand of religion fails every time. The only reason republicans quizlings expound failed plans is to placate their owners. This makes them morons. Isn’t the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?

  16. God help us if any of the RKlan makes it to the White House. Look what they’ve done to the Senate and the House, effectively ground government to a halt. Such a waste of time and tax money at the least, but absolute Sharia law for women and minorities at the worst. They’ve already set academic and scientific research back a decade with their short sighted budget cuts, not to mention the education of our children will be nothing but Old Testament rot. And of course seniors can kiss their social security and Medicare goodbye. How can anybody with a brain support these imbeciles. Aaaaaargh! I’m losing it.

  17. daChipster says:

    We in Ohio know all this “happy warrior” nonsense is BS. He’s raised douchery to an art.

  18. Kasich sounds sane only when he keeps his mouth shut and stands between Trump and Cruz.

    And I second Old Mayfly’s suggestion: our “lawmakers” need regular refreshers on the Constitution… just as our “Christians” need ditto on the Bible.

  19. Marge Wood says:

    Learn something new every day.

  20. e platypus onion says:

    Russian Orthodox are more christian than ‘murrican kristians. They have more crossbars on their cross than do ‘murricans.

  21. Lets hear it for the one right and true only way. MY WAY!!

  22. Funny, epo.

  23. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    John ALEC Ksuchasheis is a soft spoken wingnut, until riled. But do NOT ever doubt he is capable of screaming st00pid.

  24. Charles D. says:

    It seems to me that a significant number, perhaps even a majority, of American muslims are more tolerant of other religions than these people running for president. See, for example: http://trueislam.com/

  25. JAKvirginia says:

    Probably the only sane thing Dubya ever said (which means someone wrought it for him) is that this is not about religion, it’s about power. No matter who rants about religion, whether Trump or Cruz or Rubio or even Kasich, know that it’s all about gaining and keeping power. And power (backed by government resources and force) is the last thing you want any of them to have.

  26. Sharon, thanks. The only thing I ever proselytize about is vibrant health. Kasich is ALEC owned and Koch operated.

  27. NO NO…….a thousand times NO
    Kasich needs to shut his mouth.

  28. So Kasich has added himself to the can’t-beat-’em-so-join-’em crowd. He is now officially courting the Tea Party and the clown car just got another occupant.

    Oh well, this is too little too late even for the TP’ers so Kasich will be out come Nevada.

    A Republican with scruples. I knew it was too good to be true.

  29. there was a time, years ago, when islam was the single most enlightened and tolerant, organized religion on the face of the planet. if they hadn’t invented it, they improved it. their art was among the most stunning the world had ever seen, young students were welcomed from around the civilized world to study under the great Islamic artistic masters.

    Islamic Drs., scientists, chemists, physicists, etc., practically re-invented medicine from scratch, creating “The Scientific Method” along the way, and happily sharing it with all willing to learn. the middle east, under enlightened Islam, made Europe at the time look just barely primitive. it’s a wonder Europe survived at all.

    then, the “enlightened Christian crusaders” came along, and almost managed to destroy it all, in the name of a Christian god .
