Just When You Think It Can’t Get Any Worse Than Ted Cruz …
Oh dear God, you know all that stuff you hear about fracking? Well, in Texas it is apparently happening to brains.
There is a giant Tea Party movement to get Louie Gohmert to run against John Cornyn for Senate in 2016. And it’s not a bowel movement. Okay, so maybe it is but these people are as serious as a double headed rattlesnake.
Louie Gohmert for Senate? That’s what a number of Texas tea-party activists are hoping for. They’re not happy with Senator John Cornyn, and Katrina Pierson, who serves on the Texas Tea Party Caucus Advisory Board, tells me she’s heard from a number of activists pushing for the outspoken East Texas congressman to challenge the senator.
The only reassuring news about this is that “Gohmert told the Washington Examiner that he won’t be running for Senate.” However, you do have to consider that maybe Gohmert didn’t understand the question.
The result of all this is that it forces Cornyn to move further to the right. And with Hillary Clinton topping the ticket in 2016 (she is wildly popular among Hispanics in Texas) there’s a dandy chance that Mayor Julian Castro can knock Cornyn cold enough to skate on. And Gohmert? Castro would tie his ears in a bow knot.