Just When You Think It Can’t Get Any Worse Than Ted Cruz …

August 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh dear God, you know all that stuff you hear about fracking?  Well, in Texas it is apparently happening to brains.

There is a giant Tea Party movement to get Louie Gohmert to run against John Cornyn for Senate in 2016.   And it’s not a bowel movement.  Okay, so maybe it is but these people are as serious as a double headed rattlesnake.

Louie Gohmert for Senate? That’s what a number of Texas tea-party activists are hoping for. They’re not happy with Senator John Cornyn, and Katrina Pierson, who serves on the Texas Tea Party Caucus Advisory Board, tells me she’s heard from a number of activists pushing for the outspoken East Texas congressman to challenge the senator.

The only reassuring news about this is that “Gohmert told the Washington Examiner that he won’t be running for Senate.”  However, you do have to consider that maybe Gohmert didn’t understand the question.

The result of all this is that it forces Cornyn to move further to the right.  And with Hillary Clinton topping the ticket in 2016 (she is wildly popular among Hispanics in Texas) there’s a dandy chance that Mayor Julian Castro can knock Cornyn cold enough to skate on.  And Gohmert?  Castro would tie his ears in a bow knot.

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0 Comments to “Just When You Think It Can’t Get Any Worse Than Ted Cruz …”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    The thing I find frightening about the Tea Party is that it would take only one large crisis (say, a combined meltdown of China and the Euro-Zone) for them to get very popular. Nothing beats “it’s all the fault of those lousy (insert scapegoat here)” in tough times. See, for example, the rise of the Golden Dawn in Greece after the austerity binge there.

  2. Marge Wood says:

    Gohmert in the U.S. Senate? Puh-leeze. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Last night at supper my husband and I were talking about my cousin who lives in Gohmert’s district. I said she’s more conservative than I am but she’s not stupid. Then I had an awful thought. What if his opponent was even worse? and yes, I noticed that Cornyn was joining the Tea Party. You think his literacy will drop too?
    On another topic: what do y’all think about Larry Summers hanging out with the Powers That Be in D.C.?

  3. Marge Wood says:

    Maybe Cornyn ISN’T joining the Tea Party. What do I know. Anyone have documentation?

  4. Bernard Terway says:

    We got Ted Cruznuts in the senate, so why not Louie Gohmertnuts too? Cornyn is bad enough as it is, but a Gohmertnut in the senate? Oh God help us. We are already the laughingstock of the country.
    On Marge Woods question – I hope Larry Summers doesn’t get the Fed job, or any other job in the government.

  5. TexasEllen says:

    Buying popcorn futures. If Louie runs, someone else will have to replace him in the House. Since Cornyn has gotten all terrified and under Cruz Control, he’s as worthless as Gohmert but less hilarious. Craven vs. crazy should open up a nice November place for a good Dem.

  6. It only takes a whiff of that out of state tea money to turn a bumpkin’s head, though.

  7. Obviously, these are the tea bagging cousins to the nuts in Alaska who want Palin to run for the senate.

    I’m thinking signaling a Gohmert for senate run means these poor lunatics have jumped the crazy shark. I may be delusional but I’m thinking instead of falling completely off the right side of the boat–(sane republicans—hahahahaha) may join hands and make a concerted effort to try to rid themselves of their loonier brethren and sisterhood.

  8. mike from iowa says:

    Is it possible you have been mispelling this clown’s name? Isn’t Gomer-R T more likely?

  9. It would appear that the loonies on the right are breaking away not only from mainstream Repubs but from slightly-less-loony Repubs. Goody. It couldn’t happen to a nicer party.

  10. I thought Cornyn was up for re-election in 2014, not 2016. Only good Hillary will do with Hispanics is if she makes a campaign appearance FOR whoever the Democrats put on the 2014 ballot, against Cornholio, (or whatever cornholio the Repugs end up with after a nasty primary battle) which is a good strategy… for our candidate, and for Hillary in 2016.

  11. Umptydump says:

    How about this for a wild scenario? Cornyn is up for reelection in 2014. The Tea Party wing nuts who are backing Louie can take out Cornyn in the primary. Then – in the general election – Gohmert could run against … Wendy Davis!!

    Now wouldn’t that be a lovely opportunity for all the women throughout the rest of Texas to really get to know Louie and hear his wisdom first-hand?

  12. Run, Louie . . . RUN!
    Because politics will be a LOT more boring after Michele Bachmann is replaced.

  13. Charles Phillips says:

    This is the problem plaguing the GOP; they either can’t or won’t rein in their nutcases. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just an odd way to regain relevance.


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