No, Dear, Grown Men Dressed Like the Easter Bunny Make It Uncomfortabe to Shower at the YMCA

August 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So back during the march on the Texas capitol over women’s rights, the rightwing bussed in people from across the country to try to outnumber us and keep us out of the Senate gallery.  It, of course, didn’t work.

They had promised these people free housing.  That housing, of course, wasn’t with rich Republicans who won’t share even table scraps.  It was at the YMCA.  Where they got kicked out.  And I’m fixing to tell you why.

Meanwhile, back at FoamAtTheMouthville, Rick Santorium got to spouting off about what a horrible person I am.

Very Uncomfortable

“You see, what the left does, what the pro-choice movement does is they just don’t focus on their little issue, they focus on everything they do and every aspect of their life,” he explained. “They make it uncomfortable for students who come to Austin to shower at a young men’s Christian association YMCA gym.”

“Because they live it. They’re passionate. They’re willing to do and say uncomfortable things in mixed company. They’re willing to make the sacrifice at their business because they care enough… They simply won’t give up. We have the truth and we give up! We have righteousness and we give up because it’s unpopular!”

See, get it?  We made these sweet unassuming kids uncomfortable to shower at the YMCA.  You know, shower means nakkid and we all know what happens in showers when you’re nakkid.  At least Rick Santorum does because he talks about it a lot.  And these kids were just minding their own business when they got “uncomfortable.”

So what’s the real story.  As to be expected of uninformed Santorum and his overwhelming desire to talk about nakkid, facts didn’t matter.  The YMCA issued a statement.

We strive to create an atmosphere that is welcoming to all, where people of all backgrounds are comfortable.

That’s what we were striving to do in accommodating the Students for Life group who were in need of a place to shower.

Unfortunately, in this instance, it caused the political debate to come into the Y.

If any person or group enters our facilities and creates an atmosphere that is disruptive, we have an obligation to our members and program participants to ask that person or group to leave or to refuse them access.

There are appropriate places in which to conduct a political debate, and that place is down the street at the State Capitol, not at our YMCA.

So, exactly who was being disruptive and making people uncomfortable?   In Santorum’s upside down nakkid world, hot is cold and day is night. It was his people who were trouble makers at the Y.

How proud he must be to know that because that’s exactly what he was telling them to do.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “No, Dear, Grown Men Dressed Like the Easter Bunny Make It Uncomfortabe to Shower at the YMCA”

  1. BRAVO Juanita!!!! Any time a GOPer spouts something, you KNOW there’s a lie in there somewhere.

  2. The main thrust of Ricky Bunny’s accusations is the fact that we, the Left and Levelheaded bunch, are super enthusiastic at what we believe in … we don’t go in with tunnel vision, but with panoramic vision to encompass everything we believe in … so unlike the Rabid Righties who only see what they want to see!

    How does that make us bad? It makes us “bad” in the eyes of the Rick Santorums of the world because we’re not seeing it “their way” … LOL Nope … won’t happen … not today, not tomorrow!!

  3. Bernard Terway says:

    I suppose that it doesn’t matter what the YMCA said. What matters to Santorum is that he is right and everyone else is wrong. He is a pathetic excuse for a human being, and, as a Christian he is even worse.

  4. Jean Kuhn says:

    Sick Santorum. LOL

  5. It doesn’t bother Ricky Sanctumorium that he spews nonsense sentences about focusing on everything. He lives in a little world of single issue voters that are easy to divide and conquer. That ain’t a liberal world.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    This reminds me of Ted Cruz saying if the government is shut down this fall, it will be Obama’s fault.

  7. Just one question. How does Rick Santorum know who showers at a YMCA?

    He could have taken all these kids down to Town Lake, submersed them all and bathed and baptized them, all at the same time. That’s what any good Baptist (or the Village People) would have done.

  8. Just Suze says:

    I think I’d like to arrange a date between Rick Santorum and Ken Cuccinelli. Both are sick puppies. (My apologies to the puppies of the world.)

  9. It doesn’t take much thinking to realize that a bunch of fundamentalist young folk, who had spent hours on a bus, railing against abortion and the slutty women who have them, could not just turn off their self-righteousness when they entered the YMCA. Apparently Ricky never turns his off, but I’d never trust him with a young girl.

  10. Lorraine in Spring says:

    When Ricky was Senator from PA, he didn’t talk so much about sex. Then he got the idea he could run for POTUS. I’m not sure what happened next, maybe he met Marcus Bachmann during the primaries & felt something, but he talks about sex more now than a horny teenage boy. Voters want to hear ideas to solve real problems, not listen to Rick preach morality based on his personal sexual fantasies.

    Showers? Rick needs a cold one.

  11. Olden Grey says:

    What is it about Texas, guys named Rick, and questionable “truths”?

  12. mike from iowa says:

    Shouldn’t someone explain to Sanitorium that a rwnj wearing pink indicates he is “that way” wink,wink?

  13. Don’t forget that Santorum belongs to a political party that can be made uncomfortable about SpongeBob and the teletubbies because of their rampant homosexuality.

  14. LynnN, and guess what they think about zombies!

  15. “…they live it. They’re passionate. [They] make the sacrifice… They simply won’t give up.”

    And that’s why we scare them so much. And why we should never ever quit.

    As to the YMCA, they were still offered the chance to shower after hours. Instead, they chose to make a stink and refuse.

  16. I read that statement over and tried to make sense of it. You’d think I’d know better. But how he got together showers, passion, and mixed company is making for some images that I doubt the YMCA will agree ever happened. Yep, Rick needs a cold shower himself.

    I hope there’s something wrong with that photo. No sane man or his wife could let him go outside dressed that way.

  17. daChipster says:

    This from the guy who used to shower in the gym at Penn State while Jerry Sandusky was a coach there, where his frat name was “Rooster” and his frat skill was chugging beers, which he would do by “opening his throat.”

    Now THAT’S an uncomfortable shower.

  18. Lorraine in Spring says:

    OMG daChipster, you may have something there. What if Santorum was exposed to Sandusky’s perversions while at Penn State? He may have chosen to live with the secret if he was assaulted, resulting in his obsession with gay sex.

    If that’s the case, I may have to feel sorry for him & hope he finds healing through therapy.

    Until that’s confirmed though, I’ll continue to point & laugh at the creepy little pervert.

  19. Umptydump says:

    Word is that Santorum has been going around the country lately teaching Ricky’s Rule: When you drop the bar of soap in a YMCA shower, be sure to back up against a wall before bending over to pick it up.

    That message has been lost on “Texas Ricky” – you know – the one who takes cabana boy staffers on road trips.

  20. maryelle says:

    Sancto Sanctorum has convinced himself that he is the savior of America. Fortunately he has been unable to convince anyone else

  21. Corinne Sabo says:

    Now I’ll never be able to get a picture of a nekkid Santorum out of my head. There goes dinner.

  22. Louis Newton says:

    Just Suze says:
    August 8, 2013 at 9:52 am
    I think I’d like to arrange a date between Rick Santorum and Ken Cuccinelli. Both are sick puppies. (My apologies to the puppies of the world.)

    @Just Suze: Ma’am, you have definitely aroused my prurient interest with your fine suggestion. And. . .please don’t forget to hire a competent and wholly disreputable photographer? Your fellow Americans thank you.

  23. CerealCitySue says:

    His outfit makes my eyes hurt. I am prone to visual migraine auras and temporal lobe seizure auras of all sorts. Yet another good reason for me not to view him in person.

    Once I write something down, I seldom forget it. I can only hope that I remember this horrible sight. Must. Not. Look. At. Santorum. Bunny. Again.

    That was mean. I am sorry. But I am mean when my eyes hurt.

  24. I have an image of Rick Santorum, sitting in the dark wearing a lovely argyle sweater vest, flipping the pages of Playboy while holding a flash light in his mouth. And doing things. Nasty, vile things. Ewwwww!

  25. Sam in Kyle says:

    If he would spend more time showering and less time comparing he would be much happier with the YMCA
