Just My Guess

June 13, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Happy Indictment Day!

This is just a wild ass guess on my part but I suspect the rowdy lawless sumbitches ain’t gonna show up in such big numbers this time.  Here’s my guess as to why: we were smart enough to prosecute them for January 6th. They truly believed they were above the law. They were not.

Over 1,000 people were charged with criminal indictments the sentences were stiff for white boys and girls who believed they were invited to overthrow the government with force by the damn president.  It’s a stunning record for the justice system working effectively.

Check in when you have time and we’ll see if I am right.


0 Comments to “Just My Guess”

  1. BarbinDC says:

    I’ve heard that the protesters gathering in Miami number in the 10s.

  2. I agree the numbers will be smaller, but one news report was showing a fair number of trucks/SUVs with lots of Trump flags coming into Miami. So unlike New York, it does look like there will be a significant set of folks, who will be ripe for violence, supporting the felonious traitor.

  3. weakgrip says:

    like the swallows returning to the mission at Capistrano

  4. Happy Indictment Day #2! This is yuuuuge, way bigger then Obama’s … birth cirtificate.
    Two down, 2 to go, are we tired of winning yet!?
    So far all quiet on the eastern front.

  5. The Surly Professor says:

    Check out the link that JJ posted. Yes, it’s boring old wikipedia. But scan down to the “Demographics” section and especially the items like bankruptcy, evictions, and foreclosure data. Also, large numbers of them ” … had been sued by a creditor for not paying money owed; and others had bad debt, delinquent taxes, or tax liens.”

    We knew they were mostly white, male, and violent. But they were all-around pathetic losers and thieves.

    As usual, JJ has posted a link with hidden jewels.

  6. slipstream says:

    Book him, Dano.

  7. Lock the bass turd up!

  8. Texas Expat in CA says:

    Isn’t it actually happy Arraignment Day? Anyway, it’s a good day, and a good start.

  9. Reading the above comments my takeaway is that Trump supporters are so lazy they will only drive to the arraignment with their AC on high? With a big ass flag fluttering off the back of their unused cargo bed?

    Hopefully they obey all traffic laws.
    And the drive thru fast food joints do good business serving them fat, salt, and sugar.
    “Sir, sir! Don’t catch your big ass flag on the overhang when you leave.”

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Watched MSNBC for a while before the time that the trumpf was to appear before the judge to hear and plead to charges. They had a trumpf attorney on that recently resigned after the indictment came down. He went on about why he thinks it may never go to trial. He claims prosecutorial misconduct that he witnessed at the grand jury. Of course he does. I left MSNBC coverage when I was sick of him and changed channel to NBC. Guess who Lester Holt went to during coverage- Chuck Todd being Chuck Todd.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Here’s the former trumpf lowyer I referred to in my above comments. Guess if I’d stayed tuned to MSNBC long enough I’d have seen him get dressed down by a smarter attorney.

  12. Steve from Beaverton @11 Thanks! I saw plenty of BS bothsiderism with Clinton’s emails (of course) on CNN… it would have made Herr Goebbels proud. But MSNBC Nicole Wallace and Katy Tur did a nice job of presenting the narrative as ‘this is a good day for Democracy and the Rule of Law’, etc. !

    And of course I come here, Crooks and Liars, TPM, emptywheel and Raw Story for my main, honest and home spun spin on things!

  13. thatotherjean says:

    Looks like you were right. According to Michael Cohen, who was broadcasting on Meidas Touch, someone on-site estimated the crowd at about 1,000. Loud, but not unruly. I’m sure that wasn’t what Trump wanted.

    Too bad the judge let him walk away with no restrictions, except that he had to not communicate with other people involved in the case, except through lawyers. I wonder if he’ll make it a day before that lands in the dust? Then, I hope the lock him up.

  14. thatotherjean:

    1000 people?
    Why with those numbers Trump and Kari Lake would have still lost their elections. But by a 1000 less.

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    In watching coverage of the death of Italy’s Berlusconi yesterday, there were a lot of parallels to trumpf. He was rich (actual billionaire), accused of sexual assaults, and actually convicted of tax fraud and other corruption which barred him from running for office for a few years. Eventually he was pardoned and ran for national office again and won, but according to the story I watched, the people of Italy finally tired of his criminality. We can only hope trumpf is convicted and gets banned from running for office permanently. We should be so lucky. I’m afraid most of his brainwashed and really ignorant cult followers will not be leaving him anytime soon. I suppose a crazy repugnantican could be elected president and give him a full pardon (or he could follow Berlusconi into?????).

  16. “On January 6, 2021,FBI undercover agents attempted to overturn his election loss to Joe Biden by attacking the U.S. Capitol Building….”

    FBI undercover agents? That’s news to me. Wikipedia might want to fact check that particular entry.

  17. Lex, add The Meidas Touch and Legal AF to your list of sites for straight facts.

  18. AK Lynne thanks, will do!

  19. Steve from Beaverton says:

    AK Lynne- good catch. How the hell could Wikipedia still have that in their narrative? The facts further down in the list of bullet points totally contradicts that (in the demographics section for one). That’s absurd and blatant bullshit. Even the footnote #1 doesn’t say that.

  20. Can someone kindly direct me to the link that would give me a copy of the 59 page document? I have a day off and I need something to read.

    Muchas gracias!

  21. @Maggie
    Here it is: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653.3.0_4.pdf

    You can also listen to Ali Velshi reading it aloud, if you look around for a link.

  22. LOL, it was a MAGA attack. Wiki has corrected it to “…supporters of Donald Trump….”

  23. The Surly Professor says:

    Maggie, it’s only 49 pages, double-spaced to boot. Chris Christie claims the indictment has only a third of the evidence the grand jury accumulated. The NYT also has an annotated version with some explanations us non-legal eagles (ugly illicit ducklings?) can use.


  24. van heldorf says:

    Surly Prof @23 – not all of us subscribe to nytimes and to too many other gated sources. Can’t portions of such walled articles be copied-pasted here without incurring some kind of reprimand?

  25. The Surly Professor says:

    I use firefox as browser, and remove all cookies and “long-term storage” files everytime I shut down the browser or computer. Plus doing a ctl-shift-delete allows clearing out anything that sites use for tracking.

    So everytime I go to the NYT, it’s like I’m a stranger they never met before. That article is quasi-interactive, with highlighted parts of the indictment and then pop-ups alongside with their explanations. So just cut-and-paste here won’t help, sadly. Otherwise I’d do just that.

    You may have access via your local library (if the prehuman primates haven’t shut it down yet). Plus there might be a paywall remover site that works (12ft ladder doesn’t work for NYT). I’ll try to find if there’s another way, and will post it on this thread if I find one.

  26. Harry Eagar says:

    I do not think that the prosecutions are what kept the fascists away.

    It was Ashli Babbitt. They may believe she was martyred but they know she is dead.

  27. Buttermilk Sky says:

    You were right about the sparse crowd, but they were a colorful bunch. Can someone clue me in about the pig’s head on a stick?Do I need to re-read “Lord of the Flies”?

  28. van heldorf says:

    Surly Prog @ 25. Try tinyurl.com. came up with
    https://tinyurl.com/yhp8hh49 which took me the article on trump and classified docus & warning on access to this article thanks to someone you know.
    is this the article you are referencing?

  29. My many thanks to all those who responded so well to my request. Yes, I did get the document but after 14 pages it kind of went into a coma. I had to wiggle and jiggle the printer a bit to get the rest of it. I wonder if the printer’s behavior was caused by its own abiiity to read what it was printing?

  30. The Surly Professor says:

    maggie, pages 12-14 have photos on them, and that may bog down a printer. Even though they are crummy black and white ones, they are more memory intensive than text in PDF. Those pages also have text, otherwise you could just skip them

    van heldorf: yup, that’s the article. I did not use a URL shortener in case anyone wants to see just where it’s taking them. But if everyone here trusts me, I’ll use one in the future.
