Just Like Christians

September 08, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You gotta see a Huckabee aide run a man on man defense to keep Ted Cruz from appearing on stage today.  It’s so Christian!

Ted Cruz being a wuss.

So a guy half his size kept him from moving.  That’s a real tough guy.

Thanks to Bubba for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Just Like Christians”

  1. Look up the definition of “Money Shot”
    And in a way it’s appropriate to that scene.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Jeez Daffy, Jr. that heifer is the Huckster’s fatted calf. Find your own grift, loser.

  3. JAKvirginia says:

    I don’t think there’s sound to that video but I fantasize that the aide is telling Cruz “Listen, the charges are $100 the first minute you speak and $150 every minute after. Take it or leave it.” I guess TeddyBare passed.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    I’m sorry, that is funny. Just remember I never called ’em Christians.

  5. I’d like to see the video, but I don’t find any link. I’ve even clicked through to various reports.
    Help? What am I not seeing?
    In any case, I’m all for Cruz getting a comeupance.

  6. Gives new meaning to the phrase ‘peckerwood order’…errm…’pecking order’.
    Y’all ever head-fake a bunch of turkeys, or chickens, or chickenhawks, at feeding time with a handful/scoop of feed? Wave it around in front of them and they’ll almost fall over watching the meal, then let it loose and watch all hell break loose as they scramble for the goodies.

    And that Kimmie-dear is such a prize, ain’t she?
    Man, things must be rough in that part of Kaintuck for three or four rednecks to actually hitch up with that one; and who knows how many casual mashups in the ol’ pickup bed in some holler down by the crick.
    Ain’t enough Wild Turkey or Jim Beam in the whole wide world to tempt me.
    Don’t those bozo’s in the klown kar know Kimmie is a officially Democrat?
    “Davis won the Democratic Party primary,[13] and advanced to the general election against Republican John Cox.[15] She defeated Cox in the general election.[15][16] Following her election, Davis told the Morehead News, “My words can never express the appreciation but I promise to each and every one that I will be the very best working clerk that I can be and will be a good steward of their tax dollars and follow the statutes of this office to the letter.”[1]”

  7. Where is the common man when you need one? So many candidates, so few “Joe the Plumbers.”

  8. Should have thrown Palin and Trump into the fight for the camera– four of the world’s greediest attention-whores. Would be something to see if I could stand to see it, especially with Kim Davis being all self-righteous. She’s on that list too.

    @Sandridge, somebody in KY said, “I don’t know why she ran as a Democrat — she’s not acting like one.”

  9. Thanks, Sandridge @6. Oh, the things I don’t know!

    But here’s what I do know — I know an attention whore when I see one, and there are way more than I really need to see. I’m so very tired of “kristians” making public spectacles of themselves, with their arms raised up and thanking God (whoever the hell they think that is). If they weren’t so illiterate, perhaps they would read the book they keep thumping on. Want a Bible with the “words of Christ” printed in red? What a horrible affront to those who truly try to follow in Christ’s footsteps. Hucksters — they’re all charlatans and hucksters. Snake oil anyone?

  10. My college educated sister is sure that Christians and conservatives are just being picked upon in “Obamamerica.” I am not kidding. She wrote that to our mom. “No tolerance for Christians and conservatives.” Yet if you call her out, she pleads “I’m not with any party.” I doubt the woman even votes, which is a blessing. But I do get tired of her whining and her victimhood. I want to tell her that America is for everyone, and discrimination is against the Constitution. But Glenn Beck told her they are only discriminating against Christians, so she believes the man ‘who is always right.” She wrote that to me once. I asked her for two times when his predictions came true, and she changed the subject. Those Christian conservatives are so sure of themselves, until they aren’t. Anyone put Huckabee in jail yet?

  11. Linda Phipps says:

    Duke it out boyz, it’s a good sideshow before the main event which you will not be part of… BTW Mike, I caught the “Money Shot” comment as well on another site. I had to pour clorox on my eyes after seeing that picture of Saint Kim with her arms up praising the lord. Dumb bitch, what she is praising is the LAW, not the LAWD.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    I thought Huck was Al Sharpton in whiteface,but then I remembered Sharpton has slimmed down considerably. Didn’t Hucksterriffic have lap-band surgery?

  13. epo, Huck had to loose about 100 pounds back in the day due to diabetes. He knows the inevitable outcome if he packs it on again. Plus, mix in aging and the stress of his public life. All things considered, it kind of looks like a competition between Huck and the Outlaw Jersey Whale as to who collapses first on the campaign trail. Physically, that is. Politically, as well.

  14. gabberflasted says:

    It must really suck to be second to Schmuckable.

  15. WA Skeptic says:

    Well, it helped that the little guy had two big troopers standing right at his left shoulder.

    I loved the clip; it wasn’t captioned, but you could just see Teddy-boy’s face “Don’t you know who I am???”!!

    They are all a bunch of phony scam artists. None of them have held a job in so long they wouldn’t know how to flip burgers. No wonder they want to get elected to some office or another. All the perks and none of the responsibility.

  16. Corinne Sabo says:

    Only God decides who is and isn’t a Christian, a title I prefer to not use anymore.

  17. Linda Phipps says:

    whether or not the “lap band” surgery worked for the Hucksterbee, he needs “Lip Band” surgery, right now.

  18. Ole Huckleberry thinks he’s found political gold in that there contemptuous clerk. Just wait until the fines start mounting up and the KKKristian right moves on. Kim who?

  19. jeez! these people are such chumps!
    i just wish i could go somewhere else.
