Just in Case You Were Wondering How Campus Carry Is Working In Texas

October 10, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It appears to be 0 – 1.

Last night a student at Texas Tech killed a police officer in the police station and escaped still carrying a weapon onto campus.

He was apprehended about an hour later.

It’s now so common place that it barely makes the news.


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0 Comments to “Just in Case You Were Wondering How Campus Carry Is Working In Texas”

  1. On line college classes. Campus life seems to be just a wide open hunt ground for concealed carriers.

  2. According to the account I read, the kid pulled his gun AT THE POLICE STATION!!!

    Two thoughts: did anybody frisk him; would he be alive today if he were not a white kid?

  3. @BillR
    These are campus cops and you can bet they will frisk from now on. Just sad cop had to lose his life to teach that lesson and no, kid would be dead too if he were non-white.

    Texas Freedumb legislators enabled this, riding roughshod over police and college administrators. Going to get a lot worse, wait until first grading period ends.

  4. And the alt-right talks about going back to simpler times, perhaps such as when campus security officers didn’t have to carry weapons and wear body armor.

    Hypocrites. They’re the ones who connived with state legislators and the governor to pass a piece of obscene gun legislation. For those who supported it, the blood of a young police officer’s life is on their hands, and they should wear it for all to see.

  5. Once upon a time, the Texas legislature and NRA armed a bad guy with a gun. The bad guy walked into a police station and killed a police officer.

    The end?
    No, this story never ends.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Guns on campus … what could possibly go wrong?

    The irony hurts, as snacilbupeR politicians and the NRA claim more guns will make us safer, while the continued death toll speaks otherwise.

    UmptyDump, hypocrites, indeed. Until state legislatures, NRA events, and gun shows are open carry events, they can stick their idiocracy of allowing guns into our schools, shopping areas, and theaters.

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    So…. is someone in TX going to charge the Lege with aiding and abetting? Just askin”.

  8. Subadult (teenage) males. Some of them are lovely people, but as a group they are about as out of control as toddlers. This is nature’s way of thinning the herd and finding out which males have the best genes to carry into the next generation. Some of their craziness meets with great success, a lot of it doesn’t. But a class of people who have an inordinate tendency to say “Hold my beer and watch this!” is not a class that should be walking around with loaded guns.

    Yes, there is a type of person who is too hormonal to be in charge of anything, but it’s rarely women.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    He was apprehended alive. If he had been a POC would this story have ended the same way?

    I hate to keep flogging a dead horse, but where were all the good guys with guns on campus? I would think guys allowed guns on campus would sit around in groups fondling their pieces like they did when they found out how much fun it is to rub a woodie the wrong way.

  10. And then there’s this (which the foamers in the comments blame on liberals, of course):


  11. That Other Jean says:

    How many times does this have to happen before states figure out that guns on campus, in stores, in bars, or wherever gun nuts choose to take them, are a really, really–lethally–stupid idea?

  12. Today’s Houston Chronicle says the campus carry law wasn’t a factor since the shooter was underage to get a license. Technically, yes, but we can be pretty sure he had the law in mind when he decided to bring his gun to town. I have no doubt the law was an indirect factor.
