Just In Case You Were Wondering ….

April 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

“I am praying for a pardon.”

Roger Stone, last week

He’s due to report on April 30, which according to my calendar, is on Thursday.  He’s supposed to serve 3 years, 4 months.  He doesn’t want to. His jury was unfair and probably fake jurors.

“I’m 67 years old. I had very, very severe asthma as a child. If you look at the profile of those who are most at risk, I think I fit that,” he said.

Plus, I don’t think you get your $1,200 check if you’re in prison.

And the cherry on top?  Stone says he’s found … yep, Jesus.

The former political adviser says he’s received counsel from Evangelical and fellow Trump supporter Jerry Falwell Jr

According to Stone, Falwell Jr. to, “put myself in God’s hands. That I should put my faith in God, and confess my sins, acknowledge Jesus Christ in my life. And I have done that.”

The self admitted dirty trickster continued, “I’m aware of the fact there are skeptics who are going to say ‘Stone is posturing. Stone is maneuvering for public sympathy,’ and so on. But that’s just not the case. And He, God, knows what’s in my heart.”

Why would we think Stone is posturing? I mean, he’s never done that before in his life.

He’s probably just being sarcastic.


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0 Comments to “Just In Case You Were Wondering ….”

  1. Most of us “out here” have not gotten our $1200 checks. Feels like we’re in Fraud’s hands.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    “Counsel” maybe since Falwell Jr is an attorney (with all due apologies to real attorneys), but Flipper Junior has never been a preacher, ordained or otherwise. Pictures of Stone confessing to a goat would have more credibility. Nah. Not really. Wouldn’t trust Stone to not be whispering into the goat’s ear something about signing an NDA before …

  3. Harry Eagar says:

    I don’t care if he’s confessed to Jesus. I want him to confess to a United States Attorney.

  4. God may know what’s in his heart.
    The rest of us know he has a tattoo of Nixon on his back, who also claimed he wasn’t a crook.

  5. Prisons are full of people who have claimed to find Jesus. …..and here I didn’t even know he was missing. Should we let them all out?

  6. After a lifetime of dirty tricks and other evil I believe Roger found Jesus just like I believe his buddy Lee Atwater conveniently found Jesus on his deathbed. That is to say, I don’t believe it at all.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    Prison ministries are very active – I’m sure he’ll find one at the prison he reports to! BTW – I didn’t think Commander Clorox could pardon him?

  8. BarbinDC says:

    What is it about these guys that they don’t understand the concept of Atonement? Penance?

    Oh, and if Falwell Junior is your spiritual counselor, you’ve got bigger problems than a mere jail sentence.

  9. I was thinking about that tattoo, too. But more along the lines of which other of his heroes he could get smaller, prison tattoos of, surrounding tricky dick like his posse.
    Hitler. Mussolini. Pinochet. Ceausescu. Gotti. Capone. Maybe that kooky Charlie Manson.
    He’d probably seriously consider Danny Devito’s Penguin, strictly on the basis of style. But eventually he’d realize that he’s just too old-fashioned to be so cavalier about something he cares so deeply about.
    It’ll definitely be Burgess Meridith. Life-sized. On his chest.

  10. And by the way, the swingin’ lifestyle he’s been notorious for might be about to take on a whole different dimension.

  11. thatotherjean says:

    Anybody talking to Jerry Falwell, Jr., has found something, no doubt, but it ain’t Jesus.

  12. senyordave says:

    Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy

  13. Old Fart says:

    Oh come on folks, how could you *not* indulge?!

    Lock him up!

    Lock Him Up!!

    LOCK HIM UP!!!

  14. Lol he must be broke. Lots of fools, err people, give you money when you play the Jesus card.
    Once a con, always a con.

  15. Send him powdered soap. That will take a lot longer to pick up in the prison showers.

  16. Buttermilk Sky says:

    “Commander Clorox” — mind if I borrow that, Grandma Ada?

  17. treehugger says:

    I couldn’t stop gagging reading this. Anybody can claim they’ve found Jesus and they’ve been praying like crazy since then so that God will give them [name your favor], but if I’m not mistaken, repentance involves going to lengths to make amends, changing your ways, and admitting your wrongdoing. I don’t have the sense that is happening with this pathetic excuse for a human. I don’t think blaming others and whining about your asthma counts.

  18. AliceBeth says:

    The idea of Roger Stone and Jerry Falwell, jr together really does describe the entirety of this administration doesn’t it???

  19. O Brother Where Art Thou? Had as many quotable lines as any movie I know.
    On being baptized:
    Pete: The preacher said it absolved us.
    Delmar: they was witnesses that seen us redeemed.
    Ulysses Everett McGill: That’s not the issue Delmar. Even if that did put you square with the Lord, the State of Mississippi’s a little more hard nosed.

  20. Marcia in CO says:

    I believe I read somewhere that the Orange Blob, having been impeached, no longer has the right to pardon anyone … not even if they fart!

  21. Marcia in CO says:

    Oh … I got the $1,200 on the 15th … direct deposit. And, today … in the mail … his letter of appreciation that he thinks was necessary! I ripped it into small pieces and put it in the container to be shredded!

  22. WA Skeptic says:

    @#20: That isn’t correct; a president may not grant himself a pardon or clemency. It must be done by his successor, such as Ford and Nixon, although that hasn’t been tested in any court.

  23. Harry Eagar says:

    RA, I have said many unkind things in my life but one of my closest friends said the unkindest of all was when — just before Atwater died — it was announced that an exploratory surgery had removed a growth from him but declared it was not malignant.

    I quipped that that was just like the doctors, to find the only part of Lee Atwater that was not malignant and take it out.

    I’d like that one engraved on my tombstone.

  24. The Surly Professor says:

    Wanna bet that Stone looked at that other paragon of virtue from the Nixon presidency, Chuck Colson, and decided that pretending to have a soul was the best ticket to carry?

  25. Oldymoldy says:

    There’s just no end to the weirdness this crowd is willing to enter into!
