Just Five?

August 31, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This morning, Jennifer Rubin wrote the five dumbest reasons Republicans give for supporting Trump.

Do you want to know the hardest part of writing that?  Narrowing it down to five.

It boils down to law and order, pandemic over, great economy, Joe is a socialist, and “life.”  All five of those make me gag. Trump stood on the White House lawn, breaking the law, hollering that he’s law and order.

The pandemic is worse than ever, what economy?, Joe is hardly even a Democrat, and life means only fetuses.

There is no convincing the other side. None. So stop it.  Don’t even try.

There’s an interesting and very nerdy article in Salon this week about political moneyball. If you didn’t see the movie Moneyball, you need to. Baseball is a lot like politics. The theory is that you should put your money not on big races where your $25 won’t really matter but on races that can change the perimeters of the political spectrum.

For three election cycles, I have begged for your money to help flip Fort Bend County, the largest suburban county in Texas. Once we flip Fort Bend, we can flip Texas, I argued. And once we flip Texas, there will never be another Republican in the White House.  Hillary carried Fort Bend in 2016 and in 2018, every Democrat on the ballot won.  With your help, we did it.

So, now we need to head to Dallas.  The Salon Moneyball article argues just that.  If you click right here and look at the candidate list on the top right, those are the ones you need to be betting on.  You can run a Google search on the candidate you like best to find out where to send them $10.  And then watch election night to see if you won your bet.


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