Just A Little Story

February 18, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s a little story to make you smile.

Karen got arrested yesterday in my hometown.  There were only 5 people arrested in my county yesterday. One of them, a woman, repeatedly dialed 911 demanding that they turn on her electricity. They asked her to stop calling because there were people who needed their help and there is nothing they can do about her electricity.

She finally screamed in to the phone, “I am going to keep calling back until y’all send somebody over here to turn on my electricity!”

”Oh, we’ll be right over there,” the dispatcher cheerfully responded.  Karen spent the night in jail and was bonded out this morning by a really pissed off husband.

And I see you guys know all about Ted Cruz.  But you may not have known this.


You know, like the sheriff’s department didn’t have anything better to do.

He’s on his way back and I say he gets the welcome he deserves.


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0 Comments to “Just A Little Story”

  1. Miz JJ, you’re posting again! Does that mean you have regular ‘lectrical?

    Karens!! My youngest used to be a dispatcher. He can tell similar stories. It’s the real story of entitlement in ‘merica.

  2. Wow! Both of them, Karen and Cruz! Caaa-rrraaazeee!!!

  3. The wind turbines in Idaho, Washington and Montana are working just fine.
    If ERCOT were a uterus the Legislature would be rushing to regulate it.

  4. Elizabeth2 says:

    What did Teddy need the sheriff’s help with, his luggage?

    I hope all you folks in my home state are getting by okay. I’m as pissed off as I’ve ever been. I wish I could figure out how to pipe some water and heat to you. And I REALLY hope the worthless Republicans responsible for this mess are colder and more miserable than my friends and family down there.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    A guy I used to audit with was the one in the family to watch over his mom. Physically she was ok but between the ears not so much. He and his wife planned a second honeymoon trip and the mom kept hinting that she wanted to go. He called the mom’s doc and explained the situation and the doc said he’d handle it. So my friend and his wife leave, and Saturday morning about 2am the mom calls 911 to tell them she’s out of Ensure and asked them to bring her the chocolate flavored one! Of course the fire department came and got her and the doc put her in the hospital for “observation” and my friend and wifey had a nice trip!

  6. Linda@3…Great burn!
    So true.

  7. And Linda scores the quote of the day.

  8. Karen(Ted) Cruz: Being a good Dad, I flew down with my girls last night and coming back today. First liar don’t gotta chance.

  9. larry from Colorado says:

    Linda: You win the “funny of the day” award.

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Yep, in true repugnantican form, the cruzer blames someone else for his poor (make that “no”) judgement- blames his daughters.

  11. Ted’s toast:

    Here’s to you and here’s to me;
    Best of friends may we ever be;
    But if perchance we disagree
    Then to hell with you and here’s to me.

  12. He called the cops to assit in his turn to the States at hte airport? Wa she afraid he would get the same kind of greeting Lindsey Graham’s got at his airport?

    Wow! Shame on him! My 100 year old grandmother had moe guts than he ever will!

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    It would be appropriate to arrange a snowball barrage to greet that special snowflake. rofl @ his “concern for Heidi and the girls. If he wanted them to have a good time, Teddie would have never been on the trip with them.

  14. And he returns with his SUITCASE!! Liar,liar.

  15. I always love it when the Republicans pull out that tried and true, “I was just being a good dad!” excuse. Right behind the, “resigning to spend more time with my family,” excuse, “The Media….” and the ever popular, “Pelosi / AOC are to blame!”

    On the plus side, we now know that pigs can fly!

  16. charles r phillips says:

    Here’s some other shenanigans goin’ on deep in the heart of Texas…


  17. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Cruzer’s claim to the press that he just flew down Wednesday (for the sake of his family) and planned to be back today was proven to be not so true. His reservation in Cancun was thru Saturday, but lying is his go to response to the press all the time. He also told reporters he was going to be back to Texas today so he could solve the power crisis, which he already blamed on windmills and green energy.

  18. Given the irony in ERCOT (The Electric *Reliability* Council Of Texas), perhaps someone can introduce a bill to rename it the Unified Texas Electric Rural/Urban System (UTERUS).

    Then the GOP would insist on regulating it. Alas, I’m sure they could not do it sensibly…

  19. Linda, that is so perfect!

  20. The Surly Professor says:

    I’m loathe to blame ERCOT for what should be dumped on the heads of Texas politicians, but it seems that organization is already trying to weasel out of it:


    Summary: sure, we blacked out large parts of the state. But if we had not done that, it would have led to months without power! So we’re really the heros here.

    JJ: be sure to give ERCOT a pat on the back. With a bayonet in your hand.

  21. maybe Texas should refrain from 5 letter acronyms that begin with an E

  22. Chloe Bear says:

    Cruz should be investigated by the Senate Ethics Committee for abuse of power and using his office for personal gain.

  23. Jane & PKM says:

    In all seriousness, Moscow Mitch should receive the Most Evil Thing in the Senate Award. With his history and attachments to Morton C. Blackwell Mitch should be running away with the meretricious and traitor awards. But no. Teddie Crooze will not be denied – Leningrad Lindsey may have to step up his game plan of killing Crooze on the Senate floor.

    “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you”

    What a dilemma! Other than not advocating violence as a solution, having to thank Leningrad Lindsey …

  24. I thought the Sheriff

    Would return my e-lec-tricity…

  25. Ah, Rafael needed a police escort in case people shouted nasty things at him .

  26. Harry Eagar says:

    Thinking about the Karen.

    I bet she was drinking. Lonely, frightened, drunk, she reaches out for socialist help in the only place she can think of.
