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March 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Pastor John Hagee of the the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio – which is also called Six Flags Over Jesus – has been warning us about this.

UnknownWe’re having four complete lunar eclipses six months apart.  Hagee warns that this fulfills the Biblical prophesy of “blood on the moon.”  Total lunar eclipses are called blood moons because the moon turns red during them.  It’s not, you know, actual blood.

The first two eclipses were on April 25, 2013, and April 15, 2014.  Nothing major happened, much to Hagee’s  chagrin.  However, it did give him time to sell more books.  The next one is scheduled for April 4th.  That’s the day before Easter.  Woo wee woo.

“I believe that the heavens are God’s billboard, that he has been sending signals to planet Earth,” he explained. “God is literally screaming at the world, ‘I’m coming soon.'”

Hagee predicted that the four eclipses were signaling a “world-shaking event that will happen between April 2014 and October 2015.”

Well hell’s bells, John.  That’s like, I dunno, over a year or something.  It’s 18 months to be exact.  Damn straight something will happen in 18 months.

Anyway, John has two full pages of books about blood on the moon, which seems kinda like he needs an intervention.

The last of the four blood moons is on March 23, 2016, so I seriously doubt anything major is gonna happen until then because, think about it, why would God reserve the billboard space if he knows it ain’t gonna happen.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.


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