Juanita’s Helpful Hints

April 15, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just a heads up that I think may be totally on target.  What to look for in the Mueller report.


There ya go.


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0 Comments to “Juanita’s Helpful Hints”

  1. If I had an investigation done on me and then claimed it “completely exonerated” me, I would damn sure let everyone see that exoneration. Just so that it would remove any doubt about the claim.

  2. I think we all know that the Mueller report will catalog a long list of actions by the trump campaign and its toadies that will be shocking. But there wasn’t sufficient dispositive evidence to prove conspiracy. In the opinion of Mueller.
    At the end of the day, it matters not one whit whether the report concluded conspiracy occurred or not. Not one true trump believer will change their mind. And the republican Senate will never convict.
    Remember trump’s boast about shooting somebody in plain daylight on 5th Avenue not costing him a single supporter?Now that I think about it, that’s the one time that trump actually told the truth!

  3. Weaponizing fabricated vindication into V for Vendetta!

    His Excellencie’s favorite goose stepping toady, Deviled Nunyas, with perfect rectal/nasal docking procedure, has come up with OMG… a scorched Democrats plan.


  4. The an makes a helluva lot more sense than his dippy wife does.

  5. There may not be a “beyond a reasonable doubt” hurdle cleared in Mueller’s report, but I do believe we can take to the bank “high crimes and misdemeanors” which, when [not if] they come to light would result in impeachment and removal from office — assuming both branches of Congress acted with honor and integrity [iow, after November, 2020.]

    It’s obvious what Mueller’s plan was: he thought he was presenting the report to Congress to do with as they thought best. There was, after all, precedent. That’s exactly what happened during Watergate AND during the Clinton investigation.

    Why Mueller didn’t take into account the fact that the law and precedent would count for nothing in this administration is anybody’s guess.
