April 15, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Let’s start off the week before Easter with an Easter egg hunt.  You can search Louie Gohmert’s campaign expenditures for this cycle.

Here’s what Alfredo found —



The boy likes his eatin’ meetin’s.  By the way, barbeque is spelled with a damn Q.

And he apparently loves his bank. I have never seen service charges like this on any other campaign expenditures.



You can trip on over there and see what you can find.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

And here is Southside Bank’s fee schedule.  Thanks to Fred Farklestone for the heads up on this.


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0 Comments to “Louie! UPDATED!”

  1. Those charges suggest he’s bouncing a lot of checks.

  2. The Surly Professor says:

    Two meals for 211.58 *on the same day*. What, for lunch and dinner?

    And I agree with Mike. Is Loony Louie unable to balance a check book, or what? Notice that the first 6 charges occur on the first day of the month (skipping New Year’s Day) and then the next business day. Maybe he wasn’t smart enough to get an account that provides free checking.

    In any case, again a tip of the hat to Alfredo. I’ll be happy to chip in on a 211.58 barbeque meal for him … just maybe not twice on the same day.

  3. louie belongs to the longviiew chamber of commerce ??

  4. Any time I see stuff like this something automatically kicks in among my neurons and I think “money laundering.”

  5. Ted Powell says:

    “By the way, barbeque is spelled with a damn Q.”
    Fine by me.

    But the name of the establishment (as reported to Google Maps) is:
    “Hill Country Barbecue Market”

    They advertise: Texas BBQ & beer served in a rustic-chic, cafeteria-style setup, with nightly live music downstairs.


  6. Fred Farklestone says:

    Here’s list of a service fees from the Southside bank that Louie pays every couple of days!


  7. Those service charges suggest he’s used to banking with the old congressional bank. The one that reporters discovered was several million dollars in the hole on their clients, many of whom were consistently overdrawn for long periods.
    That, or the ol’ asparagus wonderboy never learned how to balance a check book.

  8. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I wonder of any of those bank charges are for bounced checks.
