Jones Bankruptcy Update – Hearing This Afternoon UPDATED

April 29, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Reminder that the hearing in the Jones bankruptcy hearing is at 3:00 today in Houston federal court.  You can listen in.

Telephonic Participation
Dial-in Telephone No: 832-917-1510
Conference Code: 590153

Fair warning, bankruptcy court is about as exciting as golf on teevee in Chinese, so the odds of something you’ll understand happening are pretty damn slim.  However, with the type of lawyers that Jones hires, you never know.

You can read some very funny stuff from Above the Law, written in the English language for people who don’t speak lawyerese. And this one is good, too.


That 3:00 Texas time.

Both sets of Jones lawsuits (the one in Texas courts and the one in Connecticut in federal court) will be presenting their views. In short, they both claim this is a bogus bankruptcy meant to stall for time. And, the Jones lawyers probably went judge shopping by setting up a fake office in Victoria, Texas, a more conservative area of Texas.

So, if you’re not doing anything else …it’ll make you hate Jones even more.

UPDATE: It went about as we expected.  Jones’s lawyer, who seemed to be proud to be the oldest person in the courtroom simply did not know when to shut up.

And, when the judge reminded those people on video that they are required to behave themselves, a Jones fan wanted to do some free advertising for Jones’s products. Seriously, I am told by highly reliable sources that this was what someone put up instead of their own face.


Alex Jones – the Putin of Austin.

And the Southern Poverty Law Center reports that Jones just got $1 million in Bitcoins.


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