John Oliver is A Genuine Texas Hero
John Oliver, my favorite investigative comic, bought something valuable.
Some 9,000 people stuck with delinquent medical bills had their debts forgiven courtesy of HBO host John Oliver.
Oliver, on his “Last Week Tonight” program Sunday, took the action to illustrate a story about the practices of companies that purchase the records of debtors and attempt to collect on them. The show set up its own company to acquire $15 million worth of debt owed to hospitals in Texas, paying $60,000.
This is Texas, where our Governor is refusing Medicaid funds to help sick people who are working class but without health insurance. Medicaid ain’t welfare. Our Governor doesn’t want the federal money because Barack Obama touched it, so now it has cooties all over it.
John Oliver, who is in this country on a green card and could be Mexican as far as Greg Abbott knows, helped Texans when Abbott and the Republican Legislature wouldn’t.
Now how a business can pay $60,000 for $15 million in potential profit is a whole ‘nother story.
Thank you, John Oliver. Please come to Texas and run for Governor.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.