I Love Yew, Texas

June 07, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ya know, there are some good folks in Texas. Real good folks. Filemon Vela is one of them.

Congressman Vela represents South Texas and does a dandy job of it.  He also slays bigots.

Vela told Donald Trump what he could do with his wall.

51d37233b9f9a.imageI would like to end this letter in a more diplomatic fashion, but I think that you, of all people, understand why I cannot. I will not presume to speak on behalf of every American of Mexican descent, for every undocumented worker born in Mexico who is contributing to our country every day or, for that matter, every decent citizen in Mexico. But, I am sure that many of these individuals would agree with me when I say: ‘Mr. Trump, you’re a racist and you can take your border wall and shove it up your ass.’

You can email Congressman Vela at velaforcongress@gmail.com

He’s a genuine Texas hero.


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0 Comments to “I Love Yew, Texas”

  1. Congressman Vela expressed what most Americans would like to say.

    Yes, he is a genuine HERO.

  2. Rastybob says:

    To put the wall where he wants he will have to get past Ryan’s lips.

  3. Why try to be diplomatic when talking to Trump and his followers. Isn’t “telling it like it is” a big selling point that his followers love about Trump. So keep on telling Trump and his followers that they are all idiots and @#$holes without apologizing.

  4. Sandridge says:

    Congressman Filemon Vela, Jr., was just a pup when I used to play cards/poker with his dad, Judge Filemon Vela, Sr, long ago.

    Good guys, outspoken, intelligent, honest, fair minded, and Democrats.
    The very opposites of your typical lying, scamming, thieving Rethugs (from the now ‘presumptive’ ‘leader’ of the GOPervs, on down to the lowest teabagger).


  5. Gindy51 says:

    Can we clone this man?

  6. mamacita says:

    I owe Trump a big “thank you.” My darling husband is a world class procrastinator and had let some 25 years pass without getting his US citizenship. Trump fixed that! As of March this year, there is a brand spanking new Mexican-AMERICAN citizen in Tarrant County determined to vote Democrat for the rest of his naturalized life.

    On the day of his swearing in, some 200 other people originally from Mexico became citizens at this one ceremony, at this one office. Every one of them filled out the form to register to vote before they left the ceremony room and I can’t imagine that a one of them is going to vote for the orange creamsicle.

    Thank you for saying what so many of us feel, Rep Vela. We’re all looking forward to the day we can enjoy a purple Texas!

  7. Patticakes says:


  8. e platypus onion says:

    Drumpf#$k has since ordered his surrogates to double down on attacking the judge and accusing the press of being racist against Drumpf#$k. I am wimpy,hear me whine if I don’t get favoritism for mine.

    I warned you wingnuts next nutjob for Potus would be white,wealthier than Rmoney and even more clueless. I warned you. You wouldn’t listen. I warned you,damn your hides,I warned you.

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    Congratulations to Mamacita’s hubby!!

    And to Rep. Vela for getting the word to the Cheeto Cheeze Whiz Drumpf!! I hope his letter turned the Drumpf purple in the face! Ahhhh ha ha ha!!!

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    mamacita – congratulations to your husband!

    Similar good news from our neighboring state, California. Record numbers of new voter registrations happening there.

    😀 Wait until our First Family and the Bidens hit the campaign trail. Donnie Drumpf is about to be buried in his own bilious words.

  11. I loathe the way this prancing buffoon twists things– “He’s got a racist bias against me because I’m such a racist!” So does every decent American, fool.

    Great news that so many Hispanics are registering to vote his ugly butt back to wherever it came from.

  12. Bernie Spencer says:

    What glf said.

  13. @glf

  14. Austinhatlady says:

    Left a comment, Susan, on your great article.

    @Mamacita, a chaste kiss for your husband on becoming a brand spanking new American citizen and registered voter.
    @GLF totally agree!

    Emailing congratulations and thanks to Congressperson Vela.

  15. Our office works closely with a variety of congress critters and some of them not because we want to, but Vela is a really good guy! I thoroughly agree with his epistle to the vulgarians. Trump ain’t the only one who needs to hear that.

    And sincere congratulations to Mamacita’s esposo!

  16. charles r. phillips says:

    He’s got huevos, make him senator!

  17. maryelle says:

    Thanks to Umptydump for clarifying the two current court actions against Trump. One is actually a consumer protection case and the other claims that Trump University was actually a criminal enterprise under the RICO Act. Judge Curiel is currently hearing both cases. There is a hearing on the RICO case coming up in July. Hope there is additional public info as well. This second case may well be why Drumpf is coming down so hard on the judge, attempting to get him recused. It seems more consequential criminally, than monetarily.

  18. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Vela is definitely a hero. Saw that on Twitter before here, and…YEAH!

    Trump’s vicious attacks on Judge Curiel sicken me.

  19. Susan the Neon Nurse says:

    If I didn’t have such ties to my Colorado home I would move to Texas just so I could Vote for Vela!

  20. Congratulations to your hubs mamacita, and all the other folks who have recently become American citizens! Regardless of your political affiliation, I’m very glad you have become a citizen. There is room for you here.

    I sent an email to Congressman Vela telling him I’m in complete agreement with all aspects of his statement. I also told him that, even with the wonderful representation I have in Minnesota, I’d be honored to have the opportunity to vote for him.

    (I didn’t ask Vela to move to Minn. TX needs him much more.)

  21. Sandridge says:

    I hate to advise you of this, but nobody in their right mind would move from the sub-tropical TX Rio Grande Valley to the frozen tundra of MinnysOta (yje RGV soon to be fully tropical, thanks to CC/GW, the areas not under water).

    After all, hordes of snowbirds flee to the RGValley to spend the winters, and my old informal license plate tallies counted MN vehicles as one of the most prevalent.
    One of the early TX airlines also had a route between Harlingen/Brownsville and Minneapolis, with extra flights at peak seasons.
    The Valley is at the latitude of Key West and southernmost FL.


  22. Oh Sandridge, ya gotta toughen up a bit! Besides, global warming is really moderating our winters.

  23. Zyxomma says:

    One of my dearest Canadian friends became a citizen this month, and told me the entire room full of new citizens registered to vote D. XD

  24. Lunargent says:

    Zyxomma – which is the real reason that the Repub’s are so dead set against immigration. It’s not so much that immigrants are brown as they’re Blue.
