John Cornyn and the Goverment Teat

June 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how Texas Senator John Cornyn just hates, hates, hates government?  But even worse how he hates people who get “entitlements” like social security and Medicare?

Not so much in his own feedlot.

Come to find out, the man is triple-dipping the government retirement teat.

$48,807— is from the Judicial Retirement System of Texas. He served on the state Supreme Court from 1991 to 1997.

$10,132 in retirement benefits last year from the Employees Retirement System of Texas because he was Attorney General for three years.

$6,444 retirement distribution from the Texas County and District Retirement System because he was a district court judge for three years.

So, my math ain’t perfect but he gets about $65,000 a year retirement for 12 years of work.  That’s probably better than your average social security retiree.  Probably.

Plus, he makes about $200,000 as a Senator.

So, he’s just scraping by, whining about how everybody is taking money from the government.

The man has no shame.  Lots of leather jackets.  But no shame.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “John Cornyn and the Goverment Teat”

  1. Corinne Sabo says:

    He thinks he earned it. Doing what?

  2. Just another damn hypocrite. Like Rep. Fincher and LaMalfa who wants to cut food stamps to the bone but got millions in farm subsidies. They have no shame. Ready for a revolution.

  3. maryelle says:

    The Repugs who whine the loudest are usually pulling it in the back door and the people of Texas are footing the bill for these
    do-nothings. Unconscionable!

  4. I wonder how much his % withholding was for his 3 retirement plans? And those of us who pay into our Social Security receive an entitlement?

  5. I can tell you it is a heck of a lot better than your average public school teacher who generally has to work 25+ years just to be eligible to retire. For most teachers eligibility for pensions is determined by a complex formula involving years of service and their age. I’ve never seen a formula that required less than 25 years of service. What most folks don’t know is, that due to “The Offset Provision,” implemented under Reagan, most teachers do not qualify for Social Security even though they have contributed to the system. So unlike Corny-baby, they don’t get to double dip much less quadruple dip!

    No shame? That’s an understatement. Then again, would you want him teaching your kids?

  6. Cornyn’s hypocrisy is stunning. He’s made a career out of relying on the government to pay his bills, but he can’t refrain from bashing the government, talking about how much he “hates” it, and persuading those with un/underdeveloped critical thinking skills to buy into his BS. An article I read on his triple dipping on another site today states that he has been unavailable for comment. I’d be, too, if it had been revealed that I was one of the biggest critics of government but has relied on the government, in one form or another, for my income for 12 years, and counting, of my life.

  7. Has he ever gotten a check that didn’t come from the government in some way?

  8. Gosh, those patches on his jackets mean he ain’t poor? Gasp! And heavens to bitsy! He’s just playin’ at it? Like mamma would have said, that’s just plain common!

  9. austinhatlady says:

    I retired last November after 23 years, six months, and one week as a Texas state employee, and my pension income this years will total than just a bit over a third of his retirement after 12 years of government work. Even throwing in my SS plus the baby (and pet!) sitting income done pretty much for the fun of it won’t match his ill-gotten $66,000. State employee pensions, like that of teachers, are based on complicated formula involving age and years of service.

  10. There’s a term I’ve seen on the internet– IOKIYAR.

    It’s OK If You’re A Republican.

  11. Let us not forget Governor “Good Hair” who is receiving retirement funds while still getting a salary as Governor and a mansion that costs $10,000 a month. Them Rethugs are real bloodsuckers on the gubmint teat, now, aren’t they?

  12. Linksmasgrybas says:

    I am a retired teacher, no cost of living raise in the 10 years since I retired. I also paid into Social Security before I started teaching, paid in from my second job as a teacher, work now and still pay into Social Security (more than I get out in benefits). The Repugs think that if I get my SS benefits in full I have a windfall so they cut my benefits through the GPO and the WEP. He triple dips, I and thousands like me, can not even get our benefits that we paid for.

  13. MCPO Ret says:

    According to Open Secrets, individual retirees gave Cornyn over $1million during his last campaign.
    That’s a small part of the $18million that he spent on a shoe-in election, but…retirees!!!
    Turn Texas purple? I don’t think so.

  14. He makes more in retirement benefits than I do for my gross wages. Maybe I should run for Senator when I retire. That salary would at least get me out of debt and pay for my house, even if I don’t take the retirement money from that “job,” but just live on my retirement income from my (by then) 26 years working for the great State of Texas.

  15. W C Peterson says:

    I bet, if you were to ask him about the $65,000 per year retirement income, he would say that he is ENTITLED to it. Just like Romney talked about. Rich people actually believe they’re entitled to perks and benefits not available to the common folk.

  16. Is it wrong to wish upon him all the cutbacks, drug testing and transvaginal ultrasoundings that he wishes upon his constituents?

  17. Under most retirement systems you have to serve 10 years. That is true for Texas Teacher Retirment. He did not serve that long in any position.
    Also, keep in mind that the retirment pay of member of the Leg is tied to the pay for judges. The leg raised the judges pay and raised their and John’s retirement. What a deal.

  18. I don’t get it, they hate government, but they make their careers in government, could this be self hating?

  19. The entire Repub platform could be summed up as “Do as I say, not as I do.”

  20. innerlooper says:

    Overhead at private fundraiser whispered by Cornyn “My pet Name Is duke of Earl”.

  21. Marge Wood says:

    Lots of folks double dip but it don’t make it right. Ask your mama.

  22. They must have different laws for us and them, my husband a disabled viet nam vet has a government pension, and he paid social security all his life and earned a social security pension,
    they decided to take away 40% of his social security because he had a government pension (for which he paid into).

  23. feoliocifoico says:

    Hell that is not the half of it. Senators, congressmen/women get insider information and make millions for them it is not against the law–you have insider trade information you go to jail.
