Joe, Joe, Whatcha Know

August 28, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Our customer Kellybee has taken to calling Republican congressmen “Congresscretins.”

And, after this, you will, too.

Deadbeat Dad

Republican Tea Party congresscretin Joe Walsh, who said that Barack Obama “bankrupted this county in three short year,” not only has a short memory and wicked tongue, but he also has himself some legal troubles now.

The Chicago Sun Times says he’s $117,000 in arrears with child support.

Now here you’ve got you a guy who said about Washington, “I won’t place one more dollar of debt upon the backs of my kids and grandkids unless we structurally reform the way this town spends money!”  At the very same moment he’s putting his own kids $117,000 in debt.

Yep.  Cretin.

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