Signing the Pledge

August 28, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Governor Rick Perry signed the so-called Susan B Anthony pledge.

The SBA List pledge includes four points: a vow to only nominate strict constructionist judges, to “select only pro-life appointees for relevant Cabinet and Executive Branch positions,” to push for defunding Planned Parenthood and other taxpayer-supported abortion providers and to sign a Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

I know the semi-obvious question is:  why defund Planned Parenthood when  they are in the birth control business.  If you don’t want so many abortions, doesn’t the neuron in your brain synapse that preventing unwanted pregnancies might help?  Did these people eat something that degraded that synapse in their brain?

Second, I ain’t happy with anybody who takes a pledge.  Does the pledge override the oath of office?

Third off, have you noticed how the wingers have quit calling it “activist” judges?  Did you notice that?  Yeah, because now they want activist judges.  It’s now “strict constructionist” judges.  I guess that means that they loved Justice Hugo Black because that’s how he described himself.  Oh, get a grip!  Wingers have no idea what these words mean.  They just don’t want a black President. But, saying that sounds bad.

So when they use words like “founding fathers,” “originalism,” or “constructionist,” those are code words for “For God’s Sake!  George Washington did not mean black people!”

And when you get right down to it, I don’t think the above pledge is strong enough.  I think Perry ought to also pledge not to sit next to a pro choice person because God only knows what cooties might rub off.  And he pledges not to eat food prepared by a pro choice person because who knows what  they are putting in his food.  And that he pledges not to let pro choice people actually look into his eyes because they can cast spells.  And that if he ever even thinks about pro choice – to the stockades for him!  Now, that there’s a pledge.

Thanks to David and Tootie for the heads-up.

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